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//! APIs for batch trial decryption.
use alloc::vec::Vec; // module is alloc only
use crate::{
try_compact_note_decryption_inner, try_note_decryption_inner, BatchDomain, EphemeralKeyBytes,
/// Trial decryption of a batch of notes with a set of recipients.
/// This is the batched version of [`crate::try_note_decryption`].
/// Returns a vector containing the decrypted result for each output,
/// with the same length and in the same order as the outputs were
/// provided, along with the index in the `ivks` slice associated with
/// the IVK that successfully decrypted the output.
pub fn try_note_decryption<D: BatchDomain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE>>(
ivks: &[D::IncomingViewingKey],
outputs: &[(D, Output)],
) -> Vec<Option<((D::Note, D::Recipient, D::Memo), usize)>> {
batch_note_decryption(ivks, outputs, try_note_decryption_inner)
/// Trial decryption of a batch of notes for light clients with a set of recipients.
/// This is the batched version of [`crate::try_compact_note_decryption`].
/// Returns a vector containing the decrypted result for each output,
/// with the same length and in the same order as the outputs were
/// provided, along with the index in the `ivks` slice associated with
/// the IVK that successfully decrypted the output.
pub fn try_compact_note_decryption<D: BatchDomain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE>>(
ivks: &[D::IncomingViewingKey],
outputs: &[(D, Output)],
) -> Vec<Option<((D::Note, D::Recipient), usize)>> {
batch_note_decryption(ivks, outputs, try_compact_note_decryption_inner)
fn batch_note_decryption<D: BatchDomain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, CS>, F, FR, const CS: usize>(
ivks: &[D::IncomingViewingKey],
outputs: &[(D, Output)],
decrypt_inner: F,
) -> Vec<Option<(FR, usize)>>
F: Fn(&D, &D::IncomingViewingKey, &EphemeralKeyBytes, &Output, &D::SymmetricKey) -> Option<FR>,
if ivks.is_empty() {
return (0..outputs.len()).map(|_| None).collect();
// Fetch the ephemeral keys for each output and batch-parse them.
let ephemeral_keys = D::batch_epk(outputs.iter().map(|(_, output)| output.ephemeral_key()));
// Derive the shared secrets for all combinations of (ivk, output).
// The scalar multiplications cannot benefit from batching.
let items = ephemeral_keys.iter().flat_map(|(epk, ephemeral_key)| {
ivks.iter().map(move |ivk| {
epk.as_ref().map(|epk| D::ka_agree_dec(ivk, epk)),
// Run the batch-KDF to obtain the symmetric keys from the shared secrets.
let keys = D::batch_kdf(items);
// Finish the trial decryption!
.map(|(key_chunk, ((_, ephemeral_key), (domain, output)))| {
.filter_map(|(key, (i, ivk))| {
.and_then(|key| decrypt_inner(domain, ivk, ephemeral_key, output, key))
.map(|out| (out, i))