
168 lines
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// DeeplinkTests.swift
// secantTests
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 16.06.2022.
import Combine
import XCTest
import ComposableArchitecture
import ZcashLightClientKit
import Deeplink
import SDKSynchronizer
import Root
@testable import secant_testnet
class DeeplinkTests: XCTestCase {
func testActionDeeplinkHome_SameDestinationLevel() throws {
var appState = RootReducer.State.placeholder
appState.destinationState.destination = .welcome
let store = TestStore(
initialState: appState,
reducer: RootReducer(tokenName: "ZEC", zcashNetwork: .testnet))
store.send(.destination(.deeplinkHome)) { state in
state.destinationState.destination = .home
func testActionDeeplinkHome_GeetingBack() throws {
var appState = RootReducer.State.placeholder
appState.destinationState.destination = .home
appState.homeState.destination = .send
let store = TestStore(
initialState: appState,
reducer: RootReducer(tokenName: "ZEC", zcashNetwork: .testnet))
store.send(.destination(.deeplinkHome)) { state in
state.destinationState.destination = .home
state.homeState.destination = nil
func testActionDeeplinkSend() throws {
var appState = RootReducer.State.placeholder
appState.destinationState.destination = .welcome
let store = TestStore(
initialState: appState,
reducer: RootReducer(tokenName: "ZEC", zcashNetwork: .testnet))
let amount = Zatoshi(123_000_000)
let address = "address"
let memo = "testing some memo"
store.send(.destination(.deeplinkSend(amount, address, memo))) { state in
state.destinationState.destination = .home
state.homeState.destination = .send
state.homeState.sendState.amount = amount
state.homeState.sendState.address = address
state.homeState.sendState.memoState.text = memo.redacted
func testHomeURLParsing() throws {
guard let url = URL(string: "zcash:///home") else {
return XCTFail("Deeplink: 'testDeeplinkRequest_homeURL' URL is expected to be valid.")
let result = try Deeplink().resolveDeeplinkURL(url, networkType: .testnet, isValidZcashAddress: { _, _ in false })
XCTAssertEqual(result, Deeplink.Destination.home)
func testDeeplinkRequest_Received_Home() async throws {
var appState = RootReducer.State.placeholder
appState.destinationState.destination = .welcome
appState.appInitializationState = .initialized
let store = TestStore(
initialState: appState,
reducer: RootReducer(tokenName: "ZEC", zcashNetwork: .testnet))
store.dependencies.deeplink = DeeplinkClient(
resolveDeeplinkURL: { _, _, _ in Deeplink.Destination.home }
store.dependencies.sdkSynchronizer = SDKSynchronizerClient.mocked(
latestState: {
var state =
state.syncStatus = .upToDate
return state
store.dependencies.walletConfigProvider = .noOp
guard let url = URL(string: "zcash:///home") else {
return XCTFail("Deeplink: 'testDeeplinkRequest_homeURL' URL is expected to be valid.")
await store.send(.destination(.deeplink(url)))
await store.receive(.destination(.deeplinkHome)) { state in
state.destinationState.destination = .home
await store.finish()
func testsendURLParsing() throws {
guard let url = URL(string: "zcash:///home/send?address=address&memo=some%20text&amount=123000000") else {
return XCTFail("Deeplink: 'testDeeplinkRequest_sendURL_amount' URL is expected to be valid.")
let result = try Deeplink().resolveDeeplinkURL(url, networkType: .testnet, isValidZcashAddress: { _, _ in false })
XCTAssertEqual(result, Deeplink.Destination.send(amount: 123_000_000, address: "address", memo: "some text"))
func testDeeplinkRequest_Received_Send() async throws {
var appState = RootReducer.State.placeholder
appState.destinationState.destination = .welcome
appState.appInitializationState = .initialized
let store = TestStore(
initialState: appState,
reducer: RootReducer(tokenName: "ZEC", zcashNetwork: .testnet))
store.dependencies.deeplink = DeeplinkClient(
resolveDeeplinkURL: { _, _, _ in Deeplink.Destination.send(amount: 123_000_000, address: "address", memo: "some text") }
store.dependencies.sdkSynchronizer = SDKSynchronizerClient.mocked(
latestState: {
var state =
state.syncStatus = .upToDate
return state
guard let url = URL(string: "zcash:///home/send?address=address&memo=some%20text&amount=123000000") else {
return XCTFail("Deeplink: 'testDeeplinkRequest_sendURL_amount' URL is expected to be valid.")
await store.send(.destination(.deeplink(url)))
let amount = Zatoshi(123_000_000)
let address = "address"
let memo = "some text"
await store.receive(.destination(.deeplinkSend(amount, address, memo))) { state in
state.destinationState.destination = .home
state.homeState.destination = .send
state.homeState.sendState.amount = amount
state.homeState.sendState.address = address
state.homeState.sendState.memoState.text = memo.redacted
await store.finish()