
Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2022-01-19 18:01:49 +00:00
parent dcc5532d61
commit 6c32c7c7ea
1 changed files with 7 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -5978,6 +5978,7 @@ $\MerkleNode{\MerkleDepth{}}{i}$ is in a tree with a given \merkleRoot $\rt{} =
} %sapling
\lsubsection{SIGHASH Transaction Hashing}{sighash}
\Bitcoin and \Zcash use signatures and/or non-interactive proofs associated
@ -6063,6 +6064,7 @@ undefined bits of a \sighashType encoding were ignored.)}
} %nufive
\lsubsection{Non-malleability (\SproutText)}{sproutnonmalleability}
Let $\dataToBeSigned$ be the hash of the \transaction{}, not associated with an input,
@ -14108,6 +14110,7 @@ A side benefit is that this reduces the cost of computing the
evaluations needed to compute each \noteCommitment from three to two,
saving a total of four \shaCompress evaluations in the \joinSplitStatement.
The full \shaHash algorithm is used for $\NoteCommitAlg{Sprout}$, with randomness
appended after the commitment input. The commitment input can be split into two
@ -14128,6 +14131,7 @@ about the Merkle--Damgård structure \cite{Damgard1989} of \shaHash causing any
security problem for $\NoteCommitAlg{Sprout}$.
} %sproutspecificpnote
\Sprout \noteCommitments are not statistically \hiding, so for \Sprout notes,
\Zcash does not support the ``everlasting anonymity'' property described in
@ -14136,8 +14140,9 @@ While it is possible to define a statistically \hiding, computationally \binding
\commitmentScheme for this use at a 128-bit security level, the overhead of
doing so within the \joinSplitStatement was not considered to justify the
} %sproutspecificpnote
In \Sapling, \xPedersenOrSinsemillaCommitments are used instead of \shaCompress.
These commitments are statistically \hiding, and so ``everlasting anonymity''
@ -14145,7 +14150,7 @@ is supported for \SaplingAndOrchard notes under the same conditions as in \Zeroc
(by the protocol, not necessarily by \zcashd). Note that
\diversifiedPaymentAddresses can be linked if the \xDecisionalDiffieHellmanProblem
on the \jubjubCurve\nufive{ or the \pallasCurve} can be broken.
} %saplingonward
\lsubsection{Changes to PRF inputs and truncation}{truncation}