
136 lines
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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.demos.getblockrange
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import androidx.core.text.HtmlCompat
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.BaseDemoFragment
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.R
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.databinding.FragmentGetBlockRangeBinding
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.ext.requireApplicationContext
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.type.fromResources
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.util.mainActivity
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.util.toRelativeTime
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.util.withCommas
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.BlockHeight
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.ZcashNetwork
import kotlin.math.max
* Retrieves a range of compact block from the lightwalletd service and displays basic information
* about them. This demonstrates the basic ability to connect to the server, request a range of
* compact block and parse the response. This could be augmented to display metadata about certain
* block ranges for instance, to find the block with the most shielded transactions in a range.
class GetBlockRangeFragment : BaseDemoFragment<FragmentGetBlockRangeBinding>() {
private fun setBlockRange(blockRange: ClosedRange<BlockHeight>) {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val blocks =
val fetchDelta = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
// Note: This is a demo so we won't worry about iterating efficiently over these blocks
// Note: Converting the blocks sequence to a list can consume a lot of memory and may
// cause OOM.
binding.textInfo.text = HtmlCompat.fromHtml(
blocks?.toList()?.run {
val count = size
val emptyCount = count { it.vtxCount == 0 }
val maxTxs = maxByOrNull { it.vtxCount }
val maxIns = maxByOrNull { block ->
block.vtxList.maxOfOrNull { it.spendsCount } ?: -1
val maxInTx = maxIns?.vtxList?.maxByOrNull { it.spendsCount }
val maxOuts = maxByOrNull { block ->
block.vtxList.maxOfOrNull { it.outputsCount } ?: -1
val maxOutTx = maxOuts?.vtxList?.maxByOrNull { it.outputsCount }
val txCount = sumOf { it.vtxCount }
val outCount = sumOf { block -> block.vtxList.sumOf { it.outputsCount } }
val inCount = sumOf { block -> block.vtxList.sumOf { it.spendsCount } }
val processTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start - fetchDelta
@Suppress("MaxLineLength", "MagicNumber")
<b>total blocks:</b> ${count.withCommas()}
<br/><b>fetch time:</b> ${if (fetchDelta > 1000) "%.2f sec".format(fetchDelta / 1000.0) else "%d ms".format(fetchDelta)}
<br/><b>process time:</b> ${if (processTime > 1000) "%.2f sec".format(processTime / 1000.0) else "%d ms".format(processTime)}
<br/><b>block time range:</b> ${first().time.toRelativeTime(requireApplicationContext())}<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp to ${last().time.toRelativeTime(requireApplicationContext())}
<br/><b>total empty blocks:</b> ${emptyCount.withCommas()}
<br/><b>total TXs:</b> ${txCount.withCommas()}
<br/><b>total outputs:</b> ${outCount.withCommas()}
<br/><b>total inputs:</b> ${inCount.withCommas()}
<br/><b>avg TXs/block:</b> ${"%.1f".format(txCount / count.toDouble())}
<br/><b>avg TXs (excluding empty blocks):</b> ${"%.1f".format(txCount.toDouble() / (count - emptyCount))}
<br/><b>avg OUTs [per block / per TX]:</b> ${"%.1f / %.1f".format(outCount.toDouble() / (count - emptyCount), outCount.toDouble() / txCount)}
<br/><b>avg INs [per block / per TX]:</b> ${"%.1f / %.1f".format(inCount.toDouble() / (count - emptyCount), inCount.toDouble() / txCount)}
<br/><b>most shielded TXs:</b> ${if (maxTxs == null) "none" else "${maxTxs.vtxCount} in block ${maxTxs.height.withCommas()}"}
<br/><b>most shielded INs:</b> ${if (maxInTx == null) "none" else "${maxInTx.spendsCount} in block ${maxIns.height.withCommas()} at tx index ${maxInTx.index}"}
<br/><b>most shielded OUTs:</b> ${if (maxOutTx == null) "none" else "${maxOutTx.outputsCount} in block ${maxOuts.height.withCommas()} at tx index ${maxOutTx.index}"}
} ?: "No blocks found in that range.",
private fun onApply(unused: View) {
val network = ZcashNetwork.fromResources(requireApplicationContext())
val start = max(
?: network.saplingActivationHeight.value,
val end = max(
?: network.saplingActivationHeight.value,
if (start <= end) {
try {
with(binding.buttonApply) {
isEnabled = false
post {
setBlockRange(BlockHeight.new(network, start)..BlockHeight.new(network, end))
isEnabled = true
} catch (t: Throwable) {
} else {
setError("Invalid range")
private fun setError(message: String) {
binding.textInfo.text = "Error: $message"
// Android Lifecycle overrides
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
// Base Fragment overrides
override fun inflateBinding(layoutInflater: LayoutInflater): FragmentGetBlockRangeBinding =
override fun onActionButtonClicked() {