
341 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import com.google.protobuf.gradle.generateProtoTasks
import com.google.protobuf.gradle.id
import com.google.protobuf.gradle.plugins
import com.google.protobuf.gradle.proto
import com.google.protobuf.gradle.protobuf
import com.google.protobuf.gradle.protoc
import java.util.Base64
plugins {
2022-01-26 04:27:04 -08:00
// Publishing information
val publicationVariant = "release"
val myVersion = project.property("LIBRARY_VERSION").toString()
val myArtifactId = "zcash-android-sdk"
val isSnapshot = project.property("IS_SNAPSHOT").toString().toBoolean()
2022-01-10 10:03:47 -08:00
val version = project.property("LIBRARY_VERSION").toString()
project.group = "cash.z.ecc.android"
2022-06-16 03:48:44 -07:00
publishing {
publications {
register<MavenPublication>("release") {
2022-06-16 03:48:44 -07:00
artifactId = myArtifactId
groupId = "cash.z.ecc.android"
version = if (isSnapshot) {
} else {
afterEvaluate {
pom {
name.set("Zcash Android Wallet SDK")
description.set("This lightweight SDK connects Android to Zcash, allowing third-party " +
"Android apps to send and receive shielded transactions easily, securely and privately.")
scm {
developers {
developer {
licenses {
license {
name.set("The MIT License")
repositories {
val mavenUrl = if (isSnapshot) {
} else {
val mavenPublishUsername = project.property("ZCASH_MAVEN_PUBLISH_USERNAME").toString()
val mavenPublishPassword = project.property("ZCASH_MAVEN_PUBLISH_PASSWORD").toString()
mavenLocal {
name = "MavenLocal"
maven(mavenUrl) {
name = "MavenCentral"
credentials {
username = mavenPublishUsername
password = mavenPublishPassword
signing {
// Maven Central requires signing for non-snapshots
isRequired = !isSnapshot
val signingKey = run {
val base64EncodedKey = project.property("ZCASH_ASCII_GPG_KEY").toString()
if (base64EncodedKey.isNotEmpty()) {
val keyBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64EncodedKey)
} else {
if (signingKey.isNotEmpty()) {
useInMemoryPgpKeys(signingKey, "")
android {
defaultConfig {
[#367] Fix Kotlin compiler warnings * Fix missing room schema export directory * Fix returned unused fields from cursor * Fix missing db column index * Improved TODO. Added suppress warning * Changed parameters name to correspond to their supertype * Changed type to Kotlin variant * Use priority parameter * Unified parameter names * Suppress unchecked type warning * Removed inline function * Suppress obsolete coroutine warnings * Improve previous commit * Fix unnecessary safe call warning * Remove unused parameter * Unreachable code * toLowerCase where possible * Changed parameter name * Suppress several "unused" warnings * Fixed fromHtml() deprecation * Suppress intentionally unused parameter warning * Remove redundant initializer * Remove inline function * Suppress intentionally used deprecated code * Unreachable code * Suppress obsolete coroutine warnings * Suppress intentionally unused parameter * Remove unused expression * Supertype parameter name * Warnings of GetBlockRangeFragment.kt * Deprecated onActivityCreated * Suppress obsolete coroutine/flow warnings * Unnecessary null check * Suppress intentionally unused parameter * Suppress intentionally unused parameters * Deprecated onActivityCreated * Predetermined type * ListUtxosFragment clean code * Suppress intentionally unused parameter * Lint checks warnings fix * Add data db migration * Enable treating Kotlin compiler warnings as errors * Solve several darkside-test-lib tests warnings * Solve several demo-app tests warnings * Solve several sdk-lib tests warnings * Ktlint check result fix * Remove parentheses now that Synchronizer is not cast * Remove wildcard imports for java.util * Revert "Add data db migration" * Revert "Fix missing db column index" * Suppress missing indexes on data db entities Co-authored-by: Carter Jernigan <git@carterjernigan.com>
2022-08-17 06:48:02 -07:00
ksp {
arg("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas")
buildTypes {
getByName("debug").apply {
// test builds exceed the dex limit because they pull in large test libraries
multiDexEnabled = true
isMinifyEnabled = false
getByName("release").apply {
multiDexEnabled = false
isMinifyEnabled = project.property("IS_MINIFY_SDK_ENABLED").toString().toBoolean()
sourceSets.getByName("main") {
proto { srcDir("src/main/proto") }
kotlinOptions {
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
// Tricky: fix: By default, the kotlin_module name will not include the version (in classes.jar/META-INF).
// Instead it has a colon, which breaks compilation on Windows. This is one way to set it explicitly to the
// proper value. See https://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/issues/222 for more info.
freeCompilerArgs += listOf("-module-name", "$myArtifactId-${myVersion}_release")
packagingOptions {
lint {
2022-01-26 04:27:04 -08:00
baseline = File("lint-baseline.xml")
2022-05-20 11:14:13 -07:00
publishing {
singleVariant(publicationVariant) {
2022-05-20 11:14:13 -07:00
allOpen {
// marker for classes that we want to be able to extend in debug builds for testing purposes
tasks.dokkaHtml.configure {
dokkaSourceSets {
configureEach {
displayName.set("Zcash Android SDK")
protobuf {
//generatedFilesBaseDir = "$projectDir/src/generated/source/grpc"
protoc { artifact = libs.protoc.get().asCoordinateString() }
plugins {
id("grpc") {
artifact = libs.grpc.protoc.get().asCoordinateString()
generateProtoTasks {
all().forEach { task ->
task.builtins {
id("java") {
task.plugins {
id("grpc") {
cargo {
module = "."
libname = "zcashwalletsdk"
targets = listOf(
apiLevels = mapOf(
"arm" to 16,
"arm64" to 21,
"x86" to 16,
"x86_64" to 21,
profile = "release"
prebuiltToolchains = true
dependencies {
// Architecture Components: Lifecycle
// Architecture Components: Room
// Kotlin
// grpc-java
// Locked Versions
// these should be checked regularly and removed when possible
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
// solves error: Duplicate class com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture found in modules
// jetified-guava-26.0-android.jar (com.google.guava:guava:26.0-android) and listenablefuture-1.0.jar
// (com.google.guava:listenablefuture:1.0) per this recommendation from Chris Povirk, given guava's decision to
// split ListenableFuture away from Guava: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/guava-discuss/GghaKwusjcY/bCIAKfzOEwAJ
// OKIO is a transitive dependency used when writing param files to disk. Like GSON, this can be
// replaced if needed. For compatibility, we match the library version used in grpc-okhttp:
// https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/blob/v1.37.x/build.gradle#L159
2022-05-05 07:43:56 -07:00
// Tests
// NOTE: androidTests will use JUnit4, while src/test/java tests will leverage Junit5
// Attempting to use JUnit5 via https://github.com/mannodermaus/android-junit5 was painful. The plugin configuration
// was buggy, crashing in several places. It also would require a separate test flavor because it's minimum API 26
// because "JUnit 5 uses Java 8-specific APIs that didn't exist on Android before the Oreo release."
[#367] Fix Kotlin compiler warnings * Fix missing room schema export directory * Fix returned unused fields from cursor * Fix missing db column index * Improved TODO. Added suppress warning * Changed parameters name to correspond to their supertype * Changed type to Kotlin variant * Use priority parameter * Unified parameter names * Suppress unchecked type warning * Removed inline function * Suppress obsolete coroutine warnings * Improve previous commit * Fix unnecessary safe call warning * Remove unused parameter * Unreachable code * toLowerCase where possible * Changed parameter name * Suppress several "unused" warnings * Fixed fromHtml() deprecation * Suppress intentionally unused parameter warning * Remove redundant initializer * Remove inline function * Suppress intentionally used deprecated code * Unreachable code * Suppress obsolete coroutine warnings * Suppress intentionally unused parameter * Remove unused expression * Supertype parameter name * Warnings of GetBlockRangeFragment.kt * Deprecated onActivityCreated * Suppress obsolete coroutine/flow warnings * Unnecessary null check * Suppress intentionally unused parameter * Suppress intentionally unused parameters * Deprecated onActivityCreated * Predetermined type * ListUtxosFragment clean code * Suppress intentionally unused parameter * Lint checks warnings fix * Add data db migration * Enable treating Kotlin compiler warnings as errors * Solve several darkside-test-lib tests warnings * Solve several demo-app tests warnings * Solve several sdk-lib tests warnings * Ktlint check result fix * Remove parentheses now that Synchronizer is not cast * Remove wildcard imports for java.util * Revert "Add data db migration" * Revert "Fix missing db column index" * Suppress missing indexes on data db entities Co-authored-by: Carter Jernigan <git@carterjernigan.com>
2022-08-17 06:48:02 -07:00
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
// used by 'ru.gildor.corutines.okhttp.await' (to make simple suspended requests) and breaks on versions higher
// than 3.8.0
// sample mnemonic plugin
tasks {
getByName("preBuild").dependsOn(create("bugfixTask") {
doFirst {
* The Mozilla Rust Gradle plugin caches the native build data under the "target" directory,
* which does not normally get deleted during a clean. The following task and dependency solves
* that.
getByName<Delete>("clean").dependsOn(create<Delete>("cleanRustBuildOutput") {
project.afterEvaluate {
val cargoTask = tasks.getByName("cargoBuild")
fun MinimalExternalModuleDependency.asCoordinateString() =