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2020-01-28 10:34:18 -08:00
ZIP: 222
Title: Transparent Zcash Extensions
Owners: Jack Grigg <>
2020-09-15 09:55:20 -07:00
Kris Nuttycombe <>
Credits: Zaki Manian
Daira-Emma Hopwood
Sean Bowe
Status: Draft
Category: Consensus
Created: 2019-07-01
License: MIT
The key words "MUST" and "MAY" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
BCP 14 [#BCP14]_ when, and only when, they appear in all capitals.
The term "network upgrade" in this document is to be interpreted as described in ZIP 200
The term "prefix-free" in this document is to be interpreted as to mean that no valid
encoding of a value may have the same binary representation as any prefix of
the binary encoding of another value of the same type.
The term "non-malleable" in this document is to be interpreted as described in ZIP 244
The value ``MAX_MONEY`` is as defined in section 5.3 of the Zcash Protocol Specification
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This proposal defines a modification to the consensus rules that enables complex forms of
transparent output preconditions to be deployed in network upgrades. This in turn enables the
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creation of "transparent Zcash extensions" that augment the network's functionality in a
carefully-defined and auditable fashion.
Zcash supports a limited set of preconditions that may be imposed upon how funds, both
transparent and shielded, may be spent. Spending limitations on transparent funds are
defined by what may be encoded in Bitcoin script, and spending of shielded funds is
even more restricted. As such, some use cases (for example, integration of BOLT support
[#zip-draft-bolt]_) are not yet supportable.
Transparent Zcash Extensions are intended to make it possible to incrementally
add new functionality without modifying interpretation of the existing Bitcoin
script, which is complex and potentially error-prone. Extensions may also serve
as laboratories for evaluating demand for functionality which may eventually be
candidates for inclusion in the consensus rules for shielded transactions.
To set conditions that must be satisfied in order to spend some or all of a
transaction's outputs.
A challenge that must be satisfied in order to gain spending authority over
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an encumbered amount.
Evidence to be evaluated against the challenge encoded by a precondition.
Transparent Extensions
Transparent Extensions are modular software components that are distributed as
part of the code of consensus implementations. An extension defines interpretation rules
for several new pieces of data that are included as part of a transaction.
A Transparent Extension is identified by a numeric ``type``. A Transparent
Extension may also have several modes of operation, corresponding to different
kinds of encumbrance within the extension's overall protocol.
The following three values are made available to the extension (in addition to ``type``):
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- A numeric ``mode``.
- A byte sequence ``precondition`` containing an encoding of the precondition that is
prefix-free within this ``(type, mode)``.
- A byte sequence ``witness`` containing an encoding of evidence purporting
to satisfy the precondition. This encoding MUST be prefix-free within this
``(type, mode)``.
The extension is responsible for providing mode-specific parsing and
serialization of these data fields. In addition, the extension MUST implement a
deterministic verification algorithm ``tze_verify`` that takes as arguments
``mode``, ``precondition``, ``witness``, and a context object. The context object
provides deterministic public information about the transaction as well as the block
chain (up to and including the block that the transaction is mined in). It returns
``true`` if the precondition is satisfied in that context, and ``false`` otherwise.
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An extension MAY request that arbitrary public information about the
transaction and block chain be included in the context object provided to it;
these requirements MUST be satisfied by a caller integrating the extension at
the integration point. Extensions SHOULD restrict the information requested to
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that which may be provided by node implementations in an efficient manner. For
example, an extension SHOULD NOT require that it be provided full blocks in
order to be able to construct or validate a precondition, and SHOULD minimize
transaction data requested to that which are essential for its computational
needs. In addition, while some preprocessing by the consensus-validating node
may be requested, construction of such contextual data SHOULD NOT impose
significant computational costs.
ZIPs that define a new transparent extension MUST completely specify the
structure of all three of the specified values for each defined mode, as well
as the behavior of ``tze_verify`` and any contextual information required.
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The encoded forms of ``precondition`` and ``witness`` are not required to be
constant-length, but SHOULD be solely determined by the pair ``(type, mode)``.
The introduction of TZEs by this ZIP produces a new transparent unspent
outpoint set, distinct from the UTXO set, such that indices into this set of
outpoints may be referred to by TZE inputs in spending transactions.
Encoding in transactions
We define a new transaction format that contains two new fields:
- ``tze_outputs``: A list of pairs of:
- The value being encumbered.
- The precondition that must be satisfied to spend the value.
- ``tze_inputs``: A list of pairs of:
- An outpoint referencing a prior precondition.
- A witness that satisfies it.
The transaction format is required to be non-malleable, in the sense that any
change to the effects of the transaction will change its transaction ID, but
any valid change to a ``witness`` inside ``tze_inputs`` will not change the
transaction ID. This will be specified in a separate ZIP.
A new version <TBD> transaction format and corresponding version group
identifier <TBD> will be introduced in the hard-fork network upgrade that
introduces TZE functionality. The version <TBD> format differs from the version 4
transaction format as follows: a length-prefixed encoding of TZE inputs and outputs are
added to the serialized transaction format immediately following the fields
representing transparent inputs and outputs.
======== ====================== =========================== ===============
Version Field Description Type
======== ====================== =========================== ===============
``...`` ``...`` as before ``...`` ``...``
>= 1 ``tx_in_count`` variable-length integer ``compactSize``
>= 1 ``tx_in`` list of inputs ``vector``
>= 1 ``tx_out_count`` variable-length integer ``compactSize``
>= 1 ``tx_out`` list of outputs ``vector``
>= <TBD> ``tze_in_count`` variable-length integer ``compactSize``
>= <TBD> ``tze_in`` list of TZE inputs ``vector``
>= <TBD> ``tze_out_count`` variable-length integer ``compactSize``
>= <TBD> ``tze_out`` list of TZE outputs ``vector``
>= 1 ``lock_time`` block height or timestamp ``uint32``
``...`` ``...`` as before ``...`` ``...``
======== ====================== =========================== ===============
Both ``tze_in`` and ``tze_out`` vectors make use of the common serialized
form ``tze_data`` described below. Serialization of all integer and vector
types is as with Bitcoin.
``tze_data`` encoding:
======================== ==================================== ==============================
Field Description Type
======================== ==================================== ==============================
``tze_id`` extension ``type`` ``compactSize``
``tze_mode`` extension ``mode`` ``compactSize``
``tze_data_payload_len`` length of precondition/witness data ``compactSize``
``tze_data_payload`` serialized precondition/witness data ``tze_data_payload_len`` bytes
======================== ==================================== ==============================
TZE Input Encoding:
====================== ==================================== ===============
Field Description Type
====================== ==================================== ===============
``prevout_hash`` previous txid ``uint256``
``prevout_in`` index into previous txn's outputs ``uint32``
``witness`` witness for prevout's precondition ``tze_data``
====================== ==================================== ===============
TZE Output Encoding:
====================== ============================================== ===============
Field Description Type
====================== ============================================== ===============
``amount`` spendable amount, in zatoshi ``int64``
``precondition`` encodes a precondition encumbering ``amount`` ``tze_data``
====================== ============================================== ===============
Consensus rules
Once this ZIP becomes active, the following new consensus rules are enforced:
- For each ``(outpoint, witness)`` pair in ``tze_inputs``:
- ``outpoint`` MUST reference a precondition of the same type and mode in an already-mined
- ``tze_verify(mode, precondition, witness, context)`` MUST return ``true``.
- If a transaction has non-empty ``tze_inputs`` and non-empty ``tze_outputs``,
then every element in both fields MUST have the same ``type`` in order to
eliminate the possibility for cross-extension attacks. As this is not a
consideration in the case that only ``tze_inputs`` or only ``tze_outputs``
are present, the extension ``type`` MAY vary between elements in that case.
- Non-coinbase transactions MUST have at least one of the following:
- nonempty transparent inputs
- nonempty shielded inputs
- nonempty ``tze_inputs``
The above rule replaces ``[Sapling onward] At least one of tx_in_count,
nShieldedSpend, and nJoinSplit MUST be nonzero`` in [#protocol-txnconsensus]_.
- Transactions MUST have at least one of the following:
- nonempty transparent outputs
- nonempty shielded outputs
- nonempty ``tze_outputs``
- All ``amount`` field values of ``tze_output`` records MUST be nonnegative and not greater
than ``MAX_MONEY``.
- The sum of amounts going out of the transparent value pool of a transaction (that is,
Bitcoin-style outputs and TZE outputs, plus JoinSplit ``vpub_old`` values) MUST NOT
exceed the sum of amounts going into that pool (that is, Bitcoin-style inputs and TZE
inputs, plus JoinSplit ``vpub_new`` values, plus the Sapling ``valueBalance`` amount).
Changes to signatures over transaction digests
2021-02-01 15:55:11 -08:00
This ZIP MUST be deployed in conjunction with or after ZIP 244 [#zip-0244]_, which defines
new non-malleable transaction identifier and signature digest algorithms.
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The newly added parts of the transaction, excluding witness information (i.e. not the
``witness`` fields of TZE Input Encodings), will be included in transaction digests for
transaction identifiers and signatures. See ZIP 245 [#zip-0245]_ for the specification of
these new digests. If the changes in this ZIP are deployed, those described in ZIP 245
MUST be deployed as well.
Transactions that have both TZE inputs and outputs are required to use a single extension
type, in order to prevent cross-protocol attacks. The downside is that this prevents all
TZE-encumbered value from being spent directly into a different TZE type; the value needs
to go through a regular address in between. This restriction might be relaxed in future
ZIPs for specific combinations of ``(type, mode)`` pairs that have been analyzed for
cross-protocol attacks, but we opt here for a fail-safe default behaviour.
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Transactions with TZE inputs which do not contain TZE outputs are not subject
to single-extension or single-mode restrictions; likewise, transactions which
contain TZE outputs without any TZE inputs may produce TZE outputs for multiple
extension-type/mode pairs as the potential for cross-protocol attacks in this
situation is negligible.
An earlier draft version of this ZIP stored the payloads inside transparent inputs and
outputs. Although this had the advantage of not requiring a transaction format change,
the consensus rules were significantly more complicated, and the design coupled the
extension logic too tightly to the transparent address logic. Instead, this ZIP uses
dedicated transaction fields, and a separate unspent output set.
Security and Privacy Considerations for Future TZE Implementations
This ZIP assumes that the base transaction format is non-malleable. However, the
``precondition`` and ``witness`` byte sequences are treated here as opaque. It is the
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responsibility of ``tze_verify`` to enforce the following:
- ``precondition`` MUST be non-malleable: any malleation MUST cause ``tze_verify`` to
return ``false``.
- The output of ``tze_verify(mode, precondition, witness, context)`` MUST be deterministic.
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ZIPs defining new extension types MUST include a section explaining how any potential
sources of malleability are handled.
This ZIP includes restrictions to prevent cross-protocol attacks, but the extension mode
is another potential attack surface. It is the responsibility of ZIPs defining new
extensions to examine the potential for cross-mode attacks within their security analysis,
and/or appropriately restrict which modes may be combined within a single transaction.
Reference Implementation
- Librustzcash reference implementation of TZE API: [#librustzcash_zip222]_
- Zcashd reference implementation of consensus rule changes: [#zcashd_zip222]_
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The handler semantics of ``tze_verify`` were suggested by Zaki Manian, drawing on the
design of Cosmos. Daira-Emma Hopwood and Sean Bowe gave useful feedback on an early draft of
this ZIP, and helped to analyse the various sources of transaction ID malleability.
We would also like to thank the numerous other individuals who participated in discussions
at Zcon1 that led to the earlier draft version of this ZIP.
.. [#BCP14] `Information on BCP 14 — "RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" and "RFC 8174: Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words" <>`_
.. [#protocol] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2021.2.16 or later <protocol/protocol.pdf>`_
.. [#protocol-constants] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2021.2.16. Section 5.3: Constants <protocol/protocol.pdf#constants>`_
.. [#protocol-txnconsensus] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2021.2.16. Section 7.1: Transaction Consensus Rules <protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus>`_
.. [#zip-0032] `ZIP 32: Shielded Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets <zip-0032.rst>`_
.. [#zip-0200] `ZIP 200: Network Upgrade Mechanism <zip-0200.rst>`_
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.. [#zip-0244] `ZIP 244: Transaction Non-Malleability Support <zip-0244.rst>`_
.. [#zip-0245] `ZIP 245: Transaction Identifier Digests & Signature Validation for Transparent Zcash Extensions <zip-0245.rst>`_
.. [#zip-draft-bolt] `Draft ZIP: Add support for Blind Off-chain Lightweight Transactions (Bolt) protocol <>`_
.. [#librustzcash_zip222] `Rust language reference implementation of TZE API <>`_
.. [#zcashd_zip222] `zcashd reference implementation of consensus rule changes <>`_