Move generalized note encryption functionality to zcash_note_encryption crate.

Extracted from: 266285b536
This commit is contained in:
Kris Nuttycombe 2021-03-22 14:59:25 -06:00
parent 7ad6ed1f9f
commit 44bb542f8d
2 changed files with 393 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -11,3 +11,12 @@ license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
edition = "2018"
blake2b_simd = "0.5"
byteorder = "1"
crypto_api_chachapoly = "0.4"
ff = "0.8"
group = "0.8"
rand_core = "0.5.1"
zcash_primitives = { version = "0.4", path = "../../zcash_primitives" }

View File

@ -1,8 +1,386 @@
mod tests {
fn it_works() {
assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);
//! Implementation of in-band secret distribution abstractions
//! for Zcash transactions. The implementations here provide
//! functionality that is shared between the Sapling and Orchard
//! protocols.
use crypto_api_chachapoly::{ChaCha20Ietf, ChachaPolyIetf};
use rand_core::RngCore;
pub const COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE: usize = 1 + // version
11 + // diversifier
8 + // value
32; // rcv
pub const OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE: usize = 32 + // pk_d
32; // esk
/// A symmetric key that can be used to recover a single Sapling or Orchard output.
pub struct OutgoingCipherKey(pub [u8; 32]);
impl From<[u8; 32]> for OutgoingCipherKey {
fn from(ock: [u8; 32]) -> Self {
impl AsRef<[u8]> for OutgoingCipherKey {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
//FIXME: use constant-time checks for equality
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct EphemeralKeyBytes(pub [u8; 32]);
impl From<[u8; 32]> for EphemeralKeyBytes {
fn from(value: [u8; 32]) -> EphemeralKeyBytes {
pub struct NotePlaintextBytes(pub [u8; NOTE_PLAINTEXT_SIZE]);
pub struct OutPlaintextBytes(pub [u8; OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE]);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum EpkValidity {
pub trait Domain {
type EphemeralSecretKey;
type EphemeralPublicKey;
type SharedSecret;
type SymmetricKey: AsRef<[u8]>;
type Note;
type Recipient;
type DiversifiedTransmissionKey;
type IncomingViewingKey;
type OutgoingViewingKey;
type ValueCommitment;
type NoteCommitment;
type ExtractedCommitment: Eq;
type Memo;
fn derive_esk(note: &Self::Note) -> Option<Self::EphemeralSecretKey>;
fn get_pk_d(note: &Self::Note) -> Self::DiversifiedTransmissionKey;
fn ka_derive_public(
note: &Self::Note,
esk: &Self::EphemeralSecretKey,
) -> Self::EphemeralPublicKey;
fn ka_agree_enc(
esk: &Self::EphemeralSecretKey,
pk_d: &Self::DiversifiedTransmissionKey,
) -> Self::SharedSecret;
fn ka_agree_dec(
ivk: &Self::IncomingViewingKey,
epk: &Self::EphemeralPublicKey,
) -> Self::SharedSecret;
fn kdf(secret: Self::SharedSecret, epk: &Self::EphemeralPublicKey) -> Self::SymmetricKey;
// for right now, we just need `recipient` to get `d`; in the future when we
// can get that from a Sapling note, the recipient parameter will be able
// to be removed.
fn to_note_plaintext_bytes(
note: &Self::Note,
recipient: &Self::Recipient,
memo: &Self::Memo,
) -> NotePlaintextBytes;
fn get_ock(
ovk: &Self::OutgoingViewingKey,
cv: &Self::ValueCommitment,
cm: &Self::NoteCommitment,
epk: &Self::EphemeralPublicKey,
) -> OutgoingCipherKey;
fn to_outgoing_plaintext_bytes(
note: &Self::Note,
esk: &Self::EphemeralSecretKey,
) -> OutPlaintextBytes;
fn to_epk_bytes(epk: &Self::EphemeralPublicKey) -> EphemeralKeyBytes;
fn check_epk_bytes<F: Fn(&Self::EphemeralSecretKey) -> EpkValidity>(
note: &Self::Note,
check: F,
) -> EpkValidity;
fn extract_note_commitment(note: &Self::Note) -> Self::ExtractedCommitment;
fn parse_note_plaintext_without_memo(
ivk: &Self::IncomingViewingKey,
plaintext: &[u8],
) -> Option<(Self::Note, Self::Recipient)>;
// &self is passed here in anticipation of future changes
// to memo handling where the memos may no longer be
// part of the note plaintext.
fn extract_memo(&self, plaintext: &[u8]) -> Self::Memo;
pub trait ShieldedOutput<'a, D: Domain> {
fn ivk(&'a self) -> &'a D::IncomingViewingKey;
fn epk(&'a self) -> &'a D::EphemeralPublicKey;
fn cmstar(&'a self) -> &'a D::ExtractedCommitment;
/// A struct containing context required for encrypting Sapling and Orchard notes.
/// This struct provides a safe API for encrypting Sapling and Orchard notes. In particular, it
/// enforces that fresh ephemeral keys are used for every note, and that the ciphertexts are
/// consistent with each other.
/// Implements section 4.17.1 of the Zcash Protocol Specification.
/// NB: the example code is only covering the pre-Canopy case.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate ff;
/// extern crate rand_core;
/// extern crate zcash_primitives;
/// use ff::Field;
/// use rand_core::OsRng;
/// use zcash_primitives::{
/// consensus::TestNetwork,
/// sapling::{
/// keys::{OutgoingViewingKey, prf_expand},
/// note_encryption::{Memo, sapling_note_encryption},
/// Diversifier, PaymentAddress, Rseed, ValueCommitment
/// },
/// };
/// let mut rng = OsRng;
/// let diversifier = Diversifier([0; 11]);
/// let pk_d = diversifier.g_d().unwrap();
/// let to = PaymentAddress::from_parts(diversifier, pk_d).unwrap();
/// let ovk = Some(OutgoingViewingKey([0; 32]));
/// let value = 1000;
/// let rcv = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
/// let cv = ValueCommitment {
/// value,
/// randomness: rcv.clone(),
/// };
/// let rcm = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
/// let note = to.create_note(value, Rseed::BeforeZip212(rcm)).unwrap();
/// let cmu = note.cmu();
/// let mut enc = sapling_note_encryption::<_, TestNetwork>(ovk, note, to, Memo::default(), &mut rng);
/// let encCiphertext = enc.encrypt_note_plaintext();
/// let outCiphertext = enc.encrypt_outgoing_plaintext(&cv.commitment().into(), &cmu, &mut rng);
/// ```
pub struct NoteEncryption<D: Domain> {
epk: D::EphemeralPublicKey,
esk: D::EphemeralSecretKey,
note: D::Note,
to: D::Recipient,
memo: D::Memo,
/// `None` represents the `ovk = ⊥` case.
ovk: Option<D::OutgoingViewingKey>,
impl<D: Domain> NoteEncryption<D> {
/// Construct a new note encryption context for the specified note,
/// recipient, and memo.
pub fn new(
ovk: Option<D::OutgoingViewingKey>,
note: D::Note,
to: D::Recipient,
memo: D::Memo,
) -> Self {
let esk = D::derive_esk(&note).expect("ZIP 212 is active.");
Self::new_with_esk(esk, ovk, note, to, memo)
/// For use only with Sapling.
pub fn new_with_esk(
esk: D::EphemeralSecretKey,
ovk: Option<D::OutgoingViewingKey>,
note: D::Note,
to: D::Recipient,
memo: D::Memo,
) -> Self {
NoteEncryption {
epk: D::ka_derive_public(&note, &esk),
/// Exposes the ephemeral secret key being used to encrypt this note.
pub fn esk(&self) -> &D::EphemeralSecretKey {
/// Exposes the ephemeral public key being used to encrypt this note.
pub fn epk(&self) -> &D::EphemeralPublicKey {
/// Generates `encCiphertext` for this note.
pub fn encrypt_note_plaintext(&self) -> [u8; ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE] {
let pk_d = D::get_pk_d(&self.note);
let shared_secret = D::ka_agree_enc(&self.esk, &pk_d);
let key = D::kdf(shared_secret, &self.epk);
let input = D::to_note_plaintext_bytes(&self.note, &, &self.memo);
let mut output = [0u8; ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE];
.seal_to(&mut output, &input.0, &[], key.as_ref(), &[0u8; 12])
/// Generates `outCiphertext` for this note.
pub fn encrypt_outgoing_plaintext<R: RngCore>(
&mut self,
cv: &D::ValueCommitment,
cm: &D::NoteCommitment,
rng: &mut R,
let (ock, input) = if let Some(ovk) = &self.ovk {
let ock = D::get_ock(ovk, &cv, &cm, &self.epk);
let input = D::to_outgoing_plaintext_bytes(&self.note, &self.esk);
(ock, input)
} else {
// ovk = ⊥
let mut ock = OutgoingCipherKey([0; 32]);
let mut input = [0u8; OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut ock.0);
rng.fill_bytes(&mut input);
(ock, OutPlaintextBytes(input))
let mut output = [0u8; OUT_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE];
.seal_to(&mut output, &input.0, &[], ock.as_ref(), &[0u8; 12])
/// Trial decryption of the full note plaintext by the recipient.
/// Attempts to decrypt and validate the given `enc_ciphertext` using the given `ivk`.
/// If successful, the corresponding Sapling note and memo are returned, along with the
/// `PaymentAddress` to which the note was sent.
/// Implements section 4.17.2 of the Zcash Protocol Specification.
pub fn try_note_decryption<D: Domain>(
domain: &D,
//output: &ShieldedOutput<D>,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
epk: &D::EphemeralPublicKey,
cmstar: &D::ExtractedCommitment,
enc_ciphertext: &[u8],
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient, D::Memo)> {
assert_eq!(enc_ciphertext.len(), ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE);
let shared_secret = D::ka_agree_dec(ivk, epk);
let key = D::kdf(shared_secret, epk);
let mut plaintext = [0; ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE];
&mut plaintext,
&[0u8; 12]
let (note, to) = parse_note_plaintext_without_memo(domain, ivk, epk, cmstar, &plaintext)?;
let memo = domain.extract_memo(&plaintext);
Some((note, to, memo))
fn parse_note_plaintext_without_memo<D: Domain>(
domain: &D,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
epk: &D::EphemeralPublicKey,
cmstar: &D::ExtractedCommitment,
plaintext: &[u8],
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient)> {
let (note, to) = domain.parse_note_plaintext_without_memo(ivk, &plaintext)?;
if &D::extract_note_commitment(&note) != cmstar {
// Published commitment doesn't match calculated commitment
return None;
} else {
let epk_bytes = D::to_epk_bytes(epk);
let validity = D::check_epk_bytes(&note, |derived_esk| {
if D::to_epk_bytes(&D::ka_derive_public(&note, &derived_esk)) == epk_bytes {
} else {
if validity != EpkValidity::Valid {
return None;
Some((note, to))
/// Trial decryption of the compact note plaintext by the recipient for light clients.
/// Attempts to decrypt and validate the first 52 bytes of `enc_ciphertext` using the
/// given `ivk`. If successful, the corresponding Sapling note is returned, along with the
/// `PaymentAddress` to which the note was sent.
/// Implements the procedure specified in [`ZIP 307`].
/// [`ZIP 307`]:
pub fn try_compact_note_decryption<D: Domain>(
domain: &D,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
epk: &D::EphemeralPublicKey,
cmstar: &D::ExtractedCommitment,
enc_ciphertext: &[u8],
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient)> {
assert_eq!(enc_ciphertext.len(), COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE);
let shared_secret = D::ka_agree_dec(&ivk, epk);
let key = D::kdf(shared_secret, &epk);
// Start from block 1 to skip over Poly1305 keying output
let mut plaintext = [0; COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE];
ChaCha20Ietf::xor(key.as_ref(), &[0u8; 12], 1, &mut plaintext);
parse_note_plaintext_without_memo(domain, ivk, epk, cmstar, &plaintext)