use core::marker::PhantomData; use blake2b_simd::Params; const PRF_EXPAND_PERSONALIZATION: &[u8; 16] = b"Zcash_ExpandSeed"; /// The set of domains in which $PRF^\mathsf{expand}$ is defined. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 5.4.2: Pseudo Random Functions][concreteprfs]. /// /// [concreteprfs]: pub struct PrfExpand { domain_separator: u8, _input: PhantomData, } impl PrfExpand { /// Defines a new $PRF^\mathsf{expand}$ domain. /// /// Private because we want to ensure that all domains are defined in the same place, /// to avoid bugs where a domain separator is accidentally reused. const fn new(domain_separator: u8) -> Self { Self { domain_separator, _input: PhantomData, } } /// Expands the given secret key in this domain, with additional data concatenated /// from the given slices. /// /// $PRF^\mathsf{expand}(sk, dst, a, b, ...) := BLAKE2b-512("Zcash_ExpandSeed", sk || dst || a || b || ...)$ /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 5.4.2: Pseudo Random Functions][concreteprfs]. /// /// [concreteprfs]: fn apply(self, sk: &[u8], ts: &[&[u8]]) -> [u8; 64] { let mut h = Params::new() .hash_length(64) .personal(PRF_EXPAND_PERSONALIZATION) .to_state(); h.update(sk); h.update(&[self.domain_separator]); for t in ts { h.update(t); } *h.finalize().as_array() } } macro_rules! with_inputs { ($($arr:ident, $arrlen:ident),*) => { #[allow(unused_parens)] impl<$(const $arrlen: usize),*> PrfExpand<($([u8; $arrlen]),*)> { /// Expands the given secret key in this domain. pub fn with(self, sk: &[u8], $($arr: &[u8; $arrlen]),*) -> [u8; 64] { self.apply(sk, &[$($arr),*]) } } }; } impl PrfExpand<()> { pub const SAPLING_ASK: Self = Self::new(0x00); pub const SAPLING_NSK: Self = Self::new(0x01); pub const SAPLING_OVK: Self = Self::new(0x02); pub const SAPLING_RCM: Self = Self::new(0x04); pub const SAPLING_ESK: Self = Self::new(0x05); pub const ORCHARD_ASK: Self = Self::new(0x06); pub const ORCHARD_NK: Self = Self::new(0x07); pub const ORCHARD_RIVK: Self = Self::new(0x08); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_MASTER_DK: Self = Self::new(0x10); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_CHILD_I_ASK: Self = Self::new(0x13); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_CHILD_I_NSK: Self = Self::new(0x14); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_INTERNAL_NSK: Self = Self::new(0x17); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_INTERNAL_DK_OVK: Self = Self::new(0x18); } with_inputs!(); impl PrfExpand<[u8; 1]> { pub const SAPLING_DEFAULT_DIVERSIFIER: Self = Self::new(0x03); } impl PrfExpand<[u8; 32]> { pub const ORCHARD_ESK: Self = Self::new(0x04); pub const ORCHARD_RCM: Self = Self::new(0x05); pub const PSI: Self = Self::new(0x09); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_CHILD_OVK: Self = Self::new(0x15); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_CHILD_DK: Self = Self::new(0x16); } impl PrfExpand<[u8; 33]> { pub const TRANSPARENT_ZIP316_OVK: Self = Self::new(0xD0); } with_inputs!(a, A); impl PrfExpand<([u8; 32], [u8; 4])> { pub const SPROUT_ZIP32_CHILD: Self = Self::new(0x80); pub const ORCHARD_ZIP32_CHILD: Self = Self::new(0x81); } impl PrfExpand<([u8; 32], [u8; 32])> { pub const ORCHARD_DK_OVK: Self = Self::new(0x82); pub const ORCHARD_RIVK_INTERNAL: Self = Self::new(0x83); } with_inputs!(a, A, b, B); impl PrfExpand<([u8; 96], [u8; 32], [u8; 4])> { pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_CHILD_HARDENED: Self = Self::new(0x11); pub const SAPLING_ZIP32_CHILD_NON_HARDENED: Self = Self::new(0x12); } with_inputs!(a, A, b, B, c, C);