Fix encodings to take into account viewing keys.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2016-02-25 19:41:06 +00:00
parent 36340df6c2
commit 0e3aee41ac
1 changed files with 44 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
\newcommand{\discloseKey}{\term{disclosure key}}
\newcommand{\keyPrivateAlgorithm}{\term{key-private encryption scheme}}
\newcommand{\incrementalMerkleTree}{\term{incremental merkle tree}}
\newcommand{\spentSerialsMap}{\term{spent serial numbers map}}
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@
@ -988,10 +987,10 @@ with the following differences:
\section{Encoding Addresses, Private keys, Coins, and Pour descriptions}
\section{Encoding Addresses, Keys, Coin plaintexts, and Pour descriptions}
This section describes how \Zcash encodes public addresses, private keys,
coins, and \PourDescriptions.
This section describes how \Zcash encodes \paymentAddresses, \spendingKeys,
\viewingKeys, \coinPlaintexts, and \PourDescriptions.
Addresses, keys, and coins, can be encoded as a byte string; this is called
the \term{raw encoding}. This byte string can then be further encoded using
@ -1020,7 +1019,7 @@ encryption scheme defined in section ``In-band secret distribution".
\subsubsection{Raw Encoding}
The raw encoding of a confidential address consists of:
The raw encoding of a \paymentAddress consists of:
@ -1048,80 +1047,70 @@ and produces `z' as the Base58Check leading character.}
\subsection{Spending Keys}
A confidential address secret consists of $\AuthPrivate$ and
$\TransmitPrivate$. $\AuthPrivate$ is a SHA-256 compression function
output. $\TransmitPrivate$ is a \changed{Curve25519} private key, for use with
the encryption scheme defined in section ``In-band secret distribution".
A \spendingKey consists of $\AuthPrivate$.
\subsubsection{Raw Encoding}
The raw encoding of a confidential address secret consists of, in order:
The raw encoding of a \spendingKey consists of, in order:
&}\bitbox{256}{$\AuthPrivate$ (32 bytes)} &
\bitbox{256}{$\TransmitPrivate$ (32 bytes)}
&}\bitbox{256}{$\AuthPrivate$ (32 bytes)}
\item A byte $\SpendingKeyLeadByte$ indicating this version of the
raw encoding of a \Zcash private key.
raw encoding of a \Zcash \spendingKey.
\item 32 bytes specifying $\AuthPrivate$.
\item 32 bytes specifying $\TransmitPrivate$.
\daira{check that this lead byte is distinct from other Bitcoin stuff,
and produces `z' as the Base58Check leading character.}
and produces a suitable Base58Check leading character.}
\nathan{what about the network version byte?}
\subsection{Viewing Keys}
Transmitted coins are stored on the blockchain in encrypted form, together with
a \coinCommitment $\cm$.
The \coinPlaintexts associated with a \PourDescription are encrypted to the
respective \transmitKeypair keys $\TransmitPublicNew{\mathrm{1}..\NNew}$,
and the result forms a \coinsCiphertext.
Each \coinPlaintext consists of $(\changed{\AuthPublic, }\Value, \CoinAddressRand,
\CoinCommitRand\changed{, \Memo})$, where:
\item $\AuthPublic$ is a 32-byte \authKeypair public key of the recipient.
\item $\Value$ is a 64-bit unsigned integer representing the value of the
\coin in \zatoshi (1 \ZEC = $10^8$ \zatoshi).
\item $\CoinAddressRand$ is a 32-byte $\PRFsn{\AuthPrivate}$ preimage.
\item $\CoinCommitRand$ is a 48-byte \COMMtrapdoor.
\item $\Memo$ is a 64-byte \memo associated with this \coin.
The usage of the $\memo$ is by agreement between the sender and recipient of the
\coin. It should be encoded as a UTF-8 human-readable string \cite{Unicode}, padded
with zero bytes. Wallet software is expected to strip any trailing zero bytes and
then display the resulting UTF-8 string to the recipient user, where applicable.
Incorrect UTF-8-encoded byte sequences should be displayed as replacement characters
(\ReplacementCharacter). This does not preclude uses of the \memo by automated
software, but specification of such usage is not in the scope of this document.
Note that the value $\CoinCommitS$ described as being part of a \coin in the
\Zerocash paper is not encoded because the instantiation of $\COMM{\CoinCommitS}$
does not use it.
A \viewingKey consists of a \discloseKey $\DiscloseKey$, and a
\transmitKeypair private key $\TransmitPrivate$.
\subsubsection{Raw Encoding}
The raw encoding of a \coinPlaintext consists of, in order:
The raw encoding of a \viewingKey consists of, in order:
\bitbox{48}{$\ViewingKeyLeadByte$} &
\bitbox{256}{$\DiscloseKey$ (32 bytes)}
\bitbox{256}{$\TransmitPrivate$ (32 bytes)}
\item A byte $\ViewingKeyLeadByte$ indicating this version of the
raw encoding of a \Zcash \viewingKey.
\item 32 bytes specifying $\DiscloseKey$.
\item 32 bytes specifying $\TransmitPrivate$.
\daira{check that this lead byte is distinct from other Bitcoin stuff,
and produces a suitable Base58Check leading character.}
\nathan{what about the network version byte?}
\subsection{Coin Plaintexts}
\subsubsection{Raw Encoding}
The raw encoding of a \coinPlaintext $(\AuthPublic, \Value, \CoinAddressRand,
\CoinCommitRand, \Memo)$ consists of, in order: