--- ID: 1570 post_title: Hiring author: Zooko Wilcox post_excerpt: "" layout: post permalink: https://blog.z.cash/hiring/ published: true post_date: 2016-05-25 00:00:00 ---

Jobs at Zcash

We're on a mission to give everyone on Earth an open, permissionless financial system, and we need your help. We have three different needs right now, and we're actually hoping to meet someone who can help out with more than one of these. But if you can do a world-class job in at least one of these roles, please get in touch.


cryptography, cryptocurrencies, C++, distributed systems, secure coding, network protocols, test-driven development, Rust


operational security, web site, backups, source code management, monitoring and alerting, continuous integration, measurement and visualization

External Communications

writing, editing, social media, design, community relations, press relations, international relations, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

Our culture

We believe in respectfulness, inclusivity, and openness. Our work springs out of passion, but we temper our enthusiasm with respect for our co-workers and families. The company is entirely distributed and everyone works remotely, except those lucky few who happen to live in the same city as one another and can meet up to collaborate in-person. Join us! Please send your interest, résumé and achievements to info@z.cash.