Updates to notes and commitments.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <daira@jacaranda.org>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2016-09-04 04:26:04 +01:00
parent 4fc9bc21aa
commit 45edaca45f
1 changed files with 23 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -402,6 +402,7 @@
@ -627,7 +628,9 @@ behind the protocol, for an audience already familiar with \blockchain-based
cryptocurrencies such as \Bitcoin. It is imprecise in some aspects and is not
part of the normative protocol specification.
Value in \Zcash is carried by \notes\hairspace\footnote{\label{notesandnullifiers}
Value in \Zcash is either \transparent or \xprotected. Transfers of \transparent
value work essentially as in \Bitcoin and have the same privacy properties.
\xProtected value is carried by \notes\hairspace\footnote{\label{notesandnullifiers}
In \Zerocash \cite{BCG+2014}, \notes were called ``coins'', and \nullifiers
were called ``serial numbers''.},
which specify an amount and a \payingKey. The \payingKey is part of
@ -841,22 +844,18 @@ to $\AuthPublic$, as described in the previous section.
defined in \crossref{abstractcomm}.
$\NoteCommitRand$ is randomly generated by the sender. \changed{$\NoteAddressRand$
is generated from a random seed $\NoteAddressPreRand$ using
$\PRFrho{\NoteAddressPreRand}$.} Only a commitment to these values is disclosed
publicly, which allows the tokens $\NoteCommitRand$ and $\NoteAddressRand$ to blind
the value and recipient \emph{except} to those who possess these tokens.
Let $\NoteType$ be the type of a \note, i.e.
$\PRFOutput \times \range{0}{\MAXMONEY} \times \PRFOutput \times \bitseq{\NoteCommitRandLength}$.
\nsubsubsection{\NoteCommitments} \label{notecommitment}
Creation of new \notes is described in \crossref{send}. When \notes are sent,
only a commitment (see \crossref{abstractcomm}) to the above values is disclosed
publically. This allows the value and recipient to be kept private, while the
commitment is used by the \zeroKnowledgeProof when the \note is spent, to check
that it exists on the \blockchain.
The underlying $\Value$ and $\AuthPublic$ are blinded with $\NoteAddressRand$
and $\NoteCommitRand$. The resulting hash
$\cm = \NoteCommit(\NoteTuple{}) = \Commit{\NoteCommitRand}(\Value, \AuthPublic, \NoteAddressRand)$.
$\Commit{}$ is required to be a computationally binding and hiding commitment
The \noteCommitment is computed as
$\NoteCommit(\NoteTuple{}) = \Commit{\NoteCommitRand}(\AuthPublic, \Value, \NoteAddressRand)$,
where $\Commit{}$ is instantiated in \crossref{concretecomm}.
A \nullifier (denoted $\nf$) is derived from the $\NoteAddressRand$ component
of a \note and the recipient's \spendingKey, as $\PRFnf{\AuthPrivate}(\NoteAddressRand)$.
@ -1174,13 +1173,8 @@ a type of commitments $\CommitOutput$, and a type of \commitmentTrapdoors
Let $\Commit{} \typecolon \CommitTrapdoor \times \CommitInput \rightarrow \CommitOutput$
be a function satisfying the following requirements, adapted from
\item \textbf{Computational Hiding:} ...
\item \textbf{Computational Binding:} ...
be a function satisfying the security requirements of computational hiding
and computational binding, as defined in \todo{need reference}.
@ -1257,23 +1251,6 @@ as follows:}
\nsubsection{Note Components}
A \note consists of $(\AuthPublic, \Value, \NoteAddressRand, \NoteCommitRand)$ where
\item $\AuthPublic \typecolon \PRFOutput$ is the
\payingKey of the recipient;
\item $\Value \typecolon \range{0}{\MAXMONEY}$ is an integer
representing the value of the \note in \zatoshi
($1$ \ZEC = $10^8$ \zatoshi);
\item $\NoteAddressRand \typecolon \PRFOutput$
is used as input to $\PRFnf{\AuthPrivate}$ to derive the
\nullifier of the \note;
\item $\NoteCommitRand \typecolon \bitseq{\NoteCommitRandLength}$
is a random bit sequence used as a \commitmentTrapdoor as
defined in \crossref{abstractcomm}.
\nsubsection{\JoinSplitDescriptions} \label{joinsplitdesc}
A \joinSplitTransfer, as specified in \crossref{joinsplit}, is encoded in
@ -2096,26 +2073,12 @@ where $\EdDSAR$ and $\EdDSAS$ are as defined in \cite{BDL+2012}.
The encoding of a public key is as defined in \cite{BDL+2012}.
\nsubsection{Note Components}
\item $\AuthPublic$ is a 32-byte \payingKey of the recipient.
\item $\Value$ is a 64-bit unsigned integer representing the value of the
\note in \zatoshi ($1$ \ZEC = $10^8$ \zatoshi).
\item $\NoteAddressRand$ is a 32-byte $\PRFnf{\AuthPrivate}$ preimage.
\item $\NoteCommitRand$ is a 32-byte \commitmentTrapdoor.
\nsubsection{\NoteCommitments} \label{concretecomm}
The underlying $\Value$ and $\AuthPublic$ are blinded with $\NoteAddressRand$
and $\NoteCommitRand$ \changed{using the collision-resistant hash function $\FullHash$}.
The resulting hash $\cm = \NoteCommit(\NoteTuple{})$. \todo{separate concrete}
\nsubsubsection{Commitment} \label{concretecomm}
\bitbox{24}{$1$} &
\bitbox{24}{$0$} &
\bitbox{24}{$1$} &
@ -2131,12 +2094,16 @@ The resulting hash $\cm = \NoteCommit(\NoteTuple{})$. \todo{separate concrete}
\hskip 1em $\cm := \FullHashbox{\cmbox}$
The commitment scheme $\Commit{}$ specified in \crossref{abstractcomm} is
instantiated using $\FullHashName$ as follows:
\hskip 1em $\Commit{\NoteCommitRand}(\Value, \AuthPublic, \NoteAddressRand) := \FullHashbox{\cmbox}$.
The leading byte of the $\FullHash$ input is $\hexint{B0}$.
\todo{Security requirements on $\FullHashName$.}
\nsubsection{\NotePlaintexts{} and \Memos} \label{notept}