Add section on signature hashing, and a note on malleability of proofs.

Also describe the changes in sighash computation relative to Bitcoin.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-06-22 22:24:18 +01:00
parent be632b4a21
commit 398cc64619
2 changed files with 116 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -1392,11 +1392,14 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\compactSize}{\type{compactSize uint}}
\newcommand{\SighashTxHashing}{\titleterm{SIGHASH Transaction Hashing}}
\newcommand{\sighashTxHash}{\term{SIGHASH transaction hash}}
\newcommand{\sighashTxHashes}{\term{SIGHASH transaction hashes}}
\newcommand{\sighashType}{\term{SIGHASH type}}
\newcommand{\sighashTypes}{\term{SIGHASH types}}
@ -3529,9 +3532,11 @@ Note that Knowledge Soundness implies Soundness --- i.e.\ the property that it i
infeasible to find a new proof $\Proof{}$ where $\ZKVerify{\vk}(x, \Proof{}) = 1$ without
\emph{there existing} an \auxiliaryInput $w$ such that $(x, w) \in \ZKSatisfying$.
It is possible to replay proofs, but informally, a proof for a given $(x, w)$ gives
no information that helps to find a proof for other $(x, w)$. \todo{Clarify this and/or
switch to a proving system that provides Simulation Extractability.}
\nnote{The above properties do not include nonmalleability \cite{DSDCOPS2001}, and the
design of the protocol using the \zeroKnowledgeProvingSystem must take this
into account.}
The \provingSystem is instantiated in \crossref{phgr}.
@ -3880,11 +3885,14 @@ where
\item $\cv$ and $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$ \MUSTNOT be of small order, i.e.\ $\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{\cv}$
\MUSTNOT be $\ZeroJ$ and $\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}$ \MUSTNOT be $\ZeroJ$.
\item The proof $\Proof{\Spend}$ \MUST be valid given a \primaryInput formed
from the other fields except $\spendAuthSig$.
I.e.\ it must be the case that $\SpendVerify{}((\cv, \rt, \nf, \AuthSignRandomizedPublic), \Proof{\Spend}) = 1$.
\item The \spendAuthSignature{} \MUST be a valid $\SpendAuthSig$ signature over $\SigHash$
using $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$ as the public key.
I.e.\ it must be the case that $\SpendAuthSigVerify{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}(\SigHash, \spendAuthSig) = 1$.
from the other fields except $\spendAuthSig$ ---
i.e.\ $\SpendVerify{}((\cv, \rt, \nf, \AuthSignRandomizedPublic), \Proof{\Spend}) = 1$.
\item Let $\SigHash$ be the \sighashTxHash of this \transaction, not associated with an input,
as defined in \crossref{sighash} using $\SIGHASHALL$.
The \spendAuthSignature{} \MUST be a valid $\SpendAuthSig$ signature over $\SigHash$
using $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$ as the public key ---
i.e.\ $\SpendAuthSigVerify{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}(\SigHash, \spendAuthSig) = 1$.
} %sapling
@ -4211,19 +4219,67 @@ where
Given such a \merklePath, it is possible to verify that \merkleLeafNode
$\MerkleNode{\MerkleDepth}{i}$ is in a tree with a given \merkleRoot $\rt = \MerkleNode{0}{0}$.
\subsection{\SighashTxHashing} \label{sighash}
\Bitcoin and \Zcash use signatures and/or non-interactive proofs associated
with \transaction inputs to authorize spending. Because these signatures or proofs
could otherwise be replayed in a different \transaction, it is necessary to ``bind''
them to the \transaction for which they are intended. This is done by hashing information
about the \transaction and (where applicable) the specific input, to give a
\sighashTxHash which is then used for the spend authorization. The means of
authorization differs between
\sprout{\transparentInputs and inputs to \Sprout \joinSplitTransfers,}
\notsprout{\transparentInputs, inputs to \Sprout \joinSplitTransfers,\sapling{ and \Sapling \spendTransfers,}}
but the same \sighashTxHash algorithm is used.
In the case of \Zcash, the
\sprout{$\PHGR$ proving system used is}%
\notsprout{$\PHGR$\sapling{ and $\Groth$} proving systems used are}%
\emph{malleable}, meaning that there is the potential for an adversary who does
not know all of the \auxiliaryInputs to a proof, to malleate it in order to create a new proof
involving related \auxiliaryInputs \cite{DSDCOPS2001}. This can be understood as similar
to a malleability attack on an encryption scheme, in which an adversary can malleate a
ciphertext in order to create an encryption of a related plaintext, without knowing the
original plaintext. \Zcash has been designed to mitigate malleability attacks, as described
in \crossref{sproutnonmalleability}\sapling{, \crossref{bindingsig}, and \crossref{spendauthsig}}.
To provide additional flexibility when combining spend authorizations from different
sources, \Bitcoin defines several \sighashTypes that cover various parts of a transaction
\cite{Bitcoin-SigHash}. One of these types is $\SIGHASHALL$\changed{, which is used for
\Zcash-specific signatures, i.e.\ \joinSplitSignatures\sapling{, \spendAuthSignatures,
and \bindingSignatures}}. \changed{In \sprout{this case}\notsprout{these cases} the
\sighashTxHash is not associated with a \transparentInput, and so the input
to hashing excludes \emph{all} of the $\scriptSig$ fields in the non-\Zcash-specific parts
of the \transaction.}
\changed{In \Zcash, all \sighashTypes are extended to cover the \Zcash-specific
fields $\nJoinSplit$, $\vJoinSplit$, and if present $\joinSplitPubKey$. These fields
are described in \crossref{txnencoding}. The hash \emph{does not} cover the field $\joinSplitSig$.}
After \NUZero\sapling{ and \Sapling} activation, all \sighashTypes are also extended to cover
\transaction fields introduced in those upgrades.
The original \sighash algorithm defined by \Bitcoin suffered from some deficiencies as
described in \cite{ZIP-143}; in \Zcash these are to be addressed by changing this algorithm
as part of the \NUZero upgrade.
} %nuzero
\prenuzero{The \sighash algorithm used prior to \NUZero activation, i.e.\ for
version 1 and 2 \transactions, will be defined in \cite{ZIP-76} (to be written).}
\nuzeroonly{The \sighash algorithm used after \NUZero activation and before \Sapling
activation, i.e.\ for version 3 \transactions, is defined in \cite{ZIP-143}.}
\saplingonward{The \sighash algorithm used after \Sapling activation, i.e.\ for
version 4 \transactions, is defined in \cite{ZIP-243}.}
\subsection{Non-malleability\pSproutOrNothing} \label{sproutnonmalleability}
\Bitcoin defines several \sighashTypes that cover various parts of a transaction.
\changed{In \Zcash, all of these \sighashTypes are extended to cover the \Zcash-specific
fields $\nJoinSplit$, $\vJoinSplit$, and (if present) $\joinSplitPubKey$, described in
\crossref{txnencoding}. They \emph{do not} cover the field $\joinSplitSig$.
Let $\dataToBeSigned$ be the hash of the \transaction{} \changed{using the $\SIGHASHALL$
\sighashType}. \changed{This \emph{excludes} all of the $\scriptSig$ fields in
the non-\Zcash-specific parts of the \transaction.}
Let $\dataToBeSigned$ be the hash of the \transaction{}, not associated with an input,
\changed{using the $\SIGHASHALL$ \sighashType}.
In order to ensure that a \joinSplitDescription is cryptographically bound to the
\transparent inputs and outputs corresponding to $\vpubNew$ and $\vpubOld$, and
@ -8869,7 +8925,10 @@ transactions. It also allows \transparent and \shielded transfers to
happen atomically --- possibly under the control of nontrivial script
conditions, at some cost in distinguishability.
\todo{Describe changes to signing.}
Computation of \sighashTxHashes, as described in \crossref{sighash},
was changed to clean up handling of an error case for $\SIGHASHSINGLE$,
to remove the special treatment of \ScriptOP{CODESEPARATOR}, and to
include \Zcash-specific fields in the hash \cite{ZIP-76}.
@ -9428,12 +9487,15 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\item Remove the consensus rule
``If $\nJoinSplit > 0$, the \transaction{} \MUSTNOT use \sighashTypes other than $\SIGHASHALL$.'',
which was never implemented.
\item Add section on signature hashing.
\item Briefly describe the changes to computation of \sighashTxHashes\notsprout{ in \Sprout}.
\item Clarify that interstitial \treestates form a tree for each \transaction containing \joinSplitDescriptions.
\item Correct the description of P2PKH addresses in \crossref{transparentaddrencoding} --- they
use a hash of a compressed, not an uncompressed ECDSA key representation.
\item Clarify the wording of the caveat\footnoteref{securitycaveat} about the claimed security
of shielded \transactions.
\item Correct the definition of set difference ($S \setminus T$).
\item Add a note concerning malleability of \zeroKnowledgeProofs.
\item Use the more precise subgroup types $\SubgroupG$ and $\SubgroupJ$ in preference to
$\GroupG{}$ and $\GroupJ$ where applicable.

View File

@ -117,6 +117,26 @@ Vol.~56, pages 455--461; IEEE, 2009.}
Last revised May~31, 2016.}
% Capitalized De/Di is correct <>
author={Alfredo {De Santis} and Giovanni {Di Crescenzo} and Rafail Ostrovsky and Guiseppe Persiano and Amit Sahai},
title={Robust {N}on-{I}nteractive {Z}ero {K}nowledge},
booktitle={Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO~2001.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Cryptology Conference
(Santa Barbara, California, USA, August~19--23, 2001)},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Joe Kilian},
author={Sean Bowe},
@ -509,6 +529,13 @@ Last revised February~5, 2018.}
title={Signature {T}ypes --- {B}itcoin {D}eveloper {G}uide},
author={Gavin Andresen},
@ -662,6 +689,13 @@ Last revised February~5, 2018.}
author={Jack Grigg and Daira Hopwood},
title={Transaction Signature Verification before Overwinter},
howpublished={Zcash Improvement Proposal 76 (in progress).},
author={Jack Grigg and Daira Hopwood},