
132 lines
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// RootDebug.swift
// secant
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 02.03.2023.
import Combine
import ComposableArchitecture
import Foundation
import ZcashLightClientKit
import Generated
import Models
/// In this file is a collection of helpers that control all state and action related operations
/// for the `RootReducer` with a connection to the UI navigation.
extension RootReducer {
public struct DebugState: Equatable {
public var rescanDialog: ConfirmationDialogState<RootReducer.Action>?
public indirect enum DebugAction: Equatable {
case cancelRescan
case cantStartSync(ZcashError)
case flagUpdated
case fullRescan
case quickRescan
case rateTheApp
case rescanBlockchain
case rewindDone(ZcashError?, RootReducer.Action)
case testCrashReporter // this will crash the app if live.
case updateFlag(FeatureFlag, Bool)
case walletConfigLoaded(WalletConfig)
// swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
public func debugReduce() -> Reduce<RootReducer.State, RootReducer.Action> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .debug(.testCrashReporter):
// TODO: [#747] crashReporter needs a bit of extra work, see
return .none
case .debug(.rescanBlockchain):
state.debugState.rescanDialog = .init(
title: TextState(L10n.Root.Debug.Dialog.Rescan.title),
message: TextState(L10n.Root.Debug.Dialog.Rescan.message),
buttons: [
.default(TextState(L10n.Root.Debug.Dialog.Rescan.Option.quick), action: .send(.debug(.quickRescan))),
.default(TextState(L10n.Root.Debug.Dialog.Rescan.Option.full), action: .send(.debug(.fullRescan))),
return .none
case .debug(.cancelRescan):
state.debugState.rescanDialog = nil
return .none
case .debug(.quickRescan):
state.destinationState.destination = .home
return rewind(policy: .quick, sourceAction: .quickRescan)
case .debug(.fullRescan):
state.destinationState.destination = .home
return rewind(policy: .birthday, sourceAction: .fullRescan)
case let .debug(.rewindDone(error, _)):
if let error {
state.alert = AlertState.rewindFailed(error.toZcashError())
return .none
} else {
return .run { send in
do {
try await sdkSynchronizer.start(false)
} catch {
await send(.debug(.cantStartSync(error.toZcashError())))
case let .debug(.updateFlag(flag, isEnabled)):
return walletConfigProvider.update(flag, !isEnabled)
.receive(on: mainQueue)
.map { _ in return Action.debug(.flagUpdated) }
.cancellable(id: WalletConfigCancelId.timer, cancelInFlight: true)
case .debug(.flagUpdated):
return walletConfigProvider.load()
.receive(on: mainQueue)
.map { Action.debug(.walletConfigLoaded($0)) }
.cancellable(id: WalletConfigCancelId.timer, cancelInFlight: true)
case let .debug(.walletConfigLoaded(walletConfig)):
return EffectTask(value: .updateStateAfterConfigUpdate(walletConfig))
case .debug(.cantStartSync(let error)):
state.alert = AlertState.cantStartSync(error)
return .none
case .debug(.rateTheApp):
return .none
default: return .none
private func rewind(policy: RewindPolicy, sourceAction: DebugAction) -> EffectPublisher<RootReducer.Action, Never> {
return sdkSynchronizer.rewind(policy)
.replaceEmpty(with: Void())
.map { _ in return RootReducer.Action.debug(.rewindDone(nil, .debug(sourceAction))) }
.catch { error in
return Just(RootReducer.Action.debug(.rewindDone(error.toZcashError(), .debug(sourceAction)))).eraseToAnyPublisher()
.receive(on: mainQueue)
.cancellable(id: SynchronizerCancelId.timer, cancelInFlight: true)
// MARK: Placeholders
extension RootReducer.DebugState {
public static var placeholder: Self {