Instantiate PRF^ock, and correct some types. Also enforce that esk is canonical.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-06-22 22:48:25 +01:00
parent eb6a8c7d62
commit 0617ca2aae
1 changed files with 62 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -964,6 +964,8 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -990,7 +992,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -1316,6 +1318,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -2777,7 +2780,7 @@ For \Sapling, three additional $\PRF{x}{}$ are needed:
\begin{tabular}{@{\hskip 2em}l@{\;}l@{\;}l@{\;}l@{\,}l}
$\PRFexpand{} $&$\typecolon\; \SpendingKeyType $&$\times\; \PRFInputExpand $& &$\rightarrow \PRFOutputExpand $\\
$\PRFock{} $&$\typecolon\; \OutViewingKeyType $&$\times\; \ReprJ \times \ReprJ \times \ReprJ $& &$\rightarrow \Keyspace$\\
$\PRFock{} $&$\typecolon\; \OutViewingKeyType $&$\times\; \ReprJBytes \times \ReprJBytes \times \ReprJBytes $& &$\rightarrow \Keyspace$\\
$\PRFnfSapling{} $&$\typecolon\; \SubgroupReprJ $&$\times\; \ReprJ $& &$\rightarrow \PRFOutputNfSapling $
@ -4557,9 +4560,20 @@ is a representation of the \nullifierKey associated with the \note and $\NoteAdd
\subsubsection{\JoinSplitStatement\pSproutOrNothing} \label{joinsplitstatement}
A valid instance of $\ProofJoinSplit$ assures that given a \primaryInput:
Let $\MerkleHashLengthSprout$, $\PRFOutputLengthSprout$, $\MerkleDepthSprout$, $\ValueLength$,
$\AuthPrivateLength$, $\NoteAddressPreRandLength$, $\hSigLength$, $\NOld$, $\NNew$ be as defined in \crossref{constants}.
Let $\PRFaddr{}$, $\PRFnf{}$, $\PRFpk{}$, and $\PRFrho{}$ be as defined in \crossref{abstractprfs}.
Let $\NoteCommitSprout{}$ be as defined in \crossref{abstractcommit}, and
let $\NoteTypeSprout$ and $\NoteCommitmentSprout$ be as defined in \crossref{notes}.
A valid instance of $\ProofJoinSplit$ assures that given a \primaryInput:
\item $\oparen\rt \typecolon \MerkleHashSprout,\\
\hparen\nfOld{\allOld} \typecolon \typeexp{\PRFOutputSprout}{\NOld},\\
@ -5120,9 +5134,11 @@ The \outgoingViewingKey holder will attempt to decrypt the \noteCiphertext as fo
\item let $\OutCipherKey = \PRFock{\OutViewingKey}(\cvField, \cmField, \ephemeralKey)$
\item let $\OutPlaintext = \SymDecrypt{\OutCipherKey}(\OutCiphertext)$
\item if $\OutPlaintext = \bot$, return $\bot$
\item extract $(\DiversifiedTransmitPublicRepr, \EphemeralPrivate)$ from $\OutPlaintext$
\item let $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic = \abstJOf{\DiversifiedTransmitPublicRepr}$
\item if $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic = \bot$, return $\bot$
\item extract $(\DiversifiedTransmitPublicRepr \typecolon \ReprJ,
\EphemeralPrivateBytes \typecolon \EphemeralPrivateBytesType)$ from $\OutPlaintext$
\item let $\EphemeralPrivate = \LEOStoIPOf{256}{\EphemeralPrivateBytes}$
and $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic = \abstJOf{\DiversifiedTransmitPublicRepr}$
\item if $\EphemeralPrivate \geq \ParamJ{r}$ or $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic \notin \KASaplingPublicPrimeOrder$, return $\bot$
\item let $\DHSecret{} = \KASaplingAgree(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitPublic)$
\item let $\TransmitKey{} = \KDFSapling(\DHSecret{}, \EphemeralPublic)$
\item let $\TransmitPlaintext{} = \SymDecrypt{\TransmitKey{}}(\TransmitCiphertext{})$
@ -5141,6 +5157,10 @@ The \outgoingViewingKey holder will attempt to decrypt the \noteCiphertext as fo
} %sapling
\pnote{For a valid \transaction it must be the case that
$\ephemeralKey = \LEBStoOSP{\ellJ}\big(\reprJOf{\EphemeralPublic}\kern-0.15em\big)$.}
\subsection{\Blockchain{} Scanning\pSproutOrNothing} \label{sproutscan}
@ -6024,6 +6044,17 @@ be necessary.})
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\OutViewingKey}$} &
\sbitbox{256}{$32$-byte $\cvField$}
\sbitbox{256}{$32$-byte $\cmField$} &
\sbitbox{264}{$32$-byte $\ephemeralKey$}
@ -6054,6 +6085,26 @@ corresponding to $t$.
} %securityrequirement
$\PRFock{}$ is used in \crossref{saplingencrypt} to derive the
\outgoingCipherKey $\OutCipherKey$ used to encrypt an \outputCiphertext.
It is instantiated using the $\BlakeTwobGeneric$ \hashFunction defined in
\item $\PRFock{\OutViewingKey}(\cvField, \cmField, \ephemeralKey) := \BlakeTwobOf{256}{\ascii{Zcash\_Derive\_ock}, \ockInput}$
\item where $\ockInput = \Justthebox{\ockbox}$.
$\BlakeTwobOf{512}{\ascii{Zcash\_Derive\_ock}, \ockInput}$ must be a
PRF for output range $\Keyspace$ (defined in \crossref{concretesym}) when keyed by the bits corresponding
to $\OutViewingKey$, with input in the bits corresponding to $\cvField$, $\cmField$, and $\ephemeralKey$.
} %securityrequirement
$\PRFnfSapling{}$ is used to derive the \nullifier for a \Sapling{} \note.
@ -6068,7 +6119,7 @@ It is instantiated using the $\BlakeTwosGeneric$ \hashFunction defined in \cross
$\BlakeTwosOf{256}{\ascii{Zcash\_nf}, \Justthebox{\nfsaplingbox}}$ must be a
\collisionResistant PRF for output range $\byteseq{32}$ when keyed by the bits
corresponding to $\AuthProvePublicRepr$, with input in the bits corresponding to
$\NoteAddressRand$. Note that $\AuthProvePublicRepr \typecolon \SubgroupReprJ$
$\NoteAddressRandRepr$. Note that $\AuthProvePublicRepr \typecolon \SubgroupReprJ$
is a representation of a point in the $\ParamJ{r}$-order subgroup of the \jubjubCurve,
and therefore is not uniformly distributed on $\ReprJ$.
$\SubgroupReprJ$ is defined in \crossref{jubjub}.
@ -9371,6 +9422,10 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
it is a \jubjubCurve $u$-coordinate.
\item Add explicit consensus rules that the $\anchorField$ field of a \spendDescription and the $\cmField$
field of an \outputDescription{} must be canonical encodings.
\item Enforce that $\EphemeralPrivate$ in $\outCiphertext$ is a canonical encoding.
\item Correct or improve the types of $\GroupJHash{}$, $\FindGroupJHash$, $\ExtractJ$, $\PRFexpand{}$,
$\PRFock{}$, and $\CRHivk$.
\item Instantiate $\PRFock{}$ using $\BlakeTwob{256}$.
\item Change the syntax of a \commitmentScheme to add $\CommitGenTrapdoor$. This is necessary
because the intended distribution of \commitmentTrapdoors may not be uniform on all values
that are acceptable trapdoor inputs.