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ZIP: 308
Title: Sprout to Sapling Migration
Author: Daira Hopwood <>
Eirik Ogilvie-Wigley <>
Category: RPC/Wallet
Created: 2018-11-27
License: MIT
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", and "MAY" in this document are to
be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. [#RFC2119]_
The terms below are to be interpreted as follows:
Sprout protocol
Code-name for the Zcash shielded protocol at launch.
Sapling protocol
Code-name for the Zcash shielded protocol added by the second Zcash network
upgrade, also known as Network Upgrade 1.
This proposal describes privacy-preserving procedures to migrate funds from
Sprout to Sapling z-addresses; and supporting RPC operations to enable,
disable, and monitor the migration process.
Zcash Sapling [#zip-0205]_ introduces significant efficiency improvements
relative to the previous iteration of the Zcash shielded protocol, Sprout.
These improvements will pave the way for broad mobile, exchange and vendor
adoption of shielded addresses.
Therefore, we anticipate that users will want to migrate all their shielded
funds from Sprout to Sapling.
The Zcash consensus rules prohibit direct transfers from Sprout to Sapling
z-addresses, unless the amount is revealed by sending it through the
"transparent value pool" [#transparent-value-pool]_. The primary motivation
for this is to allow detection of any overall inflation of the Zcash monetary
base, due to exploitation of possible vulnerabilities in the shielded
protocols or their implementation.
Since the exposure of the migrated amount potentially compromises the privacy
of users, we wish to define a way to perform the migration that mitigates
this privacy leak as far as possible. This can be done by hiding individual
migration transactions among those of all users that are doing the migration
at around the same time.
The security analysis of migration strategies is quite subtle; the more
obvious potential strategies can leak a lot of information.
Migration is performed "in the background" by a ``zcashd`` node. It does not
significantly interfere with concurrent usage of the node, other than possibly
increasing the latency of some other shielded operations.
It is possible to enable or disable migration at any time.
All shielded funds in Sprout z-addresses will eventually be transferred to
Sapling z-addresses, provided the node is working.
It should take a "reasonable" length of time to complete the transfer;
typically less than 2 months.
The design should mitigate information leakage via timing information and
transaction data, including
* linkage of particular z-addresses or users, and the amounts held;
* information about the distribution of amounts of individual notes.
The design and implementation is stateless, to the extent practical.
Visibility is provided for the wallet/node user into the progress of the
There is sufficient information available to debug failed transactions that
are part of the migration.
The design recovers from failed operations to the extent possible.
Each user sends a number of migration transactions that is not too small (to
obscure their total amount).
There is no requirement or assumption of network layer anonymity. (Users may,
but are not expected to, configure Tor.)
The migration procedure does not have to provably leak no information.
There is no need to preserve individual note values (i.e. notes can be
Migration txns need only be hidden among themselves, rather than among all
kinds of transaction.
A small amount (less than 0.01 ZEC) can be left unmigrated if this helps with
There are two main aspects to a strategy for selecting migration transactions:
* how many transactions are sent, and when;
* the amount sent in each transaction.
Transaction schedule
When migration is enabled, a node will send up to 5 transactions for inclusion
in each block with height a multiple of 500 (that is, they are sent immediately
after seeing a block with height 499, modulo 500).
The migration transactions to be sent in a particular batch can take
significant time to generate, and this time depends on the speed of the user's
computer. If they were generated only after a block is seen at the target
height minus 1, then this could leak information. Therefore, for target
height N, implementations SHOULD start generating the transactions at around
height N-5. Each migration transaction SHOULD specify an anchor at height N-10
for each Sprout JoinSplit description.
Open questions:
* does this reliably give sufficient time to generate the transactions?
* what happens to a batch if the anchor is invalidated -- should it be
regenerated, or cancelled?
Privacy is increased when the times at which to send transactions are
coordinated between nodes. We choose to send a batch of transactions at each
coordinated time. Sending multiple transactions in each batch ensures that:
* less information about balances is leaked;
* it is easier to finish in a reasonable length of time.
The choice of 500 blocks as the batch interval ensures that each batch occurs
at a different time of day, which may help to mitigate problems with the
availability of nodes being correlated with the local time-of-day.
Simulations show that the migration process will typically complete reasonably
quickly even if the amount to be migrated is large:
| | Time in days to complete migration |
| Amount +-----------------+--------+-----------------+
| | 10th-percentile | median | 90th-percentile |
| 1 ZEC| 1.01 | 1.50 | 2.33 |
| 10 ZEC| 1.63 | 2.46 | 3.45 |
| 100 ZEC| 2.46 | 3.91 | 5.72 |
| 1000 ZEC| 3.74 | 6.01 | 8.83 |
| 10000 ZEC| 13.57 | 17.40 | 21.77 |
The simulation also depends on the amounts sent as specified in the next
section. It includes the time spent waiting for the first batch to be sent.
How much to send in each transaction
The amount to send in each transaction is chosen according to the following
1. Choose an integer exponent uniformly in the range 6 to 9 inclusive.
2. Choose an integer mantissa uniformly in the range 1 to 99 inclusive.
3. Calculate amount := (mantissa * 10:sup:`exponent`) zatoshi.
4. If amount is greater than the amount remaining to send, repeat from step 1.
Implementations MAY optimize this procedure by selecting the exponent and
mantissa based on the amount remaining to avoid repetition, but the resulting
distribution MUST be identical.
Suppose that a user has an amount to migrate that is a round number of ZEC.
Then, a potential attack would be to find some subset of all the migration
transactions that sum to a round number of ZEC, and infer that all of those
transactions are from the same user. If amounts sent were a random multiple
of 1 zatoshi, then the resulting knapsack problem would be likely to have a
unique solution and be practically solvable for the number of transactions
involved. The chosen distribution of transaction amounts mitigates this
potential vulnerability by ensuring that there will be many solutions for sets
of transactions, including "incorrect" solutions (that is, solutions that mix
transactions from different users, contrary to the supposed adversary's
Other design decisions
We assume use of the normal wallet note selection algorithm and change
handling. Change is sent back to the default address, which is the z-address
of the first selected Sprout note. The number of JoinSplits will therefore be
the same as for a normal transaction sending the same amount with the same
wallet state. Only the ``vpub_out`` of the last JoinSplit will be nonzero.
There will always be exactly one Sapling Output.
The expiration height is chosen as for other transactions.
The fee for each migration transaction MUST be 0.0001 ZEC.
Some wallets by default add a "developer fee" to each transaction, directed
to the developer(s) of the wallet. This is typically implemented by adding
the developer address as an explicit output, so if migration transactions are
generated internally by ``zcashd``, they will not include the developer fee.
We strongly recommend *not* patching the ``zcashd`` code to add the developer
fee output to migration transactions, because doing so partitions the anonymity
set between users of that wallet and other users.
There MUST NOT be any transparent inputs or outputs, or Sapling Spends, in a
migration transaction.
The ``lock_time`` field MUST be set to 0 (unused).
Open questions
The above strategy has several "magic number" parameters:
* the interval between batches (500 blocks)
* the maximum number of transactions in a batch (5)
* the distribution of exponents (uniform integer in 6..9)
* the distribution of mantissae (uniform integer in 1..99).
These have been chosen by guesswork. Should we change any of them?
In particular, if the amount to migrate is large, then this strategy can
result in large amounts (up to 990 ZEC, worth USD ~49500 at time of writing)
transferred in each transaction. This leaks the fact that the transaction was
sent by a user who has at least that amount.
The strategy does not migrate any remaining fractional amount less than
0.01 ZEC (worth USD ~0.50 at time of writing). Is this reasonable?
In deciding the amount to send in each transaction, the strategy does not
take account of the values of individual Sprout notes, only the total amount
remaining to migrate. Can a strategy that is sensitive to individual note
values improve privacy?
An adversary may attempt to interfere with the view of the block chain seen
by a subset of nodes that are performing migrations, in order to cause those
nodes to send migration batches at a different time, so that they may be
distinguished. Is there anything further we can do to mitigate this
RPC calls
Nodes MUST maintain a boolean state variable recording whether migration is
enabled. This can be set or reset using the following RPC call::
setenablemigration true|false
It is intentional that there is no facility to change options associated with
the migration, since such options can distinguish users.
Open questions:
* Should the state variable be persisted, and how?
* Is there also a config option?
Nodes MUST also support the following RPC call to return the current status of
the migration::
"enabled": true|false,
"unmigrated_amount": nnn.n,
"unconfirmed_migrated_amount": nnn.n,
"confirmed_migrated_amount": nnn.n,
"confirmed_migration_transactions": nnn,
"time_started": ttt, // Unix timestamp
"estimated_time_remaining_seconds": ttt
The values of ``unmigrated_amount`` and ``migrated_amount`` MUST take into
account failed transactions, that were not mined within their expiration
Open question: are any of these fields too hard to compute?
Support in zcashd
TODO (point to the PR).
.. [#transparent-value-pool] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2018.0-beta-33 [Overwinter+Sapling]; sections 3.4, 4.11 and 4.12 <>`_
.. [#RFC2119] `Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels <>`_
.. [#zip-0205] `ZIP 205: Deployment of the Sapling Network Upgrade <>`_