ZIP 307 updates.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2020-06-29 17:10:44 +01:00
parent 8574f3df93
commit 1c5281f906
1 changed files with 20 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ZIP: 307
Title: Light Client Protocol for Payment Detection
Authors: George Tankersley <>
Jack Grigg <>
Credits: Matthew Green <>
Category: Standards Track
Status: Draft
Created: 2018-09-17
License: MIT
@ -68,8 +69,7 @@ deriving from the the same wallet.
In particular, the underlying Zcash node / proxy combination is assumed to be "honest but
curious" and is trusted to provide a correct view of the current best chain state and to
faithfully transmit queries and responses. Methods for weakening this assumption are
discussed in appendix FOO.
faithfully transmit queries and responses.
This ZIP does not address how to spend notes privately.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ A **compact block** is a packaging of ONLY the data from a block needed to:
3. Update your witnesses to generate new Sapling spend proofs.
A compact block and its component compact transactions are encoded on the wire using the
following Protocol Buffers [XXX] format:
following Protocol Buffers [#protocolbuffers] format:
.. code:: proto
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Output Compression
In the normal Zcash protocol, the output ciphertext consists of the AEAD encrypted form of
a *note plaintext* [Note]:
a *note plaintext* [#protocol-notept]_:
| 8-bit 0x01 | 88-bit d | 64-bit v | 256-bit rcm | memo (512 bytes) + tag (16 bytes) |
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ and spendable.
Spend Compression
Recall that a full Sapling Spend description is 384 bytes long [Spend]:
Recall that a full Sapling Spend description is 384 bytes long [#protocol-spendencoding]:
| Bytes | Name | Type |
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Scanning for relevant transactions
For every ``CompactOutput`` in the ``CompactBlock``, the light client can trial-decrypt it
against a set of Sapling incoming viewing keys. The procedure for trial-decrypting a
``CompactOutput`` (*cmu*, *epk*, *ciphertext*) with an incoming viewing key *ivk* is a
slight deviation from the standard decryption process [#sapling-ivk-decryption]_:
slight deviation from the standard decryption process [#protocol-saplingdecryptivk]_:
- let sharedSecret = KA\ :sup:`Sapling`\ .Agree(*ivk*, *epk*)
- let K\ :sup:`enc` = KDF\ :sup:`Sapling`\ (sharedSecret, *epk*)
@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ Creating and updating note witnesses
As ``CompactBlocks`` are received in height order, and the transactions within them have
their order preserved, the *cmu* values in each ``CompactOutput`` can be sequentially
appended to an incremental Merkle tree of depth 32 in order to maintain a local copy of
the Sapling note commitment tree. [#sapling-commitment-tree]_ This can then be used to
the Sapling note commitment tree. [#protocol-merkletree]_ This can then be used to
create incremental witnesses for each unspent note the light client is tracking.
[#incremental-witness]_ An incremental witness updated to height ``X`` corresponds to a
Merkle path from the note to the Sapling commitment tree anchor for block ``X``.
Let ``tree`` be the Sapling note commitment tree at height ``X-1``, and ``note_witnesses``
be the incremental witnesses for unspent notes detected up to height ``X-1``. When the
@ -341,13 +341,15 @@ validation. If a txid is used in a ``GetTransaction`` call, the returned transac
SHOULD be checked against the corresponding ``CompactOutputs``, in addition to verifying
the transaction signatures.
[**TODO:** Do we want the next paragraph here?]
Potential extensions
A trivial extension (with corresponding bandwidth cost) would be to transmit empty
``CompactTxs`` corresponding to transactions that do not contain Sapling spends or
outputs. A more complex extension would send the inner nodes within the transaction
trees corresponding to non-Sapling-relevant subtrees; this would require strictly less
bandwidth that the trivial extension.
bandwidth that the trivial extension. These extensions are not currently defined.
Client-server interaction
@ -571,10 +573,6 @@ uninteresting transactions as well, and SHOULD download all transactions in any
which a single full transaction is fetched (interesting or otherwise). It MUST convey to
the user that fetching full transactions will reduce their privacy.
Appendix FOO
You can require the proxy to give you all the block headers to validate.
Reference Implementation
@ -582,31 +580,17 @@ Reference Implementation
This proposal is supported by a set of libraries and reference code made available by the
Zcash Company.
.. [#RFC2119] `Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels <>`_
[ZEC] Zcash Protocol Spec
[bipXXX] define a light client
[XXX] protobufs
[Note] [ZEC] Section 5.5
[Spend] [ZEC] Section 7.x
[Output] [ZEC] Section 7.x
.. [#sapling-ivk-decryption] `Section 4.17.2: Decryption using an Incoming Viewing Key (Sapling). Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2018.0-beta-31 or later [Overwinter+Sapling] <>`_
.. [#sapling-commitment-tree] `Section 3.7: Note Commitment Trees. Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2018.0-beta-32 or later [Overwinter+Sapling] <>`_
.. [#protocol-merkletree] `Section 3.7: Note Commitment Trees. Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2020.1.6 <protocol/protocol.pdf#merkletree>`_
.. [#protocol-merklepath] `Section 4.8: Merkle Path Validity. Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2020.1.6 <protocol/protocol.pdf#merklepath>`_
.. [#protocol-saplingdecryptivk] `Section 4.17.2: Decryption using an Incoming Viewing Key (Sapling). Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2020.1.6 <protocol/protocol.pdfsaplingdecryptivk>`_
.. [#protocol-notept] `Section 5.5: Encodings of Note Plaintexts and Memo Fields. Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2020.1.6 <protocol/protocol.pdf#notept>`_
.. [#protocol-spendencoding] `Section 7.3: Encoding of Spend Descriptions. Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2020.1.6 <protocol/protocol.pdf#spendencoding>`_
.. [#protocol-outputencoding] `Section 7.4: Encoding of Output Descriptions. Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2020.1.6 <protocol/protocol.pdf#outputencoding>`_
.. [#protocolbuffers] `Protocol Buffers. <>`_
.. [#incremental-witness] `TODO`
.. [#sapling-merkle-path] `Section 4.8: Merkle path validity. Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2018.0-beta-32 or later [Overwinter+Sapling] <>`_
.. [#spv-clients] `TODO`