package import android.content.Context import import import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import import import import java.nio.channels.Channels import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds internal class SaplingParamTool(val properties: SaplingParamToolProperties) { val spendParamsFile: File get() = File(properties.paramsDirectory, SPEND_PARAM_FILE_NAME) val outputParamsFile: File get() = File(properties.paramsDirectory, OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_NAME) companion object { /** * Maximum file size for the sapling spend params - 50MB */ internal const val SPEND_PARAM_FILE_MAX_BYTES_SIZE = 50L * 1024L * 1024L /** * Maximum file size for the sapling spend params - 5MB */ internal const val OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_MAX_BYTES_SIZE = 5L * 1024L * 1024L /** * Subdirectory name, in which are the sapling params files stored. */ internal const val SAPLING_PARAMS_LEGACY_SUBDIRECTORY = "params" /** * File name for the sapling spend params */ internal const val SPEND_PARAM_FILE_NAME = "sapling-spend.params" /** * File name for the sapling output params */ internal const val OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_NAME = "sapling-output.params" /** * Temporary file prefix to fulfill atomicity requirement of file handling */ private const val TEMPORARY_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "_" /** * File SHA1 hash for the sapling spend params */ internal const val SPEND_PARAM_FILE_SHA1_HASH = "a15ab54c2888880e53c823a3063820c728444126" /** * File SHA1 hash for the sapling output params */ internal const val OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_SHA1_HASH = "0ebc5a1ef3653948e1c46cf7a16071eac4b7e352" /** * The Url that is used by default in zcashd */ private const val CLOUD_PARAM_DIR_URL = "" private val checkFilesMutex = Mutex() /** * Initialization of needed properties. This is necessary entry point for other operations from {@code * SaplingParamTool}. This type of implementation also simplifies its testing. * * @param context */ internal suspend fun new(context: Context): SaplingParamTool { val paramsDirectory = Files.getZcashNoBackupSubdirectory(context) val toolProperties = SaplingParamToolProperties( paramsDirectory = paramsDirectory, paramsLegacyDirectory = File(context.getCacheDirSuspend(), SAPLING_PARAMS_LEGACY_SUBDIRECTORY), saplingParams = listOf( SaplingParameters( paramsDirectory, SPEND_PARAM_FILE_NAME, SPEND_PARAM_FILE_MAX_BYTES_SIZE, SPEND_PARAM_FILE_SHA1_HASH ), SaplingParameters( paramsDirectory, OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_NAME, OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_MAX_BYTES_SIZE, OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_SHA1_HASH ) ) ) return SaplingParamTool(toolProperties) } /** * Returns file object pointing to the parameters files parent directory. We need to check if the parameters * files don't sit in the legacy folder first. If they do, then we move the files to the currently used * directory and validate files hashes. * * @return params destination directory file */ internal suspend fun initAndGetParamsDestinationDir(toolProperties: SaplingParamToolProperties): File { checkFilesMutex.withLock { toolProperties.saplingParams.forEach { val legacyFile = File(toolProperties.paramsLegacyDirectory, it.fileName) val currentFile = File(toolProperties.paramsDirectory, it.fileName) if (legacyFile.existsSuspend() && isFileHashValid(legacyFile, it.fileHash)) { Twig.debug { "Moving params file: ${it.fileName} from legacy folder to the currently used " + "folder." } currentFile.parentFile?.mkdirsSuspend() if (!renameParametersFile(legacyFile, currentFile)) { Twig.debug { "Failed while moving the params file: ${it.fileName} to the preferred " + "location." } } } else { Twig.debug { "Legacy file either does not exist or is not valid. Will be fetched to the preferred " + "location." } } } // remove the params folder and its files - a new sapling files will be fetched to the preferred // location toolProperties.paramsLegacyDirectory.deleteRecursivelySuspend() } return toolProperties.paramsDirectory } /** * Compares the input file parameter SHA1 hash with the given input hash. * * @param parametersFile file of which SHA1 hash will be checked * @param fileHash hash to compare with * * @return true in case of hashes are the same, false otherwise */ private suspend fun isFileHashValid(parametersFile: File, fileHash: String): Boolean { return try { fileHash == parametersFile.getSha1Hash() } catch (e: IOException) { Twig.debug { "Failed in comparing file's hashes with: ${e.message}, caused by: ${e.cause}." } false } } /** * The purpose of this function is to rename parameters file from the old name (given by the {@code * fromParamFile} parameter) to the new name (given by {@code toParamFile}). This operation covers also the file * move, if it's in a different location. * * @param fromParamFile the previously used file name/location * @param toParamFile the newly used file name/location */ private suspend fun renameParametersFile( fromParamFile: File, toParamFile: File ): Boolean { return runCatching { return@runCatching fromParamFile.renameToSuspend(toParamFile) }.onFailure { Twig.debug(it) { "Failed while renaming parameters file" } }.getOrDefault(false) } } /** * Checks the given directory for the output and spending params and calls [fetchParams] for those, which are * missing. * * Note: Don't forget to call the entry point function {@code initSaplingParamTool} first. Make sure you also * called {@code initAndGetParamsDestinationDir} previously, as it's always better to check the * legacy destination folder first. * * @param destinationDir the directory where the params should be stored. * * @throws TransactionEncoderException.MissingParamsException in case of failure while checking sapling params * @throws TransactionEncoderException.FetchParamsException * @throws TransactionEncoderException.ValidateParamsException * files */ @Throws( TransactionEncoderException.ValidateParamsException::class, TransactionEncoderException.FetchParamsException::class, TransactionEncoderException.MissingParamsException::class ) internal suspend fun ensureParams(destinationDir: File) { properties.saplingParams.filter { !File(it.destinationDirectory, it.fileName).existsSuspend() }.forEach { try { Twig.debug { "Attempting to download missing params: ${it.fileName}." } fetchParams(it) } catch (e: TransactionEncoderException.FetchParamsException) { Twig.debug { "Failed to fetch param file ${it.fileName} due to: $e. The second attempt is starting with a " + "little delay." } // Re-run the fetch with a little delay, if it failed previously (as it can be caused by network // conditions). We do it only once, the next failure is delivered to the caller of this method. delay(200.milliseconds) fetchParams(it) } catch (e: TransactionEncoderException.ValidateParamsException) { Twig.debug { "Failed to validate fetched param file ${it.fileName} due to: $e. The second attempt is starting" + " now." } // Re-run the fetch for invalid param file immediately, if it failed previously. We do it again only // once, the next failure is delivered to the caller of this method. fetchParams(it) } } if (!validate(destinationDir)) { Twig.debug { "Fetching sapling params files failed." } throw TransactionEncoderException.MissingParamsException } } /** * Download and store the params file into the given directory. It also checks the file size to eliminate the * risk of downloading potentially large file from a malicious server. * * @param paramsToFetch parameters wrapper class, which holds information about it * * @throws TransactionEncoderException.FetchParamsException if any error while downloading the params file occurs * @throws TransactionEncoderException.ValidateParamsException if a failure in validation of fetched file occurs */ @Throws( TransactionEncoderException.ValidateParamsException::class, TransactionEncoderException.FetchParamsException::class ) internal suspend fun fetchParams(paramsToFetch: SaplingParameters) { val url = URL("$CLOUD_PARAM_DIR_URL/${paramsToFetch.fileName}") val temporaryFile = File( paramsToFetch.destinationDirectory, "$TEMPORARY_FILE_NAME_PREFIX${paramsToFetch.fileName}" ) withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { runCatching { Channels.newChannel(url.openStream()).use { readableByteChannel -> temporaryFile.outputStream().use { fileOutputStream -> { fileChannel -> // Transfers bytes from stream to file from position 0 to end position or to max // file size limit. This eliminates the risk of downloading potentially large files // from a malicious server. We need to make a check of the file hash then. fileChannel.transferFrom(readableByteChannel, 0, paramsToFetch.fileMaxSizeBytes) } } } }.onFailure { exception -> // IllegalArgumentException - If the preconditions on the parameters do not hold // NonReadableChannelException - If the source channel was not opened for reading // NonWritableChannelException - If this channel was not opened for writing // ClosedChannelException - If either this channel or the source channel is closed // AsynchronousCloseException - If another thread closes either channel while the transfer is // in progress // ClosedByInterruptException - If another thread interrupts the current thread while the // transfer is in progress, thereby closing both channels and setting the current thread's // interrupt status // IOException - If some other I/O error occurs finalizeAndReportError( temporaryFile, exception = TransactionEncoderException.FetchParamsException( paramsToFetch, "Error while fetching ${paramsToFetch.fileName}, caused by $exception." ) ) }.onSuccess { Twig.debug { "Fetch and write of the temporary ${} succeeded. Validating and moving it to " + "the final destination." } if (!isFileHashValid(temporaryFile, paramsToFetch.fileHash)) { finalizeAndReportError( temporaryFile, exception = TransactionEncoderException.ValidateParamsException( paramsToFetch, "Failed while validating fetched param file: ${paramsToFetch.fileName}." ) ) } val resultFile = File(paramsToFetch.destinationDirectory, paramsToFetch.fileName) if (!renameParametersFile(temporaryFile, resultFile)) { finalizeAndReportError( temporaryFile, resultFile, exception = TransactionEncoderException.ValidateParamsException( paramsToFetch, "Failed while renaming result param file: ${paramsToFetch.fileName}." ) ) } } } } @Throws(TransactionEncoderException.FetchParamsException::class) private suspend fun finalizeAndReportError(vararg files: File, exception: TransactionEncoderException) { files.forEach { it.deleteSuspend() } exception.also { Twig.debug(it) { "Error while fetching sapling params files." } throw it } } internal suspend fun validate(destinationDir: File): Boolean { return arrayOf( SPEND_PARAM_FILE_NAME, OUTPUT_PARAM_FILE_NAME ).all { paramFileName -> File(destinationDir, paramFileName).existsSuspend() }.also { Twig.debug { "Param files ${if (!it) "did not" else ""} both exist!" } } } } /** * Sapling file parameter class to hold each sapling file attributes. */ internal data class SaplingParameters( val destinationDirectory: File, val fileName: String, val fileMaxSizeBytes: Long, val fileHash: String ) /** * Sapling param tool helper properties. The goal of this implementation is to ease its testing. */ internal data class SaplingParamToolProperties( val saplingParams: List, val paramsDirectory: File, val paramsLegacyDirectory: File )