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2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
@if "%DEBUG%" == "" @echo off
@rem Set local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" setlocal
set DIRNAME=%~dp0
if "%DIRNAME%" == "" set DIRNAME=.
@rem put this somewhere that's often ignored by git
set output_dir=%DIRNAME%\out\ndk\standalone
call :generate_standalone_ndk
call :generate_config
echo Done
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
@rem check for NDK standalone
if exist "%output_dir%" echo Standalone NDK files found! && exit /b 0
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%F in (`dir "*make_standalone_toolchain.py" /s /b`) do (
set standalone_script=%%F
@rem Try to find and print some info about the NDK based on the location of the toolchain script
if exist "%standalone_script%" goto standaloneScriptFound
echo NDK not found. Please make sure that ANDROID_HOME is set and the NDK has been installed there
exit /b 1
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
echo Standalone NDK files appear to be missing.
echo Attempting to install them...
for %%F in (%standalone_script%) do set tools_dir=%%~dpF
set tools_dir=%tools_dir:~0,-1%
for %%F in (%tools_dir%) do set build_dir=%%~dpF
set build_dir=%build_dir:~0,-1%
for %%F in (%build_dir%) do set ndk_dir=%%~dpF
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%F in (`findstr "[0-9.]{5,}" %ndk_dir%\source.properties`) do (
set ndk_version=%%F
echo NDK version %ndk_version% found at %ndk_dir%
echo Installing the standalone NDK for "x86|arm|arm64" into %output_dir%
mkdir %output_dir%
"%standalone_script%" --arch x86 --api 16 --install-dir "%output_dir%\x86"
"%standalone_script%" --arch arm --api 16 --install-dir "%output_dir%\arm"
"%standalone_script%" --arch arm64 --api 21 --install-dir "%output_dir%\arm64"
@rem end of generate_standalone_ndk
exit /b 0
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
@rem check for our generated cargo file
set cargo_dir=%DIRNAME%\.cargo
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
set generated_cargo_config=%cargo_dir%\config
set generated_cargo_config_hash=%cargo_dir%\.config-windows.hash
set generated_cargo_config_hash_tmp=%cargo_dir%\.config-windows.hash.tmp
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
if exist "%generated_cargo_config%" goto configExists
goto notFound
if exist "%generated_cargo_config_hash%" goto checkConfig
goto notFound
echo Cargo config found!
certutil -hashfile %generated_cargo_config% > %generated_cargo_config_hash_tmp%
comp %generated_cargo_config_hash% %generated_cargo_config_hash_tmp% /m
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 exit /b 0
echo but it does not appear to be correct! Regenerating it.
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
set backup_config=%cargo_dir%\config.backup
echo First, backing it up from %generated_cargo_config% to %backup_config%
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
copy %generated_cargo_config% %backup_config%
goto generate
echo Cargo config not found!
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
echo Generating cargo config at %generated_cargo_config%
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
mkdir %cargo_dir% 2>NUL
@rem Cargo needs forward slashes
set output_dir=%output_dir:\=/%
echo #auto-generated by build-ndk-standalone.bat. Modifications may get replaced.
echo [build]
echo target-dir = "build/rust/target"
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
echo [target.i686-linux-android]
echo ar = "%output_dir%/x86/bin/i686-linux-android-ar.exe"
echo linker = "%output_dir%/x86/bin/i686-linux-android-clang.cmd"
echo [target.armv7-linux-androideabi]
echo ar = "%output_dir%/arm/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ar.exe"
echo linker = "%output_dir%/arm/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-clang.cmd"
echo [target.aarch64-linux-android]
echo ar = "%output_dir%/arm64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-ar.exe"
echo linker = "%output_dir%/arm64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-clang.cmd"
) > %generated_cargo_config%
certutil -hashfile %generated_cargo_config% > %generated_cargo_config_hash%
2018-11-21 05:41:07 -08:00
@rem end of generate_config
exit /b 0