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2019-10-23 22:21:52 -07:00
package cash.z.wallet.sdk
import android.content.Context
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
import androidx.paging.PagedList
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.Synchronizer.Status.*
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockDbStore
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockDownloader
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockProcessor
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockProcessor.State.*
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockProcessor.WalletBalance
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockStore
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.entity.*
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.exception.SynchronizerException
2019-10-23 22:21:52 -07:00
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.twig
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.twigTask
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.jni.RustBackend
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.service.LightWalletGrpcService
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.service.LightWalletService
2019-10-23 22:21:52 -07:00
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.transaction.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ConflatedBroadcastChannel
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* A Synchronizer that attempts to remain operational, despite any number of errors that can occur.
* It acts as the glue that ties all the pieces of the SDK together. Each component of the SDK is
* designed for the potential of stand-alone usage but coordinating all the interactions is non-
* trivial. So the Synchronizer facilitates this, acting as reference that demonstrates how all the
* pieces can be tied together. Its goal is to allow a developer to focus on their app rather than
* the nuances of how Zcash works.
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* @param ledger exposes flows of wallet transaction information.
* @param manager manages and tracks outbound transactions.
* @param processor saves the downloaded compact blocks to the cache and then scans those blocks for
* data related to this wallet.
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
class SdkSynchronizer internal constructor(
val ledger: TransactionRepository,
private val manager: OutboundTransactionManager,
private val processor: CompactBlockProcessor
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
) : Synchronizer {
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
private val balanceChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<WalletBalance>()
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* The lifespan of this Synchronizer. This scope is initialized once the Synchronizer starts
* because it will be a child of the parentScope that gets passed into the [start] function.
* Everything launched by this Synchronizer will be cancelled once the Synchronizer or its
* parentScope stops. This is a lateinit rather than nullable property so that it fails early
* rather than silently, whenever the scope is used before the Synchronizer has been started.
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
lateinit var coroutineScope: CoroutineScope
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
// Transactions
// TODO: implement this stuff
override val balances: Flow<WalletBalance> = balanceChannel.asFlow()
override val allTransactions: Flow<PagedList<Transaction>> = flow{}
override val pendingTransactions: Flow<PagedList<PendingTransaction>> = flow{}
override val clearedTransactions: Flow<PagedList<ConfirmedTransaction>> = flow{}
override val sentTransactions: Flow<PagedList<ConfirmedTransaction>> = ledger.sentTransactions
override val receivedTransactions: Flow<PagedList<ConfirmedTransaction>> = ledger.receivedTransactions
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
// Status
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
* Indicates the status of this Synchronizer. This implementation basically simplifies the
* status of the processor to focus only on the high level states that matter most.
override val status = processor.state.map {
when (it) {
is Synced -> SYNCED
is Stopped -> STOPPED
is Disconnected -> DISCONNECTED
else -> SYNCING
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* Indicates the download progress of the Synchronizer. When progress reaches 100, that
* signals that the Synchronizer is in sync with the network. Balances should be considered
* inaccurate and outbound transactions should be prevented until this sync is complete.
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
override val progress: Flow<Int> = processor.progress
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
// Error Handling
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* A callback to invoke whenever an uncaught error is encountered. By definition, the return
* value of the function is ignored because this error is unrecoverable. The only reason the
* function has a return value is so that all error handlers work with the same signature which
* allows one function to handle all errors in simple apps. This callback is not called on the
* main thread so any UI work would need to switch context to the main thread.
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
override var onCriticalErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* A callback to invoke whenever a processor error is encountered. Returning true signals that
* the error was handled and a retry attempt should be made, if possible. This callback is not
* called on the main thread so any UI work would need to switch context to the main thread.
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
override var onProcessorErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* A callback to invoke whenever a server error is encountered while submitting a transaction to
* lightwalletd. Returning true signals that the error was handled and a retry attempt should be
* made, if possible. This callback is not called on the main thread so any UI work would need
* to switch context to the main thread.
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
override var onSubmissionErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
// Public API
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* Starts this synchronizer within the given scope. For simplicity, attempting to start an
* instance that has already been started will throw a [SynchronizerException.FalseStart]
* exception. This reduces the complexity of managing resources that must be recycled. Instead,
* each synchronizer is designed to have a long lifespan and should be started from an activity,
* application or session.
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* @param parentScope the scope to use for this synchronizer, typically something with a
* lifecycle such as an Activity for single-activity apps or a logged in user session. This
* scope is only used for launching this synchronzer's job as a child.
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
override fun start(parentScope: CoroutineScope): Synchronizer {
if (::coroutineScope.isInitialized) throw SynchronizerException.FalseStart
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
// base this scope on the parent so that when the parent's job cancels, everything here cancels as well
// also use a supervisor job so that one failure doesn't bring down the whole synchronizer
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
coroutineScope =
CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob(parentScope.coroutineContext[Job]!!) + Dispatchers.Main)
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
return this
2019-07-12 01:47:17 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* Stop this synchronizer and all of its child jobs. Once a synchronizer has been stopped it
* should not be restarted and attempting to do so will result in an error. Also, this function
* will throw an exception if the synchronizer was never previously started.
override fun stop() {
coroutineScope.launch {
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
// Private API
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
private fun refreshTransactions() {
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
private suspend fun refreshBalance() {
private fun CoroutineScope.onReady() = launch(CoroutineExceptionHandler(::onCriticalError)) {
twig("Synchronizer Ready. Starting processor!")
processor.onErrorListener = ::onProcessorError
status.filter { it == SYNCED }.onEach {
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
// Keep an eye on this section because there is a potential for concurrent DB
// modification. A change in transactions means a change in balance. Calculating the
// balance requires touching transactions. If both are done in separate threads, the
// database can have issues. On Android, would manifest as a false positive for a
// "malformed database" exception when the database is not actually corrupt but rather
// locked (i.e. it's a bad error message).
// The balance refresh is done first because it is coroutine-based and will fully
// complete by the time the function returns.
// Ultimately, refreshing the transactions just invalidates views of data that
// already exists and it completes on another thread so it should come after the
// balance refresh is complete.
twigTask("Triggering an automatic balance refresh since the processor is synced!") {
twigTask("Triggering an automatic transaction refresh since the processor is synced!") {
twig("Synchronizer onReady complete. Processor start has exited!")
private fun onCriticalError(unused: CoroutineContext, error: Throwable) {
twig("******** ERROR: $error")
if (error.cause != null) twig("******** caused by ${error.cause}")
if (error.cause?.cause != null) twig("******** caused by ${error.cause?.cause}")
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
private fun onFailedSend(error: Throwable): Boolean {
twig("ERROR while submitting transaction: $error")
return onSubmissionErrorHandler?.invoke(error)?.also {
if (it) twig("submission error handler signaled that we should try again!")
} == true
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
private fun onProcessorError(error: Throwable): Boolean {
twig("ERROR while processing data: $error")
if (onProcessorErrorHandler == null) {
2019-10-23 22:21:52 -07:00
"WARNING: falling back to the default behavior for processor errors. To add" +
" custom behavior, set synchronizer.onProcessorErrorHandler to" +
" a non-null value"
return true
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
return onProcessorErrorHandler?.invoke(error)?.also {
2019-10-23 22:21:52 -07:00
"processor error handler signaled that we should " +
"${if (it) "try again" else "abort"}!"
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
} == true
// Send / Receive
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
override suspend fun cancelSpend(transaction: PendingTransaction) = manager.cancel(transaction)
2019-07-14 15:13:12 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
override suspend fun getAddress(accountId: Int): String = processor.getAddress(accountId)
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
override fun sendToAddress(
spendingKey: String,
zatoshi: Long,
toAddress: String,
memo: String,
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
fromAccountIndex: Int
): Flow<PendingTransaction> {
twig("beginning sendToAddress")
return manager.initSpend(zatoshi, toAddress, memo, fromAccountIndex).flatMapConcat {
manager.encode(spendingKey, it)
}.flatMapConcat {
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
2019-11-01 13:25:28 -07:00
* Constructor function for building a Synchronizer in the most flexible way possible. This allows
* a wallet maker to customize any subcomponent of the Synchronzier.
fun Synchronizer(
appContext: Context,
lightwalletdHost: String,
rustBackend: RustBackend,
ledger: TransactionRepository = PagedTransactionRepository(appContext, 10, rustBackend.dbDataPath),
blockStore: CompactBlockStore = CompactBlockDbStore(appContext, rustBackend.dbCachePath),
service: LightWalletService = LightWalletGrpcService(appContext, lightwalletdHost),
encoder: TransactionEncoder = WalletTransactionEncoder(rustBackend, ledger),
downloader: CompactBlockDownloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service, blockStore),
manager: OutboundTransactionManager = PersistentTransactionManager(appContext, encoder, service),
processor: CompactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(downloader, ledger, rustBackend, rustBackend.birthdayHeight)
): Synchronizer {
// ties everything together
return SdkSynchronizer(