Add a paragraph to \crossref{truncation} covering Orchard.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-05-06 21:41:30 +01:00
parent 748e6f8f37
commit 4804f6040e
1 changed files with 11 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -13970,6 +13970,16 @@ no need for truncation in the inputs to any of these hashes. Note however that t
$\BlakeTwosGeneric$ truncated to $251$ bits (see \crossref{concretecrhivk}).
\Orchard replaces \xPedersenHashes by \xSinsemillaHashes which can also be efficiently
instantiated for arbitrary input lengths. It replaces uses of $\BlakeTwosGeneric$ in the
circuit by the \commitmentScheme $\CommitIvk{}$, and by a construction for \nullifier
derivation that uses the $\Poseidon$-based $\PRFnf{Orchard}{}$ (along with scalar
multiplication on the \pallasCurve). Again, there is no need for truncation in the
inputs to any of these functions, and the need for truncation in the derivation of
$\InViewingKey$ is removed.
} %nufive
\lsubsection{In-band secret distribution}{inbandrationale}
\Zerocash specified ECIES (referencing Certicom's SEC 1 standard) as the
@ -14259,6 +14269,7 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\item Vanity \diversifiers are not an issue for \Orchard given that it does not have its own
\paymentAddress format, and given the use of ``jumbling'' (\cite{ZIP-316}) in
\unifiedPaymentAddresses. Remove the corresponding note from \crossref{orchardkeycomponents}.
\item Add a paragraph to \crossref{truncation} covering \Orchard.
\item Clarify the definition of $\pad$ in \crossref{concretesinsemillahash} by
disambiguating $\Mpieces$ from $\Mpadded$.
} %nufive