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2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
ZIP: 321
Title: Payment Request URIs
Owners: Kris Nuttycombe (
Daira Hopwood (
Status: Draft
Category: Wallet
Created: 2020-08-28
License: MIT
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", "RECOMMENDED", and "MAY" in this
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. [#RFC2119]_
The terms below are to be interpreted as follows:
A transfer of funds implemented by a shielded or transparent output of
a single Zcash transaction.
This ZIP proposes a standard format for payment request URIs. Wallets that
recognize this format enable users to construct payments simply by
clicking links on webpages or scanning QR codes.
In order for a robust transactional ecosystem to evolve for Zcash, it is
necessary for vendors to be able to issue requests for payment. At present, the
best option available is to manually specify a payment address, a payment
amount, and potentially memo field content. Of these three components, existing
wallets only provide functionality for reading payment addresses in a
semi-automated fashion. It is then necessary for the user to manually enter
payment amounts and any associated memo information, which is tedious and may
be error prone, particularly if a payment is intended for multiple recipients
or the memo field information contains structured data that must be faithfully
This ZIP seeks to eliminate these issues by proposing a standard format which
wallet vendors may support so that human intervention is required only for
approval, not creation, of such a payment transaction.
In Bitcoin, two different standards exist which permit vendors to issue payment
requests which are understood by wallets: BIP-0021 [#BIP0021]_ and BIP-0070
[#BIP0070]_. BIP-0021 provides a URI format which can be interpreted by a
wallet to construct simple, single-recipient transactions while BIP-0070 uses a
protobuf-based protocol which permits payment requests to specify the creation
of transactions of arbitrary complexity.
2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
The format proposed in this ZIP seeks a middle ground between these approaches:
to provide a URI-based format which supports both the trivial use case and
the slightly-more-complex situation where a payment may be intended for
multiple recipients.
The format must be a valid URI.
The format must permit the representaion of one or more (payment address, amount,
memo) tuples.
The following syntax specification uses ABNF [#RFC5234]_.
2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
URI Syntax:
.. code-block:: EBNF
2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
zcashurn = "zcash:" ( zcashaddress [ "?" zcashparams ] / "?" zcashparams )
zcashaddress = *base58
zcashparams = zcashparam [ "&" zcashparams ]
2020-09-16 21:22:50 -07:00
zcashparam = [ addrparam / amountparam / memoparam / messageparam / labelparam / reqparam / otherparam ]
2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
NONZERO = %x31-39
DIGIT = %x30-39
paramindex = "." NONZERO *DIGIT
addrparam = "address" [ paramindex ] "=" zcashaddress
amountparam = "amount" [ paramindex ] "=" *DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ]
labelparam = "label" [ paramindex ] "=" *qchar
memoparam = "memo" [ paramindex ] "=" *qchar
messageparam = "message" [ paramindex ] "=" *qchar
paramname = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" )
reqparam = "req-" paramname [ paramindex ] [ "=" *qchar ]
otherparam = paramname [ paramindex ] [ "=" *qchar ]
2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
qchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / allowed-delims / ":" / "@"
allowed-delims = "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";"
2020-09-04 11:24:46 -07:00
Here, ``ALPHA``, ``unreserved`` and ``pct-encoded`` are as defined in
[#RFC3986]_. "base58" is defined as in [#base58check]_
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A ZIP-321 URI represents a request for the construction of a transaction having
one or more *payments*. In the case that only a single payment is being
requested, the recipient address MAY be included in the ``hier-part`` component
of the RFC 3986 URI; otherwise, multiple recipient addresses can be specified
using ``addrparam`` parameters with different indices.
Addresses, amounts, labels, and messages sharing the same ``paramindex`` are
interpreted to be associated with the same payment for the purposes of payment
construction. Parameters with an empty ``paramindex`` are associated with a
payment to the address with empty ``paramindex``.
A URI of the form ``zcash:<address>?...`` MUST be considered equivalent to a
URI of the form ``zcash:?address=<address>&...`` where ``<address>`` is an
instance of ``zcashaddress``.
If there are any non-address parameters having a given ``paramindex``, then
the URI MUST contain an address parameter having that ``paramindex``.
Transfer amount
If an amount is provided, it MUST be specified in decimal ZEC. Amounts MUST NOT
contain commas, and if a decimal fraction is present then a period (`.`) MUST be
used as the separating character to separate the whole number from the decimal
fraction. The decimal fraction MUST NOT be empty. E.g. ``amount=50.00`` or
``amount=50`` is treated as 50 ZEC; ``amount=.5`` is treated as 0.5 ZEC; and
``amount=50,000.00`` or ``amount=50,00`` or ``amount=50.`` are invalid.
Query Keys
Label for an address (e.g. name of receiver)
Zcash address string (shielded or transparent)
Contents for the Zcash shielded memo field. MUST not exceed 512 bytes.
Parsers MUST consider the entire URI invalid if the address associated with
the same ``paramindex`` is not a valid shielded address.
Message that clients can display for the purpose of presenting descriptive
information about the transaction to the user.
2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
Forward compatibility
Variables which are prefixed with a ``req-`` are considered required. If a
parser does not recognize any variables which are prefixed with ``req-``, it
MUST consider the entire URI invalid. Any other variables that are not
recognized, but that are not prefixed with a ``req-``, SHOULD be ignored.
Backward compatibility
As this ZIP is written, several clients already implement a ``zcash:`` URI
scheme similar to this one, however usually without the additional ``req-``
prefix requirement. Thus, it is RECOMMENDED that additional variables prefixed
with ``req-`` not be used in a mission-critical way until a grace period of 6
months from the finalization of this ZIP has passed in order to allow client
developers to release new versions, and users of old clients to upgrade.
.. [#RFC2119] `RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels <>`_
.. [#RFC5234] `RFC 5234: Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF <>`_
.. [#RFC3986] `RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax, Appendix A. Collected ABNF for URI <>`_
.. [#bip-0021] `BIP 21: URI Scheme <>`_
.. [#bip-0070] `BIP 70: Payment Protocol <>`_
2020-09-04 09:56:06 -07:00
.. [#base58check] `Base58Check encoding <>`_