
Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-07-29 17:27:36 +01:00
parent a6fd0153d2
commit 045a3a9e54
1 changed files with 9 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -3563,7 +3563,7 @@ Let $\MerkleHashLength{Sprout}$, $\MerkleDepth{Sprout}$\sapling{, $\MerkleHashLe
$\MerkleDepth{Sapling}$}\nufive{, $\MerkleHashLength{Orchard}$, and $\MerkleDepth{Orchard}$} be as
defined in \crossref{constants}.
@ -5544,7 +5544,7 @@ if for the next \block, $\BlockHeight < \CanopyActivationHeight$, or $\hexint{02
if $\BlockHeight \geq \CanopyActivationHeight$.
For each \outputDescription, the sender selects a value $\Value \typecolon \range{0}{\MAXMONEY}$
and a destination \Sapling \shieldedPaymentAddress $(\Diversifier, \DiversifiedTransmitPublic)$, and then
performs the following steps:
@ -5702,8 +5702,10 @@ The encoded \transaction is submitted to the peer-to-peer network.
\lsubsection{Dummy Notes}{dummynotes}
\lsubsubsection{Dummy Notes (\SproutText)}{sproutdummynotes}
The fields in a \joinSplitDescription allow for $\NOld$ input \notes, and
$\NNew$ output \notes. In practice, we may wish to encode a \joinSplitTransfer
with fewer input or output \notes. This is achieved using \defining{\dummyNotes}.
@ -5724,14 +5726,16 @@ is constructed as follows:
\item Generate a new uniformly random \spendingKey $\AuthPrivateOld{i} \leftarrowR \bitseq{\AuthPrivateLength}$
and derive its \payingKey $\AuthPublicOld{i}$.
\item Set $\vOld{i} = 0$.
\item Choose uniformly random $\NoteUniqueRandOld{i} \leftarrowR \PRFOutputSprout$
and $\NoteCommitRandOld{i} \leftarrowR \NoteCommitGenTrapdoor{Sprout}()$.
\item Compute $\nfOld{i} = \PRFnf{Sprout}{\AuthPrivateOld{i}}(\NoteUniqueRandOld{i})$.
\item Let $\TreePath{i}$ be a \dummy \merklePath for the
\auxiliaryInput to the \joinSplitStatement (this will not be checked).
\item When generating the \joinSplitProof\!\!, set $\EnforceMerklePath{i}$ to $0$.
@ -6656,6 +6660,7 @@ Let $\GroupPHash$ be as defined in \crossref{concretegrouphashpallasandvesta}.
Define $\NullifierBaseOrchard := \GroupPHash\Of{\ascii{}, \ascii{K}}\,$.
To avoid repetition, we define a function $\DeriveNullifierAlg \typecolon
\NullifierKeyTypeOrchard \times \NoteUniqueRandTypeOrchard \times \NoteNullifierRandType \times \GroupP \rightarrow \GF{\ParamP{q}}$
as follows: