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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.util
import androidx.test.platform.app.InstrumentationRegistry
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.CloseableSynchronizer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.SdkSynchronizer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.TroubleshootingTwig
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.Twig
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.BlockHeight
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.LightWalletEndpoint
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.ZcashNetwork
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.defaultForNetwork
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
* A tool for validating an existing database and testing reorgs.
class DataDbScannerUtil {
private val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().context
private val host = "lightd-main.zecwallet.co"
private val port = 443
private val alias = "ScannerUtil"
// private val mnemonics = SimpleMnemonics()
// private val caceDbPath = Initializer.cacheDbPath(context, alias)
// private val downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(
// LightWalletGrpcService(context, host, port),
// CompactBlockDbStore(context, caceDbPath)
// )
// private val processor = CompactBlockProcessor(downloader)
// private val rustBackend = RustBackend.init(context, cacheDbName, dataDbName)
private val birthdayHeight = 600_000L
private lateinit var synchronizer: CloseableSynchronizer
fun setup() {
// cacheBlocks()
private fun cacheBlocks() = runBlocking {
// twig("downloading compact blocks...")
// val latestBlockHeight = downloader.getLatestBlockHeight()
// val lastDownloaded = downloader.getLastDownloadedHeight()
// val blockRange = (Math.max(birthday, lastDownloaded))..latestBlockHeight
// downloadNewBlocks(blockRange)
// val error = validateNewBlocks(blockRange)
// twig("validation completed with result $error")
// assertEquals(-1, error)
private fun deleteDb(dbName: String) {
@Ignore("This test is broken")
fun scanExistingDb() {
synchronizer = Synchronizer.newBlocking(
lightWalletEndpoint = LightWalletEndpoint
seed = byteArrayOf(),
birthday = BlockHeight.new(
val scope = (synchronizer as SdkSynchronizer).coroutineScope
scope.launch {
synchronizer.status.collect { status ->
// when (status) {
println("received status of $status")
// }
println("going to sleep!")
println("I'm back and I'm out!")
runBlocking { synchronizer.close() }
// @Test
// fun printBalances() = runBlocking {
// readLines()
// .map { seedPhrase ->
// twig("checking balance for: $seedPhrase")
// mnemonics.toSeed(seedPhrase.toCharArray())
// }.collect { seed ->
// initializer.import(seed, birthday, clearDataDb = true, clearCacheDb = false)
// /*
// what I need to do right now
// - for each seed
// - I can reuse the cache of blocks... so just like get the cache once
// - I need to scan into a new database
// - I don't really need a new rustbackend
// - I definitely don't need a new grpc connection
// - can I just use a processor and point it to a different DB?
// + so yeah, I think I need to use the processor directly right here and just swap out its pieces
// - perhaps create a new initializer and use that to configure the processor?
// - or maybe just set the data destination for the processor
// - I might need to consider how state is impacting this design
// - can we be more stateless and thereby improve the flexibility of this code?!!!
// */
// synchronizer?.stop()
// synchronizer = Synchronizer(context, initializer)
// // deleteDb(dataDbPath)
// // initWallet(seed)
// // twig("scanning blocks for seed <$seed>")
// //// rustBackend.scanBlocks()
// // twig("done scanning blocks for seed $seed")
// //// val total = rustBackend.getBalance(0)
// // twig("found total: $total")
// //// val available = rustBackend.getVerifiedBalance(0)
// // twig("found available: $available")
// // twig("xrxrx2\t$seed\t$total\t$available")
// // println("xrxrx2\t$seed\t$total\t$available")
// }
// Thread.sleep(5000)
// assertEquals("foo", "bar")
// }