package import import import import import import import // This class is currently unused, although the goal is to swap out usages of BackendExt for this throughout the SDK. @Suppress("TooManyFunctions") internal class TypesafeBackendImpl(private val backend: Backend) : TypesafeBackend { override suspend fun initAccountsTable(vararg keys: UnifiedFullViewingKey): Boolean = backend.initAccountsTable(*keys) override suspend fun initAccountsTable( seed: ByteArray, numberOfAccounts: Int ): List = backend.initAccountsTableTypesafe(seed, numberOfAccounts) override suspend fun initBlocksTable(checkpoint: Checkpoint): Boolean = backend.initBlocksTable(checkpoint) override suspend fun getCurrentAddress(account: Account): String = getCurrentAddress(account) override suspend fun listTransparentReceivers(account: Account): List = backend.listTransparentReceivers(account) override suspend fun getBalance(account: Account): Zatoshi = backend.getBalance(account) override fun getBranchIdForHeight(height: BlockHeight): Long = backend.getBranchIdForHeight(height.value) override suspend fun getVerifiedBalance(account: Account): Zatoshi = backend.getVerifiedBalance(account) override suspend fun getNearestRewindHeight(height: BlockHeight): BlockHeight = backend.getNearestRewindHeight(height) override suspend fun rewindToHeight(height: BlockHeight): Boolean = backend.rewindToHeight(height) override suspend fun getLatestBlockHeight(): BlockHeight? = backend.getLatestBlockHeight() override suspend fun findBlockMetadata(height: BlockHeight): JniBlockMeta? = backend.findBlockMetadata(height) override suspend fun rewindBlockMetadataToHeight(height: BlockHeight) = backend.rewindBlockMetadataToHeight(height) /** * @param limit The limit provides an efficient way how to restrict the portion of blocks, which will be validated. * @return Null if successful. If an error occurs, the height will be the height where the error was detected. */ override suspend fun validateCombinedChainOrErrorBlockHeight(limit: Long?): BlockHeight? = backend.validateCombinedChainOrErrorBlockHeight(limit) override suspend fun getDownloadedUtxoBalance(address: String): WalletBalance = backend.getDownloadedUtxoBalance(address) }