
Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-05-07 12:26:26 +01:00
parent d0caaa2ee9
commit 205b2f5861
1 changed files with 71 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -4220,7 +4220,7 @@ random and an input, can be used to commit to the input in such a way that:
\item no information is revealed about it without the \trapdoor (\quotedHiding); and
\item given the \trapdoor and input, the commitment can be verified to \quotedtermandindex{open}{open (a commitment)}
to that input and no other (\quotedBinding).\!\!
to that input and no other (\quotedBinding)\rlap{.}
} %defining
@ -4808,7 +4808,7 @@ if this happens, discard the key and repeat with a different $\SpendingKey$.
has length $252$ bits. It follows that the distribution of $\AuthSignPrivate$,
i.e.\ $\PRFexpand{\SpendingKey}([0]) : \SpendingKey \leftarrowR \SpendingKeyType$,
is computationally indistinguishable from $\SpendAuthSigGenPrivate{Sapling}()$ defined
in \crossref{concretespendauthsig}.\!\!
in \crossref{concretespendauthsig}\rlap{.}
\item The distribution of $\AuthProvePrivate$, i.e.\
$\ToScalar{Sapling}\big(\PRFexpand{\SpendingKey}([1])\kern-0.1em\big) : \SpendingKey \leftarrowR \SpendingKeyType$,
@ -7515,12 +7515,12 @@ from $\TransmitPlaintext{}$
\item A previous version of this specification did not have the requirement for the decoded point
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ of a \Sapling \note to be in the subgroup
\smash{$\SubgroupJ$ (i.e.\ ``if ... $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic \not\in \SubgroupJ$}, return $\bot$'').
That did not match the implementation in \zcashd.\!\!\introlist\vspace{-0.5ex}
That did not match the implementation in \zcashd\rlap{.}\introlist\vspace{-0.5ex}
\item As explained in the note in \crossref{jubjub}, $\abstJ$ accepts \nonCanonicalPoint
compressed encodings of \jubjubCurve points. Therefore, an implementation \MUST use the original
$\ephemeralKey$ field as encoded in the \transaction as input to $\PRFock{}{}$ and $\KDF{Sapling}$,
and in the comparison against
$\reprG{}\big(\KADerivePublic{Sapling}(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitBase)\kern-0.12em\big)$.\!\!\nufive{\; For
$\reprG{}\big(\KADerivePublic{Sapling}(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitBase)\kern-0.12em\big)$\rlap{.}\nufive{\; For
consistency this is also what is specified for \Orchard.}\vspace{-0.5ex}
\prenufiveitem{$\DiversifiedTransmitPublicRepr$ can also be \nonCanonicalPoint. Since $\bot$ is returned
if $\DiversifiedTransmitBase \not\in \SubgroupJ$, the only accepted \nonCanonicalPoint encoding for
@ -8667,13 +8667,12 @@ discrete logarithm relation, and similarly for $\SinsemillaHash(D, M) = \Sinsemi
Without loss of generality we can restrict to the case where $\ell$ is a multiple of $k$:
since $\pad_n$ is injective on inputs of a given bit length, \collisionResistance for
$\ell = n \mult k$ bits implies \collisionResistance for each length that pads to $n \mult k$ bits.
Since $\ell \in \range{0}{k \mult c}$ we have $n \in \range{0}{c}$. Then:
\item $\SinsemillaHashToPoint(M) = \scalarmult{2^n}{\SinsemillaGenInit(D)} + \vsum{j=0}{2^k - 1} \scalarmult{\chi(m)_{j+1}}{\SinsemillaGenBase(j)}$,\, where $m = \pad_n(M)$.
\item $\SinsemillaHashToPoint(M) = \scalarmult{2^n}{\SinsemillaGenInit(D)} + \ssum{j=0}{2^k - 1} \scalarmult{\chi(m)_{j+1}}{\SinsemillaGenBase(j)}$,\, where $m = \pad_n(M)$.
(The $j+1$ is just because sequence indices are $1$-based.)
@ -8700,17 +8699,18 @@ So either $\SinsemillaHashToPoint(D, M) = \SinsemillaHashToPoint(D, M')$ (in whi
hash proof) or $\SinsemillaHashToPoint(D, M) = -\SinsemillaHashToPoint(D, M')$. In the latter case, let
$m = \pad_n(M)$ and $m' = \pad_n(M')$, then we have
\begin{tabular}{@{\hskip 1.5em}r@{\;}l}
$ \scalarmult{2^n}{\SinsemillaGenInit(D)} + \ssum{j=0}{{2^k}-1} \scalarmult{\chi(m)_{j+1}}{\SinsemillaGenBase(j)} = $&$ -\kern-0.1em\Big(\scalarmult{2^n}{\SinsemillaGenInit(D)} + \ssum{j'=0}{{2^k}-1} \scalarmult{\chi(m')_{j'+1}}{\SinsemillaGenBase(j')}\kern-0.15em\Big)$ \\
$\scalarmult{2^{n+1}}{\SinsemillaGenInit(D)} + \ssum{j=0}{{2^k}-1} \scalarmult{\chi(m)_{j+1} + \chi(m')_{j+1}}{\SinsemillaGenBase(j)} = $&$ 0$
Because $2^{n+1} \leq \ParamP{r}-1$, the coefficients $\!\!\pmod{\ParamP{r}}$ are not all zero, and therefore
this is a nontrivial discrete logarithm relation between independent bases.
\item The above theorem easily extends to the case where additional scalar multiplication terms with
independent bases may be added to the $\SinsemillaHashToPoint$ output before applying $\ExtractPbot$.
@ -8718,7 +8718,7 @@ this is a nontrivial discrete logarithm relation between independent bases.
\crossref{concretesinsemillacommit}. It is also needed to show security of \nullifier derivation
defined in \crossref{commitmentsandnullifiers} against Faerie Gold attacks, as described in
\item Assuming that $\GroupGHash$ acts as a \randomOracle, it can also be proven that $\SinsemillaHashToPoint$
and $\SinsemillaHash$ are \collisionResistant across different personalization inputs (regardless of input length).
@ -8734,10 +8734,11 @@ intermediate values of $\Acc$:
\item let $\Acc_0 \leftarrow \SinsemillaGenInit(D)$
\item for $i$ from $1$ up to $n$:
\item \tab set $\Acc_i \leftarrow \big(\Acc_{i-1} \incompleteadd \SinsemillaGenBase(m_i)\kern-0.1em\big) \incompleteadd \Acc_{i-1}$
\item \vspace{-4ex}
\item \vspace{-4.5ex}
\item return $\Acc_n$.
@ -9151,8 +9152,10 @@ PRF when keyed by its first argument, with its second argument as input.
\lsubsubsection{Symmetric Encryption}{concretesym}
Let $\Keyspace := \bitseq{256}$, $\Plaintext := \byteseqs$, and $\Ciphertext := \byteseqs$.
Let the \symmetricEncryptionScheme $\SymEncrypt{\Key}(\Ptext)$ be authenticated encryption using
@ -10927,7 +10930,7 @@ Define $\hashtofield_{\XMDBlakeTwob}^{\typeexp{\GF{\ParamG{q}}\!}{2}}(\msg \type
encodes $\DST$ in the hash inputs instead.
\item The conversion from bytes to field elements uses big-endian order, again in order
to follow the Internet Draft.\!\!
to follow the Internet Draft\rlap{.}
\item A minor optimization is to cache the state of the $\BlakeTwob{512}$ instance
used to compute $b_0$ after processing $\zerobytes{128}$, since this state does
@ -11603,8 +11606,10 @@ For addresses on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{ztestsapling}.
\lsubsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Incoming Viewing Keys}{saplinginviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
Let $\InViewingKeyLength{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{constants}.
@ -11617,19 +11622,20 @@ It is used with the encryption scheme defined in \crossref{saplinginband}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \incomingViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\InViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes (little-endian) specifying $\InViewingKey$, padded with zeros in the most
significant bits.
$\InViewingKey$ \MUST be in the range $\InViewingKeyTypeSapling$ as specified
in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}. That is, a decoded \incomingViewingKey \MUST be
considered invalid if $\InViewingKey$ is not in this range.
@ -11640,8 +11646,10 @@ For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivktests
\lsubsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Full Viewing Keys}{saplingfullviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
A \Sapling{} \defining{\fullViewingKey} consists of $\AuthSignPublic \typecolon \SubgroupJstar$,
@ -11652,7 +11660,7 @@ $\AuthSignPublic$ and $\NullifierKey$ are points on the \jubjubCurve
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \fullViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\AuthSignPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
@ -11661,7 +11669,7 @@ The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \fullViewingKey consists of:
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of $\AuthSignPublic$
(see \crossref{jubjub}).
@ -11669,6 +11677,7 @@ The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \fullViewingKey consists of:
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \outgoingViewingKey $\OutViewingKey$.
When decoding this representation, the key \MUST be considered invalid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$
for either $\AuthSignPublic$ or $\NullifierKey$, or if $\AuthSignPublic \notin \SubgroupJstar$,
or if $\NullifierKey \notin \SubgroupJ$.
@ -11679,30 +11688,35 @@ For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviewtest
\lsubsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Spending Keys}{saplingspendingkeyencoding}
A \Sapling{} \defining{\spendingKey} consists of $\SpendingKey \typecolon \SpendingKeyType$
(see \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}).
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \spendingKey consists of:
\item $32$ bytes specifying $\SpendingKey$.
For \spendingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{secret-spending-key-main}.
For \spendingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{secret-spending-key-test}.
} %sapling
\lsubsubsection{Unified and \OrchardText{} Encodings}{orchardencodings}
@ -11753,10 +11767,10 @@ a user might only check part of the address. See \cite{ZIP-316} for full details
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Raw Payment Addresses}{orchardpaymentaddrencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\shieldedPaymentAddress} consists of $\Diversifier \typecolon \DiversifierType$
@ -11778,14 +11792,14 @@ The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \shieldedPaymentAddress consists of:
\item $11$ bytes specifying $\Diversifier$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \swCompressedEncoding of
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ (see \crossref{pallasandvesta}).\!\!
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ (see \crossref{pallasandvesta}\rlap{).}
When decoding the representation of $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, the address \MUST be
considered invalid if $\abstP$ returns $\bot$ or $\ZeroP$.
@ -11798,7 +11812,7 @@ instead use a \unifiedPaymentAddress as defined in \cite{ZIP-316}.
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Raw Incoming Viewing Keys}{orchardinviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\incomingViewingKey} consists of a \diversifierKey $\DiversifierKey$,
@ -11838,7 +11852,7 @@ instead use a \unifiedIncomingViewingKey as defined in \cite{ZIP-316}.
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Raw Full Viewing Keys}{orchardfullviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
Let $\ExtractP$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteextractorpallas}.
@ -11874,6 +11888,7 @@ The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \fullViewingKey consists of:
When decoding this representation, the key \MUST be considered invalid if $\AuthSignPublic$,
$\NullifierKey$, or $\CommitIvkRandom$ are not canonically encoded elements of their respective
fields, or if $\AuthSignPublic \not\in \GroupPx$.
@ -11884,9 +11899,10 @@ instead use a \unifiedFullViewingKey as defined in \cite{ZIP-316}.
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Spending Keys}{orchardspendingkeyencoding}
An \Orchard{} \defining{\spendingKey} consists of $\SpendingKey \typecolon \SpendingKeyType$
(see \crossref{orchardkeycomponents}).
@ -12198,7 +12214,7 @@ The \Zcash{} \defining{\transaction} format for \transactionVersion 5 is as foll
& $4$ & $\nConsensusBranchId\!$ & \type{uint32} & \xConsensusBranchID. \\ \hline
& $4$ & $\lockTime$ & \type{uint32} & Unix-epoch UTC time or \blockHeight, encoded as in \Bitcoin.\!\! \\ \hline
& $4$ & $\lockTime$ & \type{uint32} & Unix-epoch UTC time or \blockHeight, encoded as in \Bitcoin\rlap{.} \\ \hline
& $4$ & $\nExpiryHeight$ & \type{uint32} &
A \blockHeight in the range $\range{1}{499999999}$ after which the \transaction will expire, or $0$ to disable expiry.
@ -12829,7 +12845,7 @@ preceding \blocks if there are fewer than $\PoWMedianBlockSpan$). The \medianTim
\Sapling \treestate of this \block.}
\saplingandblossomitem{$\hashLightClientRoot$ \MUST be $\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\rt{Sapling}}$ where
\saplingandblossomitem{$\hashLightClientRoot$ \MUST be $\LEBStoOSP{256}\big(\rt{Sapling}\big)$ where
$\rt{Sapling}$ is the \merkleRoot of the \Sapling \noteCommitmentTree for the final
\Sapling \treestate of this \block.}
\heartwoodandcanopyitem{$\hashLightClientRoot$ \MUST be set to the $\hashChainHistoryRoot$
@ -12846,8 +12862,10 @@ nondeterministic, and clock time varies between nodes. Also note that a \block t
rejected by this rule at a given point in time may later be accepted.
\item The semantics of blocks with \blockVersionNumber{} not equal to $4$
is not currently defined. Miners \MUSTNOT create such \blocks.
\item The exclusion of \blocks with \blockVersionNumber{} \emph{greater than} $4$
is not a consensus rule; such \blocks may exist in the \blockChain
and \MUST be treated identically to version 4 \blocks by \fullValidators.
@ -12855,57 +12873,72 @@ rejected by this rule at a given point in time may later be accepted.
greater than or less than $4$. It is likely that such an upgrade will
change the \block header and/or \transaction format, and software that
parses \blocks \SHOULD take this into account.
\item The $\nVersion$ field is a signed integer. (It was specified
as unsigned in a previous version of this specification.) A future
upgrade might use negative values for this field, or otherwise change
its interpretation.
\item There is no relation between the values of the $\versionField$ field of a \transaction,
and the $\nVersion$ field of a \blockHeader.
\item Like other serialized fields of type $\type{compactSize}$, the $\solutionSize$ field \MUST
be encoded with the minimum number of bytes ($3$ in this case), and other encodings
\MUST be rejected. This is necessary to avoid a potential attack in which a miner
could test several distinct encodings of each \Equihash solution against the difficulty
filter, rather than only the single intended encoding.
\item As in \Bitcoin, the $\nTimeField$ field \MUST represent a time \emph{strictly greater than}
the median of the timestamps of the past $\PoWMedianBlockSpan$ \blocks. The
Bitcoin Developer Reference \cite{Bitcoin-Block} was previously in error on this point,
but has now been corrected.
\item The rule limiting $\nTimeField$ to be no later than $90 \mult 60$ seconds after the
\medianTimePast is a retrospective consensus change, applied as a soft fork in
\zcashd v2.1.1-1. It had not been violated by any \block from the given \blockHeights
in the consensus \blockChains of either \Mainnet or \Testnet.
\item There are no changes to the \blockVersionNumber or format for \Overwinter.
} %overwinter
\item Although the \blockVersionNumber does not change for \Sapling,
the previously reserved (and ignored) field $\hashReserved$ has been
repurposed for $\hashFinalSaplingRoot$. There are no other format changes.
} %sapling
\item There are no changes to the \blockVersionNumber or format for \Blossom.
} %blossom
\item For \Heartwood, the $\hashFinalSaplingRoot$ field is renamed to $\hashLightClientRoot$.
Once \Heartwood activates, the meaning of this field changes according to \cite{ZIP-221}.
} %heartwood
\item There are no changes to the \blockVersionNumber or format for \Canopy.
} %canopy
\item For \NUFive, the $\hashLightClientRoot$ field is renamed to $\hashBlockCommitments$.
Once \NUFive activates, the meaning of this field changes according to \cite{ZIP-244}.
} %nufive
The changes relative to \Bitcoin version 4 blocks as described in \cite{Bitcoin-Block} are:
\item \Blockversions less than $4$ are not supported.
\item The $\hashReserved$\sapling{ (or $\hashFinalSaplingRoot$)}, $\solutionSize$, and
$\solution$ fields have been added.
\item The type of the $\nNonce$ field has changed from \type{uint32} to \type{byte[32]}.
\item The maximum \block size has been doubled to $2000000$ bytes.
@ -13936,7 +13969,7 @@ does not follow from \collisionResistance of the original hash, even if the
truncation is only by one bit. This motivated avoiding truncation along any
path from the inputs to the computation of $\hSig$ to the uses of
} %sproutspecific
Since the \xPRFs are instantiated using \shaCompress which has an input block
@ -13947,7 +13980,7 @@ $\PRFaddr{}$, $\PRFnf{Sprout}{}$, and $\PRFpk{}$, and to $\NoteUniquePreRand$ (w
does not exist in \Zerocash) for $\PRFrho{}$, and so those values have been
reduced to $252$ bits. This is preferable to requiring reasoning about truncation,
and $252$ bits is quite sufficient for security of these cryptovalues.
} %sproutspecific
\Sapling uses \xPedersenHashes and $\BlakeTwosGeneric$ where \Sprout used \shaCompress.
@ -13958,7 +13991,7 @@ via a personalization parameter distinct from the input. Therefore, there is
no need for truncation in the inputs to any of these hashes. Note however that the
\emph{output} of $\CRHivk$ is truncated, requiring a security assumption on
$\BlakeTwosGeneric$ truncated to $251$ bits (see \crossref{concretecrhivk}).
} %sapling
\Orchard replaces \xPedersenHashes by \xSinsemillaHashes which can also be efficiently