New: Only refresh subscribers when a new block is detected.

For sanity, we also trigger a refresh if it has been an abnormal amount of time since a block was mined.
This commit is contained in:
Kevin Gorham 2021-03-31 08:35:09 -04:00
parent b5fc8bc8a2
commit a4d2f373da
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: CCA55602DF49FC38
1 changed files with 27 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -327,13 +327,16 @@ class SdkSynchronizer internal constructor(
private fun CoroutineScope.onReady() = launch(CoroutineExceptionHandler(::onCriticalError)) {
twig("Synchronizer (${this@SdkSynchronizer}) Ready. Starting processor!")
var lastScanTime = 0L
processor.onProcessorErrorListener = ::onProcessorError
processor.onChainErrorListener = ::onChainError
processor.state.onEach {
when (it) {
is Scanned -> {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
// do a bit of housekeeping and then report synced status
onScanComplete(it.scannedRange, now - lastScanTime)
lastScanTime = now
is Stopped -> STOPPED
@ -408,9 +411,16 @@ class SdkSynchronizer internal constructor(
onChainErrorHandler?.invoke(errorHeight, rewindHeight)
private suspend fun onScanComplete(scannedRange: IntRange) {
// TODO: optimize to skip logic here if there are no new transactions with a block height
// within the given range
* @param elapsedMillis the amount of time that passed since the last scan
private suspend fun onScanComplete(scannedRange: IntRange, elapsedMillis: Long) {
// We don't need to update anything if there have been no blocks
// refresh anyway if:
// - if it's the first time we finished scanning
// - if we check for blocks 5 times and find nothing was mined
val shouldRefresh = !scannedRange.isEmpty() || elapsedMillis > (ZcashSdk.POLL_INTERVAL * 5)
val reason = if (scannedRange.isEmpty()) "it's been a while" else "new blocks were scanned"
// Keep an eye on this section because there is a potential for concurrent DB
@ -424,14 +434,19 @@ class SdkSynchronizer internal constructor(
// Ultimately, refreshing the transactions just invalidates views of data that
// already exists and it completes on another thread so it should come after the
// balance refresh is complete.
twigTask("Triggering balance refresh since the processor is synced!") {
twigTask("Triggering pending transaction refresh!") {
twigTask("Triggering transaction refresh since the processor is synced!") {
if (shouldRefresh) {
twigTask("Triggering utxo refresh since $reason!") {
twigTask("Triggering balance refresh since $reason!") {
twigTask("Triggering pending transaction refresh since $reason!") {
twigTask("Triggering transaction refresh since $reason!") {