Split GeneralCRH into hSigCRH and EquihashGen.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <daira@jacaranda.org>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2016-09-04 03:46:42 +01:00
parent 8d16a496ec
commit 6a6d01e2e9
1 changed files with 124 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -284,10 +284,11 @@
\newcommand{\dontcare}{\kern -0.06em\raisebox{0.1ex}{\footnotesize{$\times$}}}
@ -300,6 +301,7 @@
@ -477,7 +479,8 @@
% Equihash and block headers
\newcommand{\validEquihashSolution}{\term{valid Equihash solution}}
@ -713,8 +716,7 @@ notwithstanding the compelling arguments to the contrary made in
The notation $\range{a}{b}$ means the set of integers from $a$ through
$b$ inclusive. $k\range{a}{b}$ means the set containing integers $kn$
for all $n \in \range{a}{b}$.
$b$ inclusive.
The notation $[f(x)$ for $x$ from $a$ up to $b\,]$ means the sequence
formed by evaluating $f$ on each integer from $a$ to $b$ inclusive, in
@ -722,12 +724,15 @@ ascending order. Similarly, $[f(x)$ for $x$ from $a$ down to $b\,]$ means
the sequence formed by evaluating $f$ on each integer from $a$ to $b$
inclusive, in descending order.
The notation $a\,||\,b$ means the concatenation of sequences $a$ then $b$.
The notation $\concatbits(S)$ means the sequence of bits obtained by
concatenating the elements of $S$ viewed as bit sequences. If the
elements of $S$ are byte sequences, they are converted to bit sequences
with the \emph{most significant} bit of each byte first.
The notation $\Nat$ means the set of nonnegative integers.
The notation $\Nat$ means the set of nonnegative integers. $\PosInt$
means the set of positive integers.
The notation $\GF{n}$ means the finite field with $n$ elements, and
$\GFstar{n}$ means its group under multiplication.
@ -758,7 +763,7 @@ $\PRF{x}{}(y) \typecolon Z$, then $\PRF{}{} \typecolon X \times Y \rightarrow Z$
An argument to a function can determine other argument or result types.
The following integer constants will be instantiated in \crossref{constants}:
$\MerkleDepth$, $\NOld$, $\NNew$, $\MerkleHashLength$, $\GeneralCRHLength$,
$\MerkleDepth$, $\NOld$, $\NNew$, $\MerkleHashLength$, $\hSigLength$,
$\PRFOutputLength$, $\NoteCommitRandLength$, $\RandomSeedLength$, $\AuthPrivateLength$,
$\NoteAddressPreRandLength$, $\MAXMONEY$. The bit sequence constant
$\Uncommitted \typecolon \bitseq{\MerkleHashLength}$ will also be defined in
@ -1004,10 +1009,15 @@ is a collision-resistant hash function used in \crossref{merklepath}.
It is instantiated in \crossref{merklecrh}.
$\GeneralCRH{} \typecolon (\ell \typecolon 8\range{1}{64}) \times \GeneralCRHInput \rightarrow \bitseq{\ell}$
is another collision-resistant hash function. The first (subscripted) argument
indicates the output length in bits. It is used in \crossref{hsig} and
\crossref{equihash}, and instantiated in \crossref{generalcrh}.
$\hSigCRH{} \typecolon \bitseq{\RandomSeedLength} \times (\PRFOutput)^{\NOld} \times \JoinSplitSigPublic \rightarrow \hSigType$
is a collision-resistant hash function used in \crossref{joinsplitdesc}.
It is instantiated in \crossref{hsigcrh}.
$\EquihashGen{} \typecolon (n \typecolon \PosInt) \times \PosInt \times \byteseqs \times \PosInt \rightarrow \bitseq{n}$
is another hash function, used in \crossref{equihash} to generate
input to the Equihash solver. The first two arguments, representing
the Equihash parameters $n$ and $k$, are written subscripted.
It is instantiated in \crossref{equihashgen}.
\nsubsubsection{\PseudoRandomFunctions} \label{abstractprfs}
@ -1018,8 +1028,8 @@ $\PRF{x}{}$ are needed in our protocol:
\begin{tabular}{@{\hskip 2em}l@{\;}l@{\;}l@{\;}l}
$\PRFaddr{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\AuthPrivateLength} $&$\times\; \range{0}{255} $&$\rightarrow \PRFOutput $\\
$\PRFnf{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\AuthPrivateLength} $&$\times\; \PRFOutput $&$\rightarrow \PRFOutput $\\
$\PRFpk{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\AuthPrivateLength} $&$\times\; \GeneralCRHOutput $&$\rightarrow \PRFOutput $\\
$\PRFrho{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\NoteAddressPreRandLength} $&$\times\; \GeneralCRHOutput $&$\rightarrow \PRFOutput $
$\PRFpk{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\AuthPrivateLength} $&$\times\; \hSigType $&$\rightarrow \PRFOutput $\\
$\PRFrho{} $&$\typecolon\; \bitseq{\NoteAddressPreRandLength} $&$\times\; \hSigType $&$\rightarrow \PRFOutput $
These are used in \crossref{jsstatement}; $\PRFaddr{}$ is also used to
@ -1099,7 +1109,7 @@ A \keyDerivationFunction is defined for a particular \keyAgreementScheme and
agreement and additional arguments, and derives a key suitable for the encryption
Let $\KDF \typecolon \setofNew \times \GeneralCRHOutput \times \KASharedSecret
Let $\KDF \typecolon \setofNew \times \hSigType \times \KASharedSecret
\times \KAPublic \times \KAPublic \rightarrow \Keyspace$ be a
\keyDerivationFunction suitable for use with $\KA$, deriving keys
for $\SymEncrypt{}$.
@ -1114,8 +1124,8 @@ independently at random from $\KAPrivate$.
Let $\TransmitPublicSup{j} := \KADerivePublic(\TransmitPrivateSup{j})$.
An adversary can adaptively query a function
$Q \typecolon \range{1}{2} \times \GeneralCRHOutput \rightarrow
\KAPublic \times \Keyspace_{\allNew}$ where $Q(j, \hSig)$ is defined as follows:
$Q \typecolon \range{1}{2} \times \hSigType \rightarrow
\KAPublic \times \Keyspace_{\allNew}$ where $Q_j(\hSig)$ is defined as follows:
\item Choose $\EphemeralPrivate$ uniformly at random from $\KAPrivate$.
\item Let $\EphemeralPublic := \KADerivePublic(\EphemeralPrivate)$.
@ -1315,31 +1325,16 @@ Either $\vpubOld$ or $\vpubNew$ \MUST be zero.
\todo{Describe case where there are fewer than $\NOld$ real input \notes.}
\nsubsubsection{Computation of \hSigText} \label{hsig}
The value $\hSig$ is also computed from $\RandomSeed$, $\nfOld{\allOld}$, and the
$\joinSplitPubKey$ of the containing \transaction:
\item[] $\hSig := \hSigCRH(\RandomSeed, \nfOld{\allOld}, \joinSplitPubKey)$.
$\hSigCRH$ is instantiated in \crossref{hsigcrh}.
\bitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\RandomSeed$}
\bitbox{256}{\hfill $256$-bit $\nfOld{\mathrm{1}}$\hfill...\;} &
\bitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\nfOld{\NOld}$} &
\bitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\joinSplitPubKey$}
Given a \joinSplitDescription containing the fields $\randomSeed$ and
$\nullifiersField = \nfOld{\allOld}$, and embedded in a transaction
containing the field $\joinSplitPubKey$, we compute $\hSig$ for that
\joinSplitDescription as follows:
\hSigInput &:= \Justthebox{\hsigbox} \\
\hSig &:= \GeneralCRH{256}(\ascii{ZcashComputehSig},\; \hSigInput)
@ -1749,7 +1744,7 @@ Define:
\item[] $\NOld = 2$
\item[] $\NNew = 2$
\item[] $\MerkleHashLength = 256$
\item[] $\GeneralCRHLength = 256$
\item[] $\hSigLength = 256$
\item[] $\PRFOutputLength = 256$
\item[] $\NoteCommitRandLength = \changed{256}$
\item[] $\changed{\RandomSeedLength = 256}$
@ -1787,24 +1782,82 @@ $\SHA$ must be collision-resistant, and it must be infeasible to find a preimage
such that $\SHA(x) = \zeros{256}$.
\nsubsubsection{General Hash Function} \label{generalcrh}
\nsubsubsection{\hSigText{} Hash Function} \label{hsigcrh}
\bitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\RandomSeed$}
\bitbox{256}{\hfill $256$-bit $\nfOld{\mathrm{1}}$\hfill...\;} &
\bitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\nfOld{\NOld}$} &
\bitbox{300}{$256$-bit $\joinSplitPubKey$}
$\hSigCRH$ is used to compute the value $\hSig$ in \crossref{joinsplitdesc}.
$\GeneralCRH{\ell}$ is a collision-resistant hash function, producing outputs of
length $\ell \typecolon 8\range{1}{64}$ bits. It is used in \crossref{hsig} and
\hskip 1.5em $\hSigCRH(\RandomSeed, \nfOld{\allOld}, \joinSplitPubKey) := \GeneralCRH{256}(\ascii{ZcashComputehSig},\; \hSigInput)$
$\GeneralCRH{\ell}(p, x)$ is instantiated by unkeyed $\Blake{\ell}$, that is,
$\BlakeGeneric$ \cite{ANWW2013}\cite{RFC-7693} in sequential mode, with an output
digest length of $\ell/8$ bytes, 16-byte personalization string $p$, and input $x$.
\hskip 1.5em $\hSigInput := \Justthebox{\hsigbox}$.
$\GeneralCRH{\ell}(p, x)$ is instantiated by unkeyed $\Blake{\ell}$
\cite{ANWW2013}\cite{RFC-7693} in sequential mode, with an output
digest length of $\ell/8$ bytes, 16-byte personalization string $p$,
and input $x$.
$\Blake{\ell}$ is not the same as $\Blake{512}$ truncated to $\ell$ bits.
$\Blake{\ell}(p, x)$ must be collision-resistant, for any $\ell$ and $p$
used in the protocol.
$\Blake{256}(\ascii{ZcashComputehSig}, x)$ must be collision-resistant.
\nsubsubsection{Equihash Generator} \label{equihashgen}
$\EquihashGen{n, k}$ is a specialized hash function that maps an input
and an index to an output of length $n$ bits. It is used in \crossref{equihash}.
\bitbox{64}{64-bit $\ascii{ZcashPoW}$}
\bitbox{32}{32-bit $n$}
\bitbox{32}{32-bit $k$}
\bitbox{32}{32-bit $g$}
Let $\powtag := \Justthebox{\powtagbox}$.
Let $\powcount(g) := \Justthebox{\powcountbox}$.
% Blech. Dijkstra was right \cite{EWD831}.
Let $\EquihashGen{n, k}(S, i) := T_{h+1\hairspace..\hairspace h+n}$, where
\item $m := \floor{\frac{512}{n}}$;
\item $h := (i-1 \bmod m)\, n$;
\item $T := \GeneralCRH{n m}(\powtag,\, S \,||\, \powcount(\floor{\frac{i-1}{m}}))$.
Indices of bits in $T$ are 1-based. $\GeneralCRH{\ell}(p, x)$ is defined
as in the previous section.
$\Blake{\ell}(\powtag, x)$ must be collision-resistant, for any $\ell$ and
$\powtag$ used in the protocol.
\nsubsubsection{\PseudoRandomFunctions} \label{concreteprfs}
@ -2572,17 +2625,8 @@ $\vxor{j=1}{2^k} X_{i_j} = 0$.
In Equihash, $\mathrm{N} = 2^{\frac{n}{k+1}+1}$, and the sequence $X_{1..\mathrm{N}}$ is
derived from the \blockHeader and a nonce:
\bitbox{64}{64-bit $\ascii{ZcashPoW}$}
\bitbox{32}{32-bit $n$}
\bitbox{32}{32-bit $k$}
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $\nVersion$}
\bitbox{256}{256-bit $\hashPrevBlock$}
@ -2591,26 +2635,14 @@ derived from the \blockHeader and a nonce:
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $\nTime$}
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $\nBits$} \\
\bitbox{256}{256-bit $\nNonce$}
\bitbox{128}{32-bit $g$}
Let $\powtag := \Justthebox{\powtagbox}$.
Let $\powheader := \Justthebox[-11.5ex]{\powheaderbox}$
Let $\powinput(g) := \Justthebox[-11.5ex]{\powinputbox}$
For $i \in \range{1}{N}$, let $X_i = \EquihashGen{n, k}(\powheader, i)$.
Let $\ell := \frac{n}{k+1} + 1$.
Let $m := \floor{\frac{512}{n}}$.
Let $T := \concatbits([\GeneralCRH{n m}(\powtag, \powinput(g))$
for $g$ from $0$ up to $\ceiling{\frac{N}{m}} - 1\hairspace])$.
% Blech. Dijkstra was right \cite{EWD831}.
For $h \in \range{1}{N}$, let $X_h = T_{n(h-1)+1..nh}$.
(In other words, the bit sequence $T$ is split into $N$ subsequences of $n$ bits.
Indices of bits in $T$ are 1-based.)
$\EquihashGen{}$ is instantiated in \crossref{equihashgen}.
Define $\ItoBSP \typecolon (u \typecolon \Nat) \times \range{0}{2^u\!-\!1} \rightarrow \bitseq{u}$
such that $\ItoBSP{u}(x)$ is the sequence of $u$ bits representing $x$ in
@ -2688,14 +2720,21 @@ then the corresponding bit array is:
and so the first 7 bytes of $\nSolution$ would be
$[0, 2, 32, 0, 10, 127, 255]$.
$\ItoBSP{}$ and $\BStoIP{}$ are big-endian, while the encoding of
integer fields in $\powtag$ and $\powinput$ is little-endian. The rationale
for this is that little-endian serialization of \blockHeaders is consistent
with \Bitcoin, but using little-endian ordering of bits in the solution
encoding would require bit-reversal (as opposed to only shifting). The
comparison of $\Xi_r$ values obtained by a big-endian conversion is equivalent
to lexicographic comparison as specified in \cite[section IV A]{BK2016}.
\item $\ItoBSP{}$ and $\BStoIP{}$ are big-endian, while the encoding of
integer fields in $\powheader$ and in the instantiation of $\EquihashGen{}$
is little-endian. The rationale for this is that little-endian
serialization of \blockHeaders is consistent with \Bitcoin, but using
little-endian ordering of bits in the solution encoding would require
bit-reversal (as opposed to only shifting). The comparison of $\Xi_r$
values obtained by a big-endian conversion is equivalent to lexicographic
comparison as specified in \cite[section IV A]{BK2016}.
\item When $\EquihashGen{}$ is used to construct the input list, the index
$i$ runs sequentially from $1$ to $N$, allowing the number of calls
to $\BlakeGeneric$ used in the instantiation of $\EquihashGen{}$ to
be reduced by a factor of $\floor{\frac{512}{n}}$ (which is a factor
of 2 for $n = 200$).
\nsubsubsection{Difficulty filter} \label{difficulty}