Allow the Merkle path validity check in the Action circuit to pass if any output of

MerkleCRH^Orchard is 0, and add a note in \crossref{merklepath} arguing that this is safe.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-06-30 14:36:43 +01:00
parent 0b7aeae33e
commit 1ed8e47d56
1 changed files with 29 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -5927,22 +5927,31 @@ Given such a \merklePath, it is possible to verify that \merkleLeafNode
$\MerkleNode{\MerkleDepth{}}{i}$ is in a tree with a given \merkleRoot $\rt{} = \MerkleNode{0}{0}$.
For \Sapling, Merkle \merkleHashes are specified to be encoded as bit sequences, but the
\merkleRoot $\rt{Sapling}$ is encoded for the \primaryInput of a \spendProof as an element
of $\GF{\ParamJ{q}}$, as specified in \crossref{cctsaplingspend}. The \spendCircuit allows
inputs to $\MerkleCRH{Sapling}$ at each \merkleNode to be \nonCanonicallyFieldElement encoded,
as specified in \crossref{cctmerklepath}.
} %pnote
} %sapling
\item For \Sapling, Merkle \merkleHashes are specified to be encoded as bit sequences, but the
\merkleRoot $\rt{Sapling}$ is encoded for the \primaryInput of a \spendProof as an element
of $\GF{\ParamJ{q}}$, as specified in \crossref{cctsaplingspend}. The \spendCircuit allows
inputs to $\MerkleCRH{Sapling}$ at each \merkleNode to be \nonCanonicallyFieldElement encoded,
as specified in \crossref{cctmerklepath}.
For \Orchard, Merkle \merkleHashes have type $\MerkleHashOrchard$ as defined in
\crossref{concreteextractorpallas}. Similarly to \Sapling, the \actionCircuit allows inputs
to $\MerkleCRH{Orchard}$ at each \merkleNode to be \nonCanonicallyFieldElement encoded.
} %pnote
\item For \Orchard, Merkle \merkleHashes have type $\MerkleHashOrchard$ as defined in
\crossref{concreteextractorpallas}. Similarly to \Sapling, the \actionCircuit allows
inputs to $\MerkleCRH{Orchard}$ at each \merkleNode to be \nonCanonicallyFieldElement
\item The \actionCircuit is permitted to be implemented in such a way that the \merklePath
validity check can pass if any \merkleHash on the path, including the \merkleRoot, is
$0$. This can only happen if $\SinsemillaHash$ returned $\bot$ for that hash, because
$0$ is not the $x$-coordinate of any point on the \pallasCurve (as shown in a note at
\crossref{concreteextractorpallas}), and $\SinsemillaHashToPoint$ cannot return
$\ZeroP$. Allowing the validity check to pass in that case models the fact that
incomplete addition is used to implement Sinsemilla in the circuit. As proven in
\theoremref{thmsinsemillaex}, a $\bot$ output from $\SinsemillaHash$ yields a
nontrivial discrete logarithm relation. Since we assume finding such a relation to be
infeasible, we can argue that it is safe to allow an adversary to create a proof that
passes the Merkle validity check in such a case.
} %nufive
} %sapling
\lsubsection{SIGHASH Transaction Hashing}{sighash}
@ -7074,6 +7083,9 @@ For details of the form and encoding of \actionStatement proofs, see \crossref{h
\item In the Merkle path validity check, each \merkleLayer does \emph{not} check that its
input bit sequence is a canonical encoding (in $\range{0}{\ParamP{q}-1}$) of the integer
from the previous \merkleLayer.
\item As specified in \crossref{merklepath}, the validity check is permitted to be implemented in
such a way that it can pass if any $\MerkleCRH{Orchard}$ hash on the \merklePath outputs $0$.
This allows nondeterministic, incomplete addition to be used in the circuit for $\SinsemillaHash$.
\item It is \emph{not} checked that $\ValueCommitRand{} < \ParamP{r}$ or that $\NoteCommitRandOld{} < \ParamP{r}$
or that $\NoteCommitRandNew{} < \ParamP{r}$.
\item $\SpendAuthSigRandomizePublic{Orchard}(\AuthSignRandomizer, \AuthSignPublicPoint) =
@ -14435,6 +14447,9 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
disruptive to change them at this point in the Network Upgrade Process, and
because it is necessary to track $\bot$ outputs in order to correctly model
non-determinism in the \actionCircuit.)
\item Allow the Merkle path validity check in the \actionCircuit to pass if any
output of $\MerkleCRH{Orchard}$ is $0$, and add a note in \crossref{merklepath}
arguing that this is safe.
} % nufive
\item No changes before \NUFive.