
Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-06-25 20:37:12 +01:00
parent 5dff090737
commit 4ca7409f6f
1 changed files with 30 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -10727,12 +10727,14 @@ computation of a \defaultDiversifiedPaymentAddress in \crossref{saplingkeycompon
\Orchard uses two elliptic curves, \defining{\Pallas} and \defining{\Vesta}, that form a cycle:
the base field of each is the scalar field of the other. In \Orchard, we use \Vesta for the proof
system (playing a similar rôle to \BLSPairing in \Sapling), and \Pallas for the application circuit
(similar to \jubjubCurve in \Sapling). Both curves are designed to be efficiently implementable in
(similar to \Jubjub in \Sapling). Both curves are designed to be efficiently implementable in
\zkSNARKCircuits, although we only use \Pallas in that way for \Orchard.
The \representedGroups $\GroupP$ and $\GroupV$ of points on \Pallas and \Vesta respectively
@ -10746,16 +10748,18 @@ called the \definingquotedterm{point at infinity}.
For \Pallas and \Vesta we have $a = 0$ and so we will omit that term below.
Let &$\ParamP{q}$ &$:= \hexint{40000000000000000000000000000000224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001}$. \\[1ex]
Let &$\ParamP{q}$ &$:= \hexint{40000000000000000000000000000000224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001}$. \\[0.25ex]
Let &$\ParamV{q}$ &$:= \hexint{40000000000000000000000000000000224698fc0994a8dd8c46eb2100000001}$.
(\hairspace $\ParamP{q}$ and $\ParamV{q}$ are prime.)
Let $\ParamP{r} := \ParamV{q}$ and $\ParamV{r} := \ParamP{q}$.
Let $\ParamP{b} = \ParamV{b} := 5$.
Let $\GroupP$ be the group of points $(x, y)$ with zero point $\ZeroP$, on a \swCurve $\CurveP$ over
$\GF{\ParamP{q}}$ with equation $y^2 = x^3 + \ParamP{b}$. $\GroupP$ has order $\ParamP{r}$.
@ -10811,6 +10815,7 @@ $\abstG{}\Of{P\Repr}$ is computed as follows:
encoding represents a point on the curve.
\lsubsubsubsection{Coordinate Extractor for \PallasText}{concreteextractorpallas}
@ -10821,8 +10826,11 @@ Define $\Selectx \typecolon \GroupP \rightarrow \GF{\ParamP{q}}$ and $\Selecty \
\item $\Selectx\big(\ZeroP\big) = 0$
\item $\Selectx\big((x, y)\big) = x$
\item $\Selecty\big(\ZeroP\big) = 0$
\item $\Selecty\big((x, y)\big) = y$.
@ -10836,6 +10844,7 @@ Define $\GroupPstarx$ as the set of $x$-coordinates (as integers) of points on t
Define $\GroupPx := \GroupPstarx \union \setof{0}$.
Define $\ExtractP \typecolon \GroupP \rightarrow \GroupPx$ such that
@ -10853,14 +10862,16 @@ We also define $\ExtractPbot \typecolon \maybe{\GroupP} \rightarrow \maybe{\Grou
\item $\ExtractPbot\big(P \typecolon \GroupP\big) = \ExtractP(P)$.
\nnote{$\ExtractP$ returns the type $\GroupPx$ which is precise for its range, unlike $\ExtractJ$
which returns a bit sequence.}
} %nufive
\lsubsubsubsection{Group Hash into \PallasAndVestaText}{concretegrouphashpallasandvesta}
\Orchard uses the ``simplified SWU'' algorithm for \randomOracleAdjective hashing to elliptic curves
with $j$-invariant $0$, consistent with \cite[section 6.6.3]{ID-hashtocurve}, based on a
method by Riad Wahby and Dan Boneh \cite{WB2019}.
@ -10885,10 +10896,10 @@ $\CurveIsoV$, called \IsoVesta, that is isogenous to $\CurveV$.
Let $\ParamIsoP{a} := \hexint{18354a2eb0ea8c9c49be2d7258370742b74134581a27a59f92bb4b0b657a014b}$.
Let $\ParamIsoV{a} := \hexint{267f9b2ee592271a81639c4d96f787739673928c7d01b212c515ad7242eaa6b1}$.
Let $\ParamIsoP{b} = \ParamIsoV{b} := 1265$.
Let $\GroupIsoP$ be the group of points $(x, y)$ with zero point $\ZeroIsoP$, on a \swCurve $\CurveIsoP$
@ -12455,8 +12466,7 @@ Several fields are reordered and/or renamed relative to prior versions.}} %scale
\item The total value in \zatoshi of \transparentOutputs from a \coinbaseTransaction\heartwood{, minus
$\vBalance{Sapling}$,}\nufive{ minus $\vBalance{Orchard}$,} \MUSTNOT be greater than the value in
\zatoshi of \minerSubsidy plus the \transactionFees paid by \transactions in this \block.
\item A \coinbaseTransaction \MUSTNOT have any \transparentInputs with non-null $\prevout$ fields,
\item A \coinbaseTransaction \MUSTNOT have any \transparentInputs with non-null $\prevout$ fields,\notheartwood{
\joinSplitDescriptions\sapling{, \spendDescriptions, or \outputDescriptions}.
@ -16554,6 +16564,7 @@ The \Sapling circuit does not use this optimization.}
\lsubsubsubsection{ctEdwards [de]compression and validation}{ccteddecompressvalidate}
@ -16564,17 +16575,21 @@ as follows:
\item $\DecompressValidate(\tilde{u}, \varv):$
\item \tab // Prover supplies the $u$-coordinate.
\item \tab Let $u \typecolon \GF{\ParamS{r}}$.
\item \tab // \crossref{cctedvalidate}.
\item \tab Check that $(u, \varv)$ is a point on the \ctEdwardsCurve.
\item \tab // \crossref{cctmodpack}.
\item \tab Unpack $u$ to $\ssum{i=0}{254} u_i \mult 2^i$, equating $\tilde{u}$ with $u_0$.
\item \tab // \crossref{cctrange}.
\item \tab Check that $\ssum{i=0}{254} u_i \mult 2^i \leq \ParamS{r}-1$.
\item \tab Return $(u, \varv)$.
@ -16585,6 +16600,7 @@ boolean-constraining $u_\barerange{0}{254}$.
The same \quadraticConstraintProgram is used for compression and decompression.
The point-on-curve check could be omitted if $(u, \varv)$ were already known to be on the curve.
However, the \Sapling circuit never omits it; this provides a consistency check on the elliptic
@ -16593,9 +16609,10 @@ curve arithmetic.
\lsubsubsubsection{ctEdwards \lrarrow\ Montgomery conversion}{cctconversion}
Define the notation $\possqrt{\,\paramdot\,}$ as in \crossref{notation}.
Define $\CtEdwardsToMont \typecolon \AffineCtEdwardsJubjub \rightarrow \AffineMontJubjub$
@ -16608,6 +16625,7 @@ as follows:
Define $\MontToCtEdwards \typecolon \AffineMontJubjub \rightarrow \AffineCtEdwardsJubjub$
as follows:
@ -17251,7 +17269,6 @@ The \windowedPedersenCommitments defined in the preceding section are
highly efficient, but they do not support the homomorphic property we
need when instantiating $\ValueCommitAlg{}$.
In order to support this property, we also define \homomorphicPedersenCommitments
as follows: