--- ID: 2152 post_title: New Zcash Team Member Announcement author: Ryan Taylor post_excerpt: "" layout: post permalink: https://blog.z.cash/new-hires-2017/ published: true post_date: 2017-11-27 00:00:12 --- The Zcash team grows, once again, in the continuing pursuit of its mission to set a new standard for privacy on the Internet and around the world. As such, we proudly announce new team members hired in 2017.

Jonathas Carrijo

Latin America Community and Business Development

Jonathas has about 15 years experience as a software engineer and 9 as an entrepreneur. He was abducted into the cryptocurrencies sphere 3 years ago, and since then has been enthusiastic about onboarding people into this decentralized, open and unstoppable movement.

Linda Naeun Lee

User Experience Researcher

Linda is a user-focused crypto evangelist with a mission to make encryption technologies widely adopted and easier to use. Outside of her main job as the UX team lead at Tor, she evaluates Zcash-related applications. She has a master's degree in Computer Science with an emphasis on security and user research from UC Berkeley.

Zirui Zhang

Asia/Pacific Community and Business Development

Zirui cares deeply about privacy and internet security, and has spent over five years working in the digital currency space. She is thoroughly connected with the Asian cryptocurrency community.

Ryan Taylor

Web Developer and Translations Coordinator

Ryan has several years of experience as a freelance web developer and livestream video producer with a focus on open source and decentralization technologies. In the cryptocurrency industry specifically, his experience includes Bitcoin Magazine, Ethereum and Alexandria. Operating as a remote contractor for open source projects and as an autonomous media node satisfies his craving to create and share information about new communication ideas and tools while supporting the projects that inspire him.

Hugh Khan

Engineering Manager

Hugh has extensive experience in scaling startups into global technology firms. He has been building high functioning software development teams for over 25 years. Hugh has been either a founding member or a key contributor for technology startups his whole career. Startup areas included AI, mobile computing, Enterprise Content Management, business process automation, vertical online communities, e-commerce, DRM, insuretech and fintech. Hugh believes that decentralization, AI, IoT and AR together are quickly reaching a critical mass which will lead to an utter disruption of every industry in the global economic system. In such a highly dynamic business environment, winning strategies are those that are formed on a continuous basis, resulting from every team member taking an active part in the creation and execution of supporting strategic activities. Hugh firmly holds that hiring well is the single most important strategy; even above strategic positioning.
Zcash continues to value our contributors and the positive, enthusiastic community of fans. Please join the Zcash community by contributing to our Slack or Forum conversations.