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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.util
import androidx.test.platform.app.InstrumentationRegistry
import cash.z.ecc.android.bip39.Mnemonics
import cash.z.ecc.android.bip39.toSeed
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Initializer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.SdkSynchronizer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.db.entity.isPending
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.ext.Twig
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.ext.twig
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.service.LightWalletGrpcService
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.tool.DerivationTool
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.WalletBalance
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.ZcashNetwork
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.catch
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onCompletion
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.takeWhile
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.newFixedThreadPoolContext
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
* A simple wallet that connects to testnet for integration testing. The intention is that it is
* easy to drive and nice to use.
class TestWallet(
seedPhrase: String,
alias: String = "TestWallet",
network: ZcashNetwork = ZcashNetwork.Testnet,
host: String? = null,
startHeight: Int? = null
) {
backup: Backups,
network: ZcashNetwork = ZcashNetwork.Testnet,
alias: String = "TestWallet"
) : this(
network = network,
startHeight = backup.testnetBirthday,
alias = alias
val hostToUse = host ?: network.defaultHost
val walletScope = CoroutineScope(
SupervisorJob() + newFixedThreadPoolContext(3, this.javaClass.simpleName)
private val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().context
private val seed: ByteArray = Mnemonics.MnemonicCode(seedPhrase).toSeed()
private val shieldedSpendingKey = DerivationTool.deriveSpendingKeys(seed, network = network)[0]
private val transparentSecretKey = DerivationTool.deriveTransparentSecretKey(seed, network = network)
val initializer = Initializer(context) { config ->
config.importWallet(seed, startHeight, network, hostToUse, alias = alias)
val synchronizer: SdkSynchronizer = Synchronizer(initializer) as SdkSynchronizer
val service = (synchronizer.processor.downloader.lightWalletService as LightWalletGrpcService)
val available get() = synchronizer.latestBalance.availableZatoshi
val shieldedAddress = DerivationTool.deriveShieldedAddress(seed, network = network)
val transparentAddress = DerivationTool.deriveTransparentAddress(seed, network = network)
val birthdayHeight get() = synchronizer.latestBirthdayHeight
val networkName get() = synchronizer.network.networkName
val connectionInfo get() = service.connectionInfo.toString()
suspend fun transparentBalance(): WalletBalance {
synchronizer.refreshUtxos(transparentAddress, synchronizer.latestBirthdayHeight)
return synchronizer.getTransparentBalance(transparentAddress)
suspend fun sync(timeout: Long = -1): TestWallet {
val killSwitch = walletScope.launch {
if (timeout > 0) {
throw TimeoutException("Failed to sync wallet within ${timeout}ms")
if (!synchronizer.isStarted) {
twig("Starting sync")
} else {
twig("Awaiting next SYNCED status")
// block until synced
synchronizer.status.first { it == Synchronizer.Status.SYNCED }
return this
suspend fun send(address: String = transparentAddress, memo: String = "", amount: Long = 500L): TestWallet {
synchronizer.sendToAddress(shieldedSpendingKey, amount, address, memo)
.takeWhile { it.isPending() }
.collect {
twig("Updated transaction: $it")
return this
suspend fun rewindToHeight(height: Int): TestWallet {
synchronizer.rewindToHeight(height, false)
return this
suspend fun shieldFunds(): TestWallet {
twig("checking $transparentAddress for transactions!")
synchronizer.refreshUtxos(transparentAddress, 935000).let { count ->
twig("FOUND $count new UTXOs")
synchronizer.getTransparentBalance(transparentAddress).let { walletBalance ->
twig("FOUND utxo balance of total: ${walletBalance.totalZatoshi} available: ${walletBalance.availableZatoshi}")
if (walletBalance.availableZatoshi > 0L) {
synchronizer.shieldFunds(shieldedSpendingKey, transparentSecretKey)
.onCompletion { twig("done shielding funds") }
.catch { twig("Failed with $it") }
return this
suspend fun join(timeout: Long? = null): TestWallet {
// block until stopped
twig("Staying alive until synchronizer is stopped!")
if (timeout != null) {
twig("Scheduling a stop in ${timeout}ms")
walletScope.launch {
synchronizer.status.first { it == Synchronizer.Status.STOPPED }
return this
companion object {
init {
enum class Backups(val seedPhrase: String, val testnetBirthday: Int) {
DEFAULT("column rhythm acoustic gym cost fit keen maze fence seed mail medal shrimp tell relief clip cannon foster soldier shallow refuse lunar parrot banana", 1_355_928),
SAMPLE_WALLET("input frown warm senior anxiety abuse yard prefer churn reject people glimpse govern glory crumble swallow verb laptop switch trophy inform friend permit purpose", 1_330_190),
ALICE("quantum whisper lion route fury lunar pelican image job client hundred sauce chimney barely life cliff spirit admit weekend message recipe trumpet impact kitten", 1_330_190),
BOB("canvas wine sugar acquire garment spy tongue odor hole cage year habit bullet make label human unit option top calm neutral try vocal arena", 1_330_190),