ZIP 2001: Improvements to specification

- Add explicit consensus rules where missing.
- Adjust spec to be solely modifications to other specs.
- Improve definition of PoolValue_Deferred.

Co-authored-by: Arya <>
Co-authored-by: Conrado Gouvêa <>
Co-authored-by: Daira-Emma Hopwood <>
Co-authored-by: Kris Nuttycombe <>
This commit is contained in:
Jack Grigg 2024-08-06 20:41:03 +00:00
parent ded0698adb
commit 246ce15ed2
1 changed files with 104 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ that a funding stream may deposit funds into the deferred pool.
Deferred Development Fund Chain Value Pool Balance
Modifications to ZIP 207 [#zip-0207]_
Full node implementations MUST track an additional
:math:`\mathsf{PoolValue}_{Deferred}` chain value pool balance, in addition to
the Sprout, Sapling, and Orchard chain value pool balances. This balance is
set to zero prior to the activation of Network Upgrade 6.
The following paragraph is added to the section **Motivation**:
ZIP 207 [#zip-0207]_ is modified as follows:
ZIP TBD [#draft-nuttycom-funding-allocation]_ directs part of the block reward
to a reserve, the distribution of which is to be determined via a future ZIP.
ZIP 2001 [#zip-2001]_ modified this ZIP to augment the funding stream mechanism
with a common mechanism to implement this proposal.
In the section **Funding streams** [#zip-0207-funding-streams]_, instead of:
@ -84,15 +84,92 @@ it will be modified to read:
MUST be either a transparent P2SH address, a Sapling address, or the identifier
In the section **Consensus rules** [#zip-0207-consensus-rules]_, the following
will be added:
After the section **Funding streams**, a new section is added with the heading
"Deferred Development Fund Chain Value Pool Balance" and the following contents:
The "prescribed way" to pay to the `DEFERRED_POOL` is to add
:math:`\mathsf{FundingStream[FUND].Value}(\mathsf{height})` to
Full node implementations MUST track an additional
:math:`\mathsf{PoolValue}_{Deferred}` chain value pool balance, in addition to
the Sprout, Sapling, and Orchard chain value pool balances.
The protocol specification is modified to define the "total issued supply" such
that the total issued supply as of a given height is given by the function:
Define :math:`\mathsf{totalDeferredOutput}(\mathsf{height}) := \sum_{\mathsf{fs} \in \mathsf{DeferredFundingStreams}(\mathsf{height})} \mathsf{fs.Value}(\mathsf{height})`
where :math:`\mathsf{DeferredFundingStreams}(\mathsf{height})` is the set of
funding streams with a recipient of `DEFERRED_POOL` in the block at height
The :math:`\mathsf{PoolValue}_{Deferred}` chain value pool balance for a given
block chain is the sum of the values of payments to `DEFERRED_POOL` for
transactions in the block chain.
Equivalently, :math:`\mathsf{PoolValue}_{Deferred}` for a block chain up to
and including height :math:`\mathsf{height}` is given by
:math:`\sum_{\mathsf{h} = 0}^{\mathsf{height}} \mathsf{totalDeferredOutput}(\mathsf{h})`.
Note: :math:`\mathsf{totalDeferredOutput}(\mathsf{h})` is necessarily
zero for heights :math:`\mathsf{h}` prior to NU6 activation.
In the section **Consensus rules** [#zip-0207-consensus-rules]_, instead of:
- The coinbase transaction in each block MUST contain at least one output per
active funding stream that pays the stream's value in the prescribed way to
the stream's recipient address for the block's height.
it will be modified to read:
- In each block, for each active funding stream with a recipient other than
`DEFERRED_POOL` at that block's height, the block's coinbase transaction
MUST contain at least one output that pays the stream's value in the
prescribed way to that recipient.
After the list of post-Canopy consensus rules, the following paragraph is added:
The effect of the definition of :math:`\mathsf{PoolValue}_{Deferred}` above
is that payments to the `DEFERRED_POOL` cause
:math:`\mathsf{FundingStream[FUND].Value}(\mathsf{height})` to be added to
:math:`\mathsf{PoolValue}_{Deferred}` for the block chain including that block.
Modifications to the protocol specification
In section **7.1.2 Transaction Consensus Rules** [#protocol-txnconsensus]_, instead of:
The total value in zatoshi of transparent outputs from a coinbase transaction,
minus :math:`\mathsf{v^{balanceSapling}}`, minus :math:`\mathsf{v^{balanceOrchard}}`,
MUST NOT be greater than the value in zatoshi of the block subsidy plus the transaction
fees paid by transactions in this block.
it will be modified to read:
For the block at height :math:`\mathsf{height}`:
- define the "total output value" of its coinbase transaction to be the total value
in zatoshi of its transparent outputs, minus :math:`\mathsf{v^{balanceSapling}}`,
minus :math:`\mathsf{v^{balanceOrchard}}`, plus :math:`\mathsf{totalDeferredOutput}(\mathsf{height})`;
- define the "total input value" of its coinbase transaction to be the value in zatoshi
of the block subsidy, plus the transaction fees paid by transactions in the block.
The total output value of a coinbase transaction MUST NOT be greater than its
total input value.
where :math:`\mathsf{totalDeferredOutput}(\mathsf{height})` is defined consistently
with ZIP 207.
Note: this ZIP and ZIP 236 both make changes to the above rule. Their combined effect
is that the last paragraph will be replaced by:
[Pre-NU6] The total output value of a coinbase transaction MUST NOT be greater
than its total input value.
[NU6 onward] The total output value of a coinbase transaction MUST be equal to
its total input value.
Section **7.10 Payment of Funding Streams** [#protocol-fundingstreams]_ contains
language and definitions copied from ZIP 207; it should be updated to reflect the
changes made above.
In section **3.4 Transactions and Treestates** [#protocol-transactions]_, a definition
of "total issued supply" will be added, such that the total issued supply as of a given
height is given by the function:
.. math::
@ -104,6 +181,12 @@ that the total issued supply as of a given height is given by the function:
&+\,\; \mathsf{PoolValue}_{Deferred}(\mathsf{height})
The second paragraph of section **1.2 High-level Overview** [#protocol-overview]_
should also be updated to take into account the deferred chain value pool. Since
that section of the specification is entirely non-normative, we do not give the
full wording change here.
@ -114,3 +197,10 @@ References
.. [#zip-0207] `ZIP 207: Funding Streams <zip-0207.rst>`_
.. [#zip-0207-funding-streams] `ZIP 207: Funding Streams. Section: Funding streams <zip-0207.rst#funding-streams>`_
.. [#zip-0207-consensus-rules] `ZIP 207: Funding Streams. Section: Consensus rules <zip-0207.rst#consensus-rules>`_
.. [#draft-nuttycom-funding-allocation] `Draft ZIP: Block Reward Allocation for Non-Direct Development Funding <draft-nuttycom-funding-allocation.rst>`_
.. [#zip-2001] `ZIP 2001: Lockbox Funding Streams <zip-2001.rst>`_
.. [#protocol-overview] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 1.2: High-level Overview <protocol/protocol.pdf#overview>`
.. [#protocol-transactions] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 3.4: Transactions and Treestates <protocol/protocol.pdf#transactions>`
.. [#protocol-txnconsensus] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 7.1.2: Transaction Consensus Rules <protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus>`
.. [#protocol-subsidies] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 7.8: Calculation of Block Subsidy, Funding Streams, and Founders Reward <protocol/protocol.pdf#subsidies>`
.. [#protocol-fundingstreams] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 7.10: Payment of Funding Streams <protocol/protocol.pdf#fundingstreams>`