Corrections related to outgoing viewing keys and ciphertexts.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-06-22 22:25:34 +01:00
parent 398cc64619
commit 001474760a
2 changed files with 64 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -4014,6 +4014,18 @@ Let $\ValueCommitAlg$ and $\NoteCommitSaplingAlg$ be as specified in \crossref{a
Let $\reprJ$ and $\ParamJ{h}$ be as defined in \crossref{jubjub}.
Let $\OutViewingKey$ be the \outgoingViewingKey of the address from which the payment
is being sent.
\pnote{If a payment is sent from multiple addresses, the sender \MAY choose one
of the addresses for this purpose. Alternatively, the sender \MAY use a separate
\outgoingViewingKey for all payments associated with an \quotedterm{account}.
The latter is intended to be defined in \cite{ZIP-32} which is currently in draft.
If the sender prefers to obtain forward secrecy of the payment information with
respect to compromise of its own secrets, it \MAY set $\OutViewingKey = \bot$.}
For each \outputDescription, the sender selects a value $\ValueNew{}$ and a destination
@ -5093,6 +5105,10 @@ and let $\DiversifiedTransmitBaseNew \typecolon \KASaplingPublicPrimeOrder$ be t
Since \Sapling \note encryption is used only in the context of \crossref{saplingsend}, we may assume that
$\DiversifiedTransmitBaseNew$ has already been calculated and is not $\bot$.
Let $\OutViewingKey \typecolon \maybe{\OutViewingKeyType}$ be as described in \crossref{saplingsend},
i.e.\ the \outgoingViewingKey of the \paymentAddress from which the \note is being spent, or an
\outgoingViewingKey associated with a \cite{ZIP-32} account, or $\bot$.
Let $\NotePlaintext{} = (\Diversifier, \Value, \NoteCommitRandBytes, \Memo)$ be the \Sapling{} \notePlaintext.
@ -5105,14 +5121,21 @@ Then to encrypt:
\item choose a uniformly random ephemeral private key $\EphemeralPrivate \leftarrowR \KASaplingPrivate \setminus \setof{0}$
\item Calculate $\EphemeralPublic = \KASaplingDerivePublic(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitBaseNew)$.
\item Let $\TransmitPlaintext{}$ be the raw encoding of $\NotePlaintext{}$.
\item Let $\DHSecret{} = \KASaplingAgree(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitPublicNew)$.
\item Let $\TransmitKey{} = \KDFSapling(\DHSecret{}, \EphemeralPublic)$.
\item Let $\TransmitCiphertext{} = \SymEncrypt{\TransmitKey{}}(\TransmitPlaintext{})$.
\item Let $\OutCipherKey = \PRFock{\OutViewingKey}(\cvNew{}, \cmNew{}, \EphemeralPublic)$.
\item Let $\OutPlaintext = \LEBStoOSPOf{512}{\reprJOf{\DiversifiedTransmitPublicNew} \bconcat \ItoLEBSPOf{256}{\EphemeralPrivate}}$.
\item Let $\OutCiphertext = \SymEncrypt{\OutCipherKey}(\OutPlaintext)$.
\item let $\EphemeralPublic = \KASaplingDerivePublic(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitBaseNew)$
\item let $\TransmitPlaintext{}$ be the raw encoding of $\NotePlaintext{}$
\item let $\DHSecret{} = \KASaplingAgree(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitPublicNew)$
\item let $\TransmitKey{} = \KDFSapling(\DHSecret{}, \EphemeralPublic)$
\item let $\TransmitCiphertext{} = \SymEncrypt{\TransmitKey{}}(\TransmitPlaintext{})$
\item if $\OutViewingKey = \bot$:
\item \tab choose random $\OutCipherKey \leftarrowR \Keyspace$ and $\OutPlaintext \leftarrowR \byteseq{(\ellJ + 256)/8}$
\item else:
\item \tab let $\cvField = \LEBStoOSP{\ellJ}\big(\reprJ(\cvNew{})\kern-0.12em\big)$
\item \tab let $\cmField = \LEBStoOSP{256}\big(\ExtractJ(\cmNew{})\kern-0.15em\big)$
\item \tab let $\ephemeralKey = \LEBStoOSPOf{\ellJ}{\reprJOf{\EphemeralPublic}}$
\item \tab let $\OutCipherKey = \PRFock{\OutViewingKey}(\cvField, \cmField, \ephemeralKey)$
\item \tab let $\OutPlaintext = \LEBStoOSPOf{\ellJ + 256}{\reprJ(\DiversifiedTransmitPublicNew) \,\bconcat\, \ItoLEBSPOf{256}{\EphemeralPrivate}\kern-0.12em}$
\item \vspace{-2ex}
\item let $\OutCiphertext = \SymEncrypt{\OutCipherKey}(\OutPlaintext)$
The resulting \noteCiphertext is $(\EphemeralPublic, \TransmitCiphertext{}, \OutCiphertext)$.
@ -5136,7 +5159,7 @@ received out-of-band, which are not addressed in this document.
Let $\InViewingKey \typecolon \InViewingKeyTypeSapling$ be the recipient's \incomingViewingKey,
as specified in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
Let $(\EphemeralPublic, \TransmitCiphertext{})$ be the \noteCiphertext from the
Let $(\EphemeralPublic, \TransmitCiphertext{}, \OutCiphertext)$ be the \noteCiphertext from the
\outputDescription{}. Let $\cmField$ be that field of the \outputDescription (encoding the
$u$-coordinate of the \noteCommitment).
@ -5183,11 +5206,12 @@ contain the \transaction in which a \note was output.
\subsubsection{Decryption using a Full Viewing Key (\Sapling)} \label{saplingdecryptovk}
Let $\OutViewingKey$ be the recipient's \outgoingViewingKey, as specified in
Let $(\EphemeralPublic, \TransmitCiphertext{})$ be the \noteCiphertext from the
Let $\OutViewingKey \typecolon \OutViewingKeyType$ be the \outgoingViewingKey, as specified
in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}, that is to be used for decryption.
(If $\OutViewingKey = \bot$ was used for encryption, the payment is not decryptable by
this method.)
Let $(\EphemeralPublic, \TransmitCiphertext{}, \OutCiphertext)$ be the \noteCiphertext,
and let $\cvField$, $\cmField$, and $\ephemeralKey$ be those
fields of the \outputDescription (encoding the \valueCommitment, the $u$-coordinate
of the \noteCommitment, and $\EphemeralPublic$).
@ -5322,13 +5346,20 @@ Let $\NoteTypeSapling$ be as defined in \crossref{notes}.
\item Return $(\ReceivedSet, \SpentSet)$.
%\pnote{This algorithm \emph{does not} guarantee to detect all \notes
%The detection and attempted-decryption algorithms are independent. It is incorrect
%to attempt to detect outgoing \notes by attempting decryption. This differs from the
%case of receiving a \note using an \incomingViewingKey (\crossref{decryptsaplingivk}).
%The ... is that it is possible .., and so ... would potentially miss ..}
\item The above algorithm does not use the $\OutViewingKey$ key component, or the $\OutCiphertext$
\noteCiphertext component. When scanning the whole \blockchain, these are indeed not necessary.
The advantage of supporting decryption using $\OutViewingKey$ as described in \crossref{saplingdecryptovk},
is that it allows recovering information about the \notePlaintexts sent in a \transaction from that
\transaction alone.
\item When scanning only part of a \blockchain, it may be useful to augment the above algorithm with
decryption of $\OutCiphertext$ components for each \transaction, in order to obtain information
about \notes that were spent in the scanned period but received outside it.
\item The above algorithm does not detect \notes that were sent ``out-of-band'' or with incorrect
\noteCiphertexts. It is possible to detect whether such \notes were spent only if their \nullifiers
are known.
} %sapling
@ -7731,6 +7762,7 @@ The raw encoding of a \fullViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJOf{\AuthSignPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJOf{\AuthProvePublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$32$-byte $\OutViewingKey$}
@ -7738,6 +7770,7 @@ The raw encoding of a \fullViewingKey consists of:
\item $32$ bytes specifying the compressed Edwards encoding of $\AuthSignPublic$
(see \crossref{jubjub}).
\item $32$ bytes specifying the compressed Edwards encoding of $\AuthProvePublic$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \outgoingViewingKey $\OutViewingKey$.
When decoding this representation, the key is not valid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$
@ -8297,8 +8330,8 @@ $\ProofOutput$ (see \crossref{groth}). \\ \hline
The $\ephemeralKey$ and $\encCiphertext$ fields together form the \noteCiphertext,
which is computed as described in \crossref{saplinginband}.
The $\ephemeralKey$, $\encCiphertext$, and $\outCiphertext$ fields together form the
\noteCiphertext, which is computed as described in \crossref{saplinginband}.
\consensusrule{$\LEOStoIPOf{256}{\cmField}$ \MUST be less than $\ParamJ{q}$.}
@ -9518,6 +9551,8 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\item Change the syntax of a \commitmentScheme to add $\CommitGenTrapdoor$. This is necessary
because the intended distribution of \commitmentTrapdoors may not be uniform on all values
that are acceptable trapdoor inputs.
\item Add notes on the purpose of \outgoingViewingKeys.
\item Correct the encoding of a \fullViewingKey ($\OutViewingKey$ was missing).
\item Ensure that \Sprout functions and values are given \Sprout-specific types where appropriate.
\item Improve cross-referencing.
\item Clarify the use of $\PHGR$ vs $\Groth$ proofs in \joinSplitStatements.

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@ -689,6 +689,13 @@ Last revised February~5, 2018.}
author={Jack Grigg and Daira Hopwood},
title={Shielded Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets},
howpublished={Zcash Improvement Proposal 32 (in progress).},
author={Jack Grigg and Daira Hopwood},