import import import import import import plugins { id("") id("") id("") id("") id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.allopen") id("org.jetbrains.dokka") id("") id("org.mozilla.rust-android-gradle.rust-android") id("com.vanniktech.maven.publish") } // Publishing information val isSnapshot ="IS_SNAPSHOT").toString().toBoolean() val version ="LIBRARY_VERSION").toString() val ARTIFACT_ID ="POM_ARTIFACT_ID").toString() = "" project.version = if (isSnapshot) { "$version-SNAPSHOT" } else { version } publishing { publications { publications.withType().all { artifactId = ARTIFACT_ID } } } android { useLibrary("android.test.runner") defaultConfig { javaCompileOptions { annotationProcessorOptions { argument("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas") } } consumerProguardFiles("proguard-consumer.txt") } buildTypes { getByName("debug").apply { // test builds exceed the dex limit because they pull in large test libraries multiDexEnabled = true isMinifyEnabled = false } getByName("release").apply { multiDexEnabled = false isMinifyEnabled ="IS_MINIFY_SDK_ENABLED").toString().toBoolean() proguardFiles.addAll( listOf( getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt"), File("proguard-project.txt") ) ) } } sourceSets.getByName("main") { java.srcDir("build/generated/source/grpc") proto { srcDir("src/main/proto") } } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = allWarningsAsErrors ="IS_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS").toString().toBoolean() freeCompilerArgs += "-Xopt-in=kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi" freeCompilerArgs += "-Xopt-in=kotlinx.coroutines.FlowPreview" // Tricky: fix: By default, the kotlin_module name will not include the version (in classes.jar/META-INF). Instead it has a colon, which breaks compilation on Windows. This is one way to set it explicitly to the proper value. See for more info. freeCompilerArgs += listOf("-module-name", "$ARTIFACT_ID-${project.version}_release") } packagingOptions { resources.excludes.addAll( listOf( "META-INF/DEPENDENCIES", "META-INF/LICENSE", "META-INF/LICENSE.txt", "META-INF/license.txt", "META-INF/NOTICE", "META-INF/NOTICE.txt", "META-INF/notice.txt", "META-INF/ASL2.0", "META-INF/", "META-INF/" ) ) } lint { baseline = File("lint-baseline.xml") } } mavenPublish { androidVariantToPublish = "release" } allOpen { // marker for classes that we want to be able to extend in debug builds for testing purposes annotation("") } tasks.dokkaHtml.configure { dokkaSourceSets { configureEach { outputDirectory.set(file("build/docs/rtd")) displayName.set("Zcash Android SDK") includes.from("") } } } protobuf { //generatedFilesBaseDir = "$projectDir/src/generated/source/grpc" protoc { artifact = libs.protoc.get().asCoordinateString() } plugins { id("grpc") { artifact = libs.grpc.protoc.get().asCoordinateString() } } generateProtoTasks { all().forEach { task -> task.builtins { id("java") { option("lite") } } task.plugins { id("grpc") { option("lite") } } } } } cargo { module = "." libname = "zcashwalletsdk" targets = listOf( "arm", "arm64", "x86", "x86_64" ) apiLevels = mapOf( "arm" to 16, "arm64" to 21, "x86" to 16, "x86_64" to 21, ) profile = "release" prebuiltToolchains = true } dependencies { implementation(libs.androidx.annotation) implementation(libs.androidx.appcompat) // Architecture Components: Lifecycle implementation(libs.androidx.lifecycle.runtime) implementation(libs.androidx.lifecycle.common) // Architecture Components: Room implementation( implementation(libs.androidx.paging) ksp( // Kotlin implementation(libs.kotlin.stdlib) implementation(libs.kotlinx.coroutines.core) implementation( // grpc-java implementation(libs.bundles.grpc) compileOnly(libs.javax.annotation) // // Locked Versions // these should be checked regularly and removed when possible // solves error: Duplicate class found in modules jetified-guava-26.0-android.jar ( and listenablefuture-1.0.jar ( // per this recommendation from Chris Povirk, given guava's decision to split ListenableFuture away from Guava: implementation(libs.guava) // Transitive dependencies used because they're already necessary for other libraries // GSON is available as a transitive dependency from several places so we use it for processing // checkpoints but also document that by explicitly including here. If dependencies like Room // or grpc-okhttp stop including GSON, then we should switch to something else for parsing JSON. implementation(libs.gson) // OKIO is a transitive dependency used when writing param files to disk. Like GSON, this can be // replaced if needed. For compatibility, we match the library version used in grpc-okhttp: // implementation(libs.okio) implementation(libs.okhttp) // Tests testImplementation(libs.kotlin.reflect) testImplementation(libs.mockito.junit) testImplementation(libs.mockito.kotlin) testImplementation(libs.bundles.junit) testImplementation(libs.grpc.testing) // NOTE: androidTests will use JUnit4, while src/test/java tests will leverage Junit5 // Attempting to use JUnit5 via was painful. The plugin configuration // was buggy, crashing in several places. It also would require a separate test flavor because it's minimum API 26 // because "JUnit 5 uses Java 8-specific APIs that didn't exist on Android before the Oreo release." androidTestImplementation(libs.androidx.multidex) androidTestImplementation(libs.mockito.kotlin) androidTestImplementation( androidTestImplementation(libs.androidx.test.runner) androidTestImplementation(libs.androidx.test.junit) androidTestImplementation(libs.androidx.test.core) androidTestImplementation(libs.coroutines.okhttp) // used by 'ru.gildor.corutines.okhttp.await' (to make simple suspended requests) and breaks on versions higher than 3.8.0 androidTestImplementation(libs.okhttp) // sample mnemonic plugin androidTestImplementation(libs.zcashwalletplgn) androidTestImplementation(libs.bip39) } tasks { getByName("preBuild").dependsOn(create("bugfixTask") { doFirst { mkdir("build/extracted-include-protos/main") } }) /* * The Mozilla Rust Gradle plugin caches the native build data under the "target" directory, * which does not normally get deleted during a clean. The following task and dependency solves * that. */ getByName("clean").dependsOn(create("cleanRustBuildOutput") { delete("target") }) } project.afterEvaluate { val cargoTask = tasks.getByName("cargoBuild") tasks.getByName("javaPreCompileDebug").dependsOn(cargoTask) tasks.getByName("javaPreCompileRelease").dependsOn(cargoTask) } fun MinimalExternalModuleDependency.asCoordinateString() = "${}:${}:${versionConstraint.displayName}"