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package cash.z.wallet.sdk.data
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.data.Synchronizer.SyncState.*
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.exception.SynchronizerException
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactFormats
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.secure.Wallet
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ConflatedBroadcastChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
* The glue. Downloads compact blocks to the database and then scans them for transactions. In order to serve that
* purpose, this class glues together a variety of key components. Each component contributes to the team effort of
* providing a simple source of truth to interact with.
* Another way of thinking about this class is the reference that demonstrates how all the pieces can be tied
* together.
class Synchronizer(
val downloader: CompactBlockStream,
val processor: CompactBlockProcessor,
val repository: TransactionRepository,
val activeTransactionManager: ActiveTransactionManager,
val wallet: Wallet,
val batchSize: Int = 1000,
logger: Twig = SilentTwig()
) : Twig by logger {
// private val downloader = CompactBlockDownloader("", 9067)
private val savedBlockChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<CompactFormats.CompactBlock>()
private lateinit var blockJob: Job
private val wasPreviouslyStarted
get() = savedBlockChannel.isClosedForSend || ::blockJob.isInitialized
// Public API
fun activeTransactions() = activeTransactionManager.subscribe()
fun start(parentScope: CoroutineScope): Synchronizer {
// prevent restarts so the behavior of this class is easier to reason about
if (wasPreviouslyStarted) throw SynchronizerException.FalseStart
blockJob = parentScope.launch {
return this
fun stop() {
suspend fun isOutOfSync(): Boolean = withContext(IO) {
val latestBlockHeight = downloader.connection.getLatestBlockHeight()
val ourHeight = processor.cacheDao.latestBlockHeight()
val tolerance = 10
val delta = latestBlockHeight - ourHeight
twig("checking whether out of sync. LatestHeight: $latestBlockHeight ourHeight: $ourHeight Delta: $delta tolerance: $tolerance")
delta > tolerance
suspend fun isFirstRun(): Boolean = withContext(IO) {
// maybe just toggle a flag somewhere rather than inferring based on db status
!processor.dataDbExists && (!processor.cachDbExists || processor.cacheDao.count() == 0)
suspend fun sendToAddress(zatoshi: Long, toAddress: String) =
activeTransactionManager.sendToAddress(zatoshi, toAddress)
fun cancelSend(transaction: ActiveSendTransaction): Boolean = activeTransactionManager.cancel(transaction)
// Private API
private fun CoroutineScope.continueWithState(syncState: SyncState): Job {
return when (syncState) {
FirstRun -> onFirstRun()
is CacheOnly -> onCacheOnly(syncState)
is ReadyToProcess -> onReady(syncState)
private fun CoroutineScope.onFirstRun(): Job {
twig("this appears to be a fresh install, beginning first run of application")
val firstRunStartHeight = wallet.initialize() // should get the latest sapling tree and return that height
twig("wallet firstRun returned a value of $firstRunStartHeight")
return continueWithState(ReadyToProcess(firstRunStartHeight))
private fun CoroutineScope.onCacheOnly(syncState: CacheOnly): Job {
twig("we have cached blocks but no data DB, beginning pre-cached version of application")
val firstRunStartHeight = wallet.initialize(syncState.startingBlockHeight)
twig("wallet has already cached up to a height of $firstRunStartHeight")
return continueWithState(ReadyToProcess(firstRunStartHeight))
private fun CoroutineScope.onReady(syncState: ReadyToProcess) = launch {
twig("synchronization is ready to begin at height ${syncState.startingBlockHeight}")
try {
// TODO: for PIR concerns, introduce some jitter here for where, exactly, the downloader starts
val blockChannel =
downloader.start(this, syncState.startingBlockHeight, batchSize)
launch { monitorProgress(downloader.progress()) }
} finally {
private suspend fun monitorProgress(progressChannel: ReceiveChannel<Int>) = withContext(IO) {
twig("beginning to monitor download progress")
for (i in progressChannel) {
if(i >= 100) {
twig("triggering a proactive scan in a second because all missing blocks have been loaded")
launch {
twig("triggering proactive scan!")
twig("done triggering proactive scan!")
twig("done monitoring download progress")
//TODO: add state for never scanned . . . where we have some cache but no entries in the data db
private suspend fun determineState(): SyncState = withContext(IO) {
twig("determining state (has the app run before, what block did we last see, etc.)")
val state = if (processor.dataDbExists) {
// this call blocks because it does IO
val startingBlockHeight = processor.lastProcessedBlock()
twig("cacheDb exists with last height of $startingBlockHeight")
if (startingBlockHeight <= 0) FirstRun else ReadyToProcess(startingBlockHeight)
} else if(processor.cachDbExists) {
// this call blocks because it does IO
val startingBlockHeight = processor.lastProcessedBlock()
twig("cacheDb exists with last height of $startingBlockHeight")
if (startingBlockHeight <= 0) FirstRun else CacheOnly(startingBlockHeight)
} else {
twig("determined ${state::class.java.simpleName}")
sealed class SyncState {
object FirstRun : SyncState()
class CacheOnly(val startingBlockHeight: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE) : SyncState()
class ReadyToProcess(val startingBlockHeight: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE) : SyncState()