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Raw Normal View History

package cash.z.wallet.sdk.block
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.annotation.OpenForTesting
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.data.TransactionRepository
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.data.Twig
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.data.twig
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.exception.CompactBlockProcessorException
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.*
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.jni.RustBackend
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.jni.RustBackendWelding
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ConflatedBroadcastChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.io.File
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
* Responsible for processing the compact blocks that are received from the lightwallet server. This class encapsulates
* all the business logic required to validate and scan the blockchain and is therefore tightly coupled with
* librustzcash.
class CompactBlockProcessor(
internal val config: ProcessorConfig,
internal val downloader: CompactBlockDownloader,
private val repository: TransactionRepository,
private val rustBackend: RustBackendWelding = RustBackend()
) {
private val progressChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<Int>()
private var isStopped = false
private val consecutiveErrors = AtomicInteger(0)
fun progress(): ReceiveChannel<Int> = progressChannel.openSubscription()
* Download compact blocks, verify and scan them.
suspend fun start() = withContext(IO) {
twig("processor starting")
// using do/while makes it easier to execute exactly one loop which helps with testing this processor quickly
do {
retryUpTo(config.retries) {
val result = processNewBlocks()
// immediately process again after failures in order to download new blocks right away
if (result < 0) {
twig("Successfully processed new blocks. Sleeping for ${config.blockPollFrequencyMillis}ms")
} else {
if(consecutiveErrors.get() >= config.retries) {
val errorMessage = "ERROR: unable to resolve reorg at height $result after ${consecutiveErrors.get()} correction attempts!"
} else {
} while (isActive && !isStopped)
twig("processor complete")
* Validate the config to expose a common pitfall.
private fun validateConfig() {
throw CompactBlockProcessorException.FileInsteadOfPath(config.cacheDbPath)
throw CompactBlockProcessorException.FileInsteadOfPath(config.dataDbPath)
fun stop() {
isStopped = true
fun fail(error: Throwable) {
throw error
* Process new blocks returning false whenever an error was found.
* @return -1 when processing was successful and did not encounter errors during validation or scanning. Otherwise
* return the block height where an error was found.
private suspend fun processNewBlocks(): Int {
twig("beginning to process new blocks...")
// define ranges
val latestBlockHeight = downloader.getLatestBlockHeight()
val lastDownloadedHeight = Math.max(getLastDownloadedHeight(), SAPLING_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT - 1)
val lastScannedHeight = getLastScannedHeight()
twig("latestBlockHeight: $latestBlockHeight\tlastDownloadedHeight: $lastDownloadedHeight" +
"\tlastScannedHeight: $lastScannedHeight")
// as long as the database has the sapling tree (like when it's initialized from a checkpoint) we can avoid
// downloading earlier blocks so take the larger of these two numbers
val rangeToDownload = (Math.max(lastDownloadedHeight, lastScannedHeight) + 1)..latestBlockHeight
val rangeToScan = (lastScannedHeight + 1)..latestBlockHeight
val error = validateNewBlocks(rangeToScan)
return if (error < 0) {
-1 // TODO: in theory scan should not fail when validate succeeds but maybe consider returning the failed block height whenever scan does fail
} else {
@VisibleForTesting //allow mocks to verify how this is called, rather than the downloader, which is more complex
internal suspend fun downloadNewBlocks(range: IntRange) {
if (range.isEmpty()) {
twig("no blocks to download")
twig("downloading blocks in range $range")
var downloadedBlockHeight = range.start
val missingBlockCount = range.last - range.first + 1
val batches = (missingBlockCount / config.downloadBatchSize
+ (if (missingBlockCount.rem(config.downloadBatchSize) == 0) 0 else 1))
var progress: Int
twig("found $missingBlockCount missing blocks, downloading in $batches batches of ${config.downloadBatchSize}...")
for (i in 1..batches) {
retryUpTo(config.retries) {
val end = Math.min(range.first + (i * config.downloadBatchSize), range.last + 1)
val batchRange = downloadedBlockHeight..(end - 1)
twig("downloaded $batchRange (batch $i of $batches)") {
progress = Math.round(i / batches.toFloat() * 100)
downloadedBlockHeight = end
private fun validateNewBlocks(range: IntRange?): Int {
if (range?.isEmpty() != false) {
twig("no blocks to validate: $range")
return -1
twig("validating blocks in range $range")
val result = rustBackend.validateCombinedChain(config.cacheDbPath, config.dataDbPath)
return result
private fun scanNewBlocks(range: IntRange?): Boolean {
if (range?.isEmpty() != false) {
twig("no blocks to scan")
return true
twig("scanning blocks in range $range")
val result = rustBackend.scanBlocks(config.cacheDbPath, config.dataDbPath)
return result
private suspend fun handleChainError(errorHeight: Int) = withContext(IO) {
val lowerBound = determineLowerBound(errorHeight)
twig("handling chain error at $errorHeight by rewinding to block $lowerBound")
rustBackend.rewindToHeight(config.dataDbPath, lowerBound)
private fun determineLowerBound(errorHeight: Int): Int {
val offset = Math.min(MAX_REORG_SIZE, config.rewindDistance * (consecutiveErrors.get() + 1))
return Math.max(errorHeight - offset, SAPLING_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT)
suspend fun getLastDownloadedHeight() = withContext(IO) {
suspend fun getLastScannedHeight() = withContext(IO) {
* @property cacheDbPath absolute file path of the DB where raw, unprocessed compact blocks are stored.
* @property dataDbPath absolute file path of the DB where all information derived from the cache DB is stored.
data class ProcessorConfig(
val cacheDbPath: String = "",
val dataDbPath: String = "",
val downloadBatchSize: Int = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE,
val blockPollFrequencyMillis: Long = DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL,
val retries: Int = DEFAULT_RETRIES,
val rewindDistance: Int = DEFAULT_REWIND_DISTANCE