use std::{ collections::HashMap, ffi::CString, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use tracing::{error, span, Subscriber}; use tracing_subscriber::{layer::Context, registry::LookupSpan}; use super::target_ndk::{Api23, NdkApi}; pub struct Layer { ndk_api: Option, open_spans: Arc>>, } impl Layer { pub fn new(ndk_api: Option) -> Self { Layer { ndk_api, open_spans: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())), } } fn with_api(&self, f23: impl FnOnce(&Api23)) { if let Some(api) = self.ndk_api.as_ref() { if let Some(v23) = api.v23.as_ref() { if unsafe { v23.ATrace_isEnabled() } { f23(v23) } } } } fn with_entered_span( &self, id: &span::Id, ctx: &Context<'_, S>, f: impl FnOnce(&CString), ) where for<'lookup> S: LookupSpan<'lookup>, { let mut open_spans = self.open_spans.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(section_name) = open_spans.get_mut(id) { f(§ion_name); } else { // We need to obtain the span's name as a CString. match ctx.metadata(id) { Some(metadata) => match CString::new( { Ok(section_name) => { f(§ion_name); } Err(_) => error!( "Span name contains internal NUL byte: '{}'", ), }, None => error!("Span {:?} has no metadata", id), } } } } impl tracing_subscriber::Layer for Layer where for<'lookup> S: LookupSpan<'lookup>, { fn on_enter(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.with_api(|api| { self.with_entered_span(id, &ctx, |section_name| unsafe { api.ATrace_beginSection(section_name.as_ptr()) }) }); } fn on_exit(&self, _id: &span::Id, _ctx: Context<'_, S>) { self.with_api(|api| { unsafe { api.ATrace_endSection() }; }); } fn on_id_change(&self, old: &span::Id, new: &span::Id, _ctx: Context<'_, S>) { let mut open_spans = self.open_spans.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(value) = open_spans.remove(old) { open_spans.insert(new.clone(), value); } } }