Rename s_m to sk_m.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-07-06 02:23:23 +01:00
parent 633436cff6
commit 5788c120e7
1 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -138,16 +138,16 @@ Let *S* be a seed byte sequence of a chosen length, which MUST be at least 32 by
- Calculate *I* = BLAKE2b-512("ZcashIP32Sapling", *S*).
- Split *I* into two 32-byte sequences, *I*\ :sub:`L` and *I*\ :sub:`R`\ .
- Use *I*\ :sub:`L` as the master spending key *s*\ :sub:`m`\ , and *I*\ :sub:`R` as the master chain code
- Use *I*\ :sub:`L` as the master spending key *sk*\ :sub:`m`\ , and *I*\ :sub:`R` as the master chain code
*c*\ :sub:`m`\ .
- Calculate the master extended spending key *m*\ :sub:`Sapling` = (*ask*\ :sub:`m`\ , *nsk*\ :sub:`m`\ ,
*ovk*\ :sub:`m`\ , *dk*\ :sub:`m`\ , *c*\ :sub:`m`\ ) via the standard Sapling derivation
- *ask*\ :sub:`m` = ToScalar(PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*s*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x00]))
- *nsk*\ :sub:`m` = ToScalar(PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*s*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x01]))
- *ovk*\ :sub:`m` = truncate\ :sub:`32`\ (PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*s*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x02]))
- *dk*\ :sub:`m` = truncate\ :sub:`32`\ (PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*s*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x10]))
- *ask*\ :sub:`m` = ToScalar(PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*sk*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x00]))
- *nsk*\ :sub:`m` = ToScalar(PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*sk*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x01]))
- *ovk*\ :sub:`m` = truncate\ :sub:`32`\ (PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*sk*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x02]))
- *dk*\ :sub:`m` = truncate\ :sub:`32`\ (PRF\ :sup:`expand`\ (*sk*\ :sub:`m`\ , [0x10]))
Child key derivation