
49 lines
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//! Utilities for accessing target NDK APIs.
use dlopen2::{
wrapper::{Container, WrapperApi, WrapperMultiApi},
use libc::c_char;
/// NDK APIs introduced in API level 23.
pub struct Api23 {
/// Returns true if tracing is enabled. Use this to avoid expensive computation only
/// necessary when tracing is enabled.
ATrace_isEnabled: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> bool,
/// Writes a tracing message to indicate that the given section of code has begun.
/// This call must be followed by a corresponding call to [`ATrace_endSection`] on the
/// same thread.
/// Note: At this time the vertical bar character `|` and newline character `\n` are
/// used internally by the tracing mechanism. If `sectionName` contains these
/// characters they will be replaced with a space character in the trace.
ATrace_beginSection: unsafe extern "C" fn(sectionName: *const c_char),
/// Writes a tracing message to indicate that a given section of code has ended.
/// This call must be preceeded by a corresponding call to [`ATrace_beginSection`] on
/// the same thread. Calling this method will mark the end of the most recently begun
/// section of code, so care must be taken to ensure that `ATrace_beginSection` /
/// `ATrace_endSection` pairs are properly nested and called from the same thread.
ATrace_endSection: unsafe extern "C" fn(),
pub struct Api {
pub v23: Option<Api23>,
pub type NdkApi = Container<Api>;
pub fn load() -> Result<NdkApi, Error> {
unsafe { Container::load("libandroid.so") }