Minor corrections and improvements; add missing notation definitions.

Remove things from Sprout spec that shouldn't be there.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <daira@jacaranda.org>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-03-18 20:57:20 +00:00
parent a8052562e4
commit 752156da97
1 changed files with 169 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -551,6 +551,8 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\authSigningKeys}{\term{spend authorizing keys}}
\newcommand{\authProvingKey}{\term{proof authorizing key}}
\newcommand{\authProvingKeys}{\term{proof authorizing keys}}
\newcommand{\nullifierKey}{\term{nullifier deriving key}}
\newcommand{\nullifierKeys}{\term{nullifier deriving keys}}
\newcommand{\humanReadablePart}{\term{Human-Readable Part}}
\newcommand{\notePlaintext}{\term{note plaintext}}
\newcommand{\notePlaintexts}{\term{note plaintexts}}
@ -635,6 +637,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\byte}{\mathbb{B}\kern -0.1em\raisebox{0.55ex}{\overlap{0.0001em}{\scalebox{0.7}{$\mathbb{Y}$}}}}
@ -732,7 +735,6 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
% Key pairs
@ -742,6 +744,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -1262,9 +1265,6 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\ParamM}[1]{{{#1}_\mathbb{\hskip 0.03em M}}}
\newcommand{\ParamMexp}[2]{{{#1}_\mathbb{\hskip 0.03em M}\!}^{#2}}
% TODO: should this be a named constant?
@ -1424,9 +1424,10 @@ Technical terms for concepts that play an important rôle in \Zcash are
written in \term{slanted text}. \emph{Italics} are used for emphasis and
for references between sections of the document.
The key words \MUST, \MUSTNOT, \SHOULD, and \SHOULDNOT in this
document are to be interpreted as described in \cite{RFC-2119} when they
appear in \ALLCAPS. These words may also appear in this document in
The key words \MUST, \MUSTNOT, \SHOULD,
\sprout{and \SHOULDNOT}\notsprout{\SHOULDNOT, \MAY, and \RECOMMENDED} in
this document are to be interpreted as described in \cite{RFC-2119} when
they appear in \ALLCAPS. These words may also appear in this document in
lower case as plain English words, absent their normative meanings.
@ -1441,7 +1442,7 @@ This specification is structured as follows:
\item Concrete Protocol — how the functions and encodings of the abstract
protocol are instantiated;
\item Upgrade Transitions — the strategy for upgrading from \Sprout to \NUZero
\item Network Upgrades — the strategy for upgrading from \Sprout to \NUZero
and then \Sapling;
\item Consensus Changes from \Bitcoin — how \Zcash differs from \Bitcoin at
@ -1468,7 +1469,8 @@ software whose wealth is lost.
Having said that, a specification of \emph{intended} behaviour is essential
for security analysis, understanding of the protocol, and maintenance of
\Zcash and related software. If you find any mistake in this specification,
please contact \texttt{<security@z.cash>}.
please file an issue at \url{https://github.com/zcash/zips/issues} or contact
\subsection{High-level Overview}
@ -1494,7 +1496,7 @@ spend \notes sent to the address; in \Zcash this is called a \spendingKey.
To each \note there is cryptographically associated a \noteCommitment, and
a \nullifier\footnoteref{notesandnullifiers} (so that there is a 1:1:1 relation
between \notes, \noteCommitments, and \nullifiers). Computing the \nullifier
requires the associated private \spendingKey\sapling{ (or the \fullViewingKey for \Sapling \notes)}.
requires the associated private \spendingKey\sapling{ (or the \nullifierKey for \Sapling \notes)}.
It is infeasible to correlate the \noteCommitment with the corresponding
\nullifier without knowledge of at least this \sprout{\spendingKey}\notsprout{key}.
An unspent valid \note, at a given point on the \blockchain,
@ -1615,8 +1617,9 @@ $\bit$ means the type of bit values, i.e.\ $\setof{0, 1}$.
$\byte$ means the type of byte values, i.e.\ $\range{0}{255}$.
$\Nat$ means the type of nonnegative integers. $\PosInt$
means the type of positive integers. $\Rat$ means the type of rationals.
$\Nat$ means the type of nonnegative integers. $\PosInt$~means
the type of positive integers. $\Int$~means the type of integers.
$\Rat$~means the type of rationals.
$x \typecolon T$ is used to specify that $x$ has type $T$.
A cartesian product type is denoted by $S \times T$, and a function type
@ -1708,32 +1711,75 @@ of $S$.
$\GF{n}$ means the finite field with $n$ elements, and
$\GFstar{n}$ means its group under multiplication.
Where there is a need to make the distinction, we denote the unique
representative of $a \typecolon \GF{n}$ in the range $\range{0}{n-1}$
(or the unique representative of $a \typecolon \GFstar{n}$ in the range
$\range{1}{n-1}$) as $a \bmod n$. Conversely, we denote the element
of $\GF{n}$ corresponding to an integer $k \typecolon \Int$
as $k \pmod{n}$. We also use the latter notation in the context of
an equality $k = k' \pmod{n}$ as shorthand for $k \bmod n = k' \bmod n$,
and similarly $k \neq k' \pmod{n}$ as shorthand for $k \bmod n \neq k' \bmod n$.
(When referring to constants such as $0$ and $1$ it is usually not
necessary to make the distinction between field elements and their
representatives, since the meaning is normally clear from context.)
$\GF{n}[z]$ means the ring of polynomials over $z$ with coefficients
in $\GF{n}$.
$a + b$ means the sum of $a$ and $b$. This may refer to addition of
integers, rationals, finite field elements, or group elements
(see \crossref{abstractgroup}) according to context.
$-a$ means the value of the appropriate integer, rational,
finite field, or group type such that $(-a) + a = 0$
(or when $a$ is an element of a group $\GroupG{}$, $(-a) + a = \ZeroG{}$),
and $a - b$ means $a + (-b)$.
$a \mult b$ means the product of multiplying $a$ and $b$.
This may refer to multiplication of integers, rationals, or
finite field elements according to context.
finite field elements according to context (this notation is not
used for group elements).
$a^b$, for $a$ an integer or finite field element and
$b$ an integer, means the result of raising $a$ to the exponent $b$.
$a / b$ (also written $\hfrac{a}{b}$) means the value of the
appropriate integer, rational, or finite field type such that
$(a / b) \mult b = a$.
$a \bmod q$, for $a \typecolon \Nat$ and $q \typecolon \PosInt$,
means the remainder on dividing $a$ by $q$.
means the remainder on dividing $a$ by $q$. (This usage does not
conflict with the notation above for the unique representative of
a field element.)
$a \xor b$ means the bitwise-exclusive-or of $a$ and $b$,
and $a \band b$ means the bitwise-and of $a$ and $b$. These are
defined on integers or bit sequences according to context.
defined on integers or (equal-length) bit sequences according to context.
$\!\vsum{i=1}{\mathrm{N}} a_i$ means the sum of $a_{\allN{}}$.\;
\notsprout{$\vproduct{i=1}{\mathrm{N}} a_i$ means the product
of $a_{\allN{}}$.\;}
$\vproduct{i=1}{\mathrm{N}} a_i$ means the product of $a_{\allN{}}$.\;
$\vxor{i=1}{\mathrm{N}} a_i$ means the bitwise exclusive-or of $a_{\allN{}}$.
When $N = 0$ these yield the appropriate neutral element, i.e.
\smash{$\vsum{i=1}{0} a_i = 0$, $\vproduct{i=1}{0} a_i = 1$, and
$\vxor{i=1}{0} a_i = 0$} or the all-zero bit sequence of the
appropriate length given by the type of $a$.
$b \bchoose x : y$ means $x$ when $b = 1$, or $y$ when $b = 0$.
$a^b$, for $a$ an integer or finite field element and
$b \typecolon \Int$, means the result of raising $a$ to the exponent $b$,
\item $a^b := \begin{cases}
\sproduct{i=1}{b} \kern 0.15em a, &\caseif b \geq 0 \\[1.5ex]
\sproduct{i=1}{-b} \kern 0.1em \hfrac{1}{a}, &\caseotherwise.
The $\scalarmult{k}{P}$ notation for scalar multiplication in a group is
defined in \crossref{abstractgroup}.
The binary relations $<$, $\leq$, $=$, $\geq$, and $>$ have their conventional
meanings on integers and rationals, and are defined lexicographically on
sequences of integers.
@ -1955,14 +2001,16 @@ $\NoteAddressRand \typecolon \bitseq{\ellJ}$ as described in \crossref{commitmen
A \nullifier (denoted $\nf$) is derived from the $\NoteAddressRand$ value
of a \note and the recipient's
\spendingKey $\AuthPrivate$\sapling{ or \fullViewingKey $(\AuthSignPublic, \AuthProvePublic)$},
using a \pseudoRandomFunction (see \crossref{abstractprfs}). This computation
is described in \crossref{commitmentsandnullifiers}.
\spendingKey $\AuthPrivate$\sapling{ or \nullifierKey $\AuthProvePublic$}.
This computation uses a \pseudoRandomFunction (see \crossref{abstractprfs}),
as described in \crossref{commitmentsandnullifiers}.
A \note is spent by proving knowledge of $\NoteAddressRand$ and
$\AuthPrivate$\sapling{ or $(\AuthSignPrivate, \AuthProvePrivate)$}
$\AuthPrivate$\sapling{ or $(\AuthSignPublic, \AuthProvePrivate)$}
in zero knowledge while publically disclosing its \nullifier $\nf$,
allowing $\nf$ to be used to prevent double-spending.
allowing $\nf$ to be used to prevent double-spending. \sapling{In the case
of \Sapling, a \spendAuthSignature is also required, in order to demonstrate
knowledge of $\AuthSignPrivate$.}
\subsubsection{\NotePlaintexts{} and \Memos} \label{noteptconcept}
@ -1989,6 +2037,8 @@ $\Memo$ represents a \memo associated with this \note. The usage of the
Other fields are as defined in \crossref{notes}.
Encodings are given in \crossref{notept}.
The result of encryption forms part of a \notesCiphertext (see \crossref{inband}
for further details).
@ -2095,8 +2145,10 @@ The \changed{total $\vpubNew$ value adds to, and the total} $\vpubOld$
value subtracts from the \transparentValuePool of the containing \transaction.
The \anchor of each \joinSplitDescription in a \transaction{} refers to a
\SproutOrNothing \treestate. For the first \joinSplitDescription, this \MUST be
the output \SproutOrNothing \treestate of a previous \block.
\SproutOrNothing \treestate.
For each of the $\NOld$ \shieldedInputs, a \nullifier is revealed. This allows
detection of double-spends as described in \crossref{nullifierset}.
For each \joinSplitDescription in a \transaction, an interstitial output \treestate is
@ -2113,6 +2165,8 @@ it is not known where it will eventually appear in a mined \block. Therefore the
\item The input and output values of each \joinSplitTransfer{} \MUST balance
\item For the first \joinSplitDescription of a \transaction, the \anchor \MUST
be the output \SproutOrNothing \treestate of a previous \block.
\item The \anchor of each \joinSplitDescription in a \transaction{} \MUST refer
to either some earlier \block's final \SproutOrNothing \treestate, or to
@ -2158,8 +2212,9 @@ value change (see \crossref{saplingbalance} for a full specification).
This approach allows all of the \zkSNARK statements to be independent of
each other, potentially increasing opportunities for precomputation.
A \spendDescription also includes an \anchor, which refers to the output
\Sapling \treestate of a previous \block.
A \spendDescription includes an \anchor, which refers to the output
\Sapling \treestate of a previous \block. It also reveals a \nullifier,
which allows detection of double-spends as described in \crossref{nullifierset}.
Interstitial \treestates are not necessary for \Sapling, because a \spendTransfer
@ -2251,6 +2306,11 @@ as described in \crossref{foundersreward}.
\subsubsection{\HashFunctions} \label{abstracthashes}
Let $\MerkleDepthSprout$, $\MerkleHashLengthSprout$,
\sapling{$\MerkleDepthSapling$, $\MerkleHashLengthSapling$, $\InViewingKeyLength$,}
$\RandomSeedLength$, $\hSigLength$, $\PRFOutputLength$, and $\NOld$
be as defined in \crossref{constants}.
$\MerkleCRH \typecolon \MerkleHashSprout \times \MerkleHashSprout \rightarrow \MerkleHashSprout$
is a \collisionResistant \hashFunction used in \crossref{merklepath}.
@ -2512,6 +2572,7 @@ confusion that it might.}
\subsubsubsection{Signature with Re-Randomizable Keys} \label{abstractsigrerand}
@ -2591,6 +2652,7 @@ $(m^*, \sigma^*) \not\in \Oracle_{\sk}\mathsf{.}Q$.
easily invertible, knowledge of $\SigRandomizePrivate(\sk, \SigRandomness)$
\emph{and} $\SigRandomness$ implies knowledge of $\sk$.
} %sapling
@ -2656,12 +2718,24 @@ for all $S$ not in the image of $\reprG{}$, $\abstG{}(S) = \bot$.
% Do we actually need \GenG? It is natural to include it for some groups
% and not others.
We extend the $\vsum{}{}$ notation to addition on group elements.
For $G \typecolon \GroupG{}$ we write $-G$ for the negation of $G$, such that
$(-G) + G = \ZeroG{}$. We write $G - H$ for $G + (-H)$.
For $G \typecolon \GroupG{}$ and $k \typecolon \Nat$ (or $k \typecolon \GF{\ParamG{r}}$)
we write $\scalarmult{k}{G}$ for $\vsum{i = 1}{k} G$.
We also extend the $\vsum{}{}$ notation to addition on group elements.
For $G \typecolon \GroupG{}$ and $k \typecolon \Int$ we write $\scalarmult{k}{G}$
for scalar multiplication on the group, i.e.
\item $\scalarmult{k}{G} := \begin{cases}
\ssum{i = 1}{k} G, &\caseif k \geq 0 \\[1.5ex]
\ssum{i = 1}{-k} (-G), &\caseotherwise.
For $G \typecolon \GroupG{}$ and $a \typecolon \GF{\ParamG{r}}$, we may also write
$\scalarmult{a}{G}$ meaning $\scalarmult{a \bmod \ParamG{r}}{G}$ as defined above.
(This variant is not defined for fields other than $\GF{\ParamG{r}}$.)
@ -3255,6 +3329,8 @@ information leakage from the structure of \transactions are beyond the
scope of this specification.
The encoded \transaction is submitted to the network.
\todo{Receiving a \Sapling note.}
} %sapling
@ -3413,7 +3489,8 @@ into the \blockchain, appends to the \noteCommitmentTree with all constituent
All of the constituent \nullifiers are also entered into the
\nullifierSet of the associated \treestate. A \transaction is not valid if it
attempts to add a \nullifier to the \nullifierSet that already exists in the set.
would have added a \nullifier to the \nullifierSet that already exists in the set
(see \crossref{nullifierset}).
\sprout{Each}\notsprout{In \Sprout, each} \note has a $\NoteAddressRand$ component.
@ -3526,7 +3603,7 @@ $\NoteAddressRandNew{i} = \PRFrho{\NoteAddressPreRand}(i, \hSig)$.
\snarkcondition{Note commitment integrity} \label{sproutcommitmentintegrity}
for each $i \in \setofNew$: $\cmNew{i}$ = $\NoteCommitSprout(\nNew{i})$.
for each $i \in \setofNew$: $\cmNew{i}$ = $\NoteCommitmentSprout(\nNew{i})$.
For details of the form and encoding of proofs, see \crossref{phgr}.
@ -3537,7 +3614,7 @@ For details of the form and encoding of proofs, see \crossref{phgr}.
\subsubsection{\SpendStatement{} (\Sapling)} \label{spendstatement}
A valid instance of $\ProofSpend$ assures that given a \term{primary input}:
A valid instance of $\ProofSpend$ assures that given a \primaryInput:
\item $(\rt \typecolon \MerkleHashSapling,\\
@ -3767,6 +3844,12 @@ All integers in \Zcash-specific encodings are unsigned, have a fixed
bit length, and are encoded in little-endian byte order \emph{unless otherwise
Define $\ItoBEBSP{} \typecolon (\ell \typecolon \Nat) \times \range{0}{2^\ell\!-\!1} \rightarrow \bitseq{\ell}$
such that $\ItoBEBSP{\ell}(x)$ is the sequence of $\ell$ bits representing $x$ in
\emph{big-endian} order.
} %sprout
The following functions convert between sequences of bits, sequences of bytes,
and integers:
@ -3775,7 +3858,7 @@ and integers:
such that $\ItoLEBSP{\ell}(x)$ is the sequence of $\ell$ bits representing $x$ in
little-endian order;
\item $\ItoBEBSP{} \typecolon (\ell \typecolon \Nat) \times \range{0}{2^\ell\!-\!1} \rightarrow \bitseq{\ell}$
such that $\ItoBEBSP{u}(\ell)$ is the sequence of $\ell$ bits representing $x$ in
such that $\ItoBEBSP{\ell}(x)$ is the sequence of $\ell$ bits representing $x$ in
big-endian order.
\item $\LEOStoIP{} \typecolon (k \typecolon \Nat) \times \byteseq{k} \rightarrow \range{0}{256^k\!-\!1}$
such that $\LEOStoIP{k}(S)$ is the integer represented in little-endian order by the
@ -3786,13 +3869,14 @@ and integers:
value with the \emph{least} significant bit first, and concatenate the resulting bytes
in the same order as the groups.
} %notsprout
In bit layout diagrams, each box of the diagram represents a sequence of bits.
Diagrams are read from left-to-right, with lines read from top-to-bottom;
the breaking of boxes across lines has no significance.
The bit length $\ell$ is given explicitly in each box, except for the case of a
single bit, or for the notation $\zeros{\ell}$ representing the sequence of $\ell$
zero bits.
The bit length $\ell$ is given explicitly in each box, except when it is obvious
(e.g. for a single bit, or for the notation $\zeros{\ell}$ representing the sequence
of $\ell$ zero bits\notsprout{, or for the output of $\LEBStoOSP{\ell}$}).
The entire diagram represents the sequence of \emph{bytes} formed by first
concatenating these bit sequences, and then treating each subsequence of 8 bits
@ -3826,6 +3910,7 @@ Define:
\item $\SpendingKeyLength \typecolon \Nat := 256$
\item $\DiversifierLength \typecolon \Nat := 88$
\item $\InViewingKeyLength \typecolon \Nat := 251$
} %sapling
\item $\UncommittedSprout \typecolon \bitseq{\MerkleHashLengthSprout} := \zeros{\MerkleHashLengthSprout}$
@ -3896,7 +3981,8 @@ $16$-byte personalization string $p$, and input $x$.
$\BlakeTwobGeneric$ is used to instantiate $\hSigCRH$, $\EquihashGen{}$,
and $\KDFSprout$.
\nuzero{From \NUZero onward, it is used to compute \sighashTxHashes.}
\nuzero{From \NUZero onward, it is used to compute \sighashTxHashes
as specified in \cite{ZIP-143}.}
\sapling{For \Sapling, it is also used to instantiate $\KDFSapling$,
and in the $\EdJubjub$ \signatureScheme which instantiates $\SpendAuthSig$.}
@ -4076,17 +4162,15 @@ where
$\BlakeTwosOf{256}{p, x}$ refers to unkeyed $\BlakeTwos{256}$
\cite{ANWW2013} in sequential mode, with an output digest length of
$32$ bytes, $8$-byte personalization string $p$, and input $x$.
$\BlakeTwobOf{256}{p, x}$ is defined in \crossref{concreteblake2}.
$\LEOStoIPOf{256}{\BlakeTwosOf{256}{\ascii{Zcashivk}, x}} \bmod 2^{251}$
$\LEOStoIPOf{256}{\BlakeTwosOf{256}{\ascii{Zcashivk}, x}} \bmod 2^{\InViewingKeyLength}$
must be \collisionResistant on a $64$-byte input $x$. Note that this
does not follow from collision-resistance of $\BlakeTwos{256}$
(and the best possible concrete security is that of a $251$-bit hash
rather than a $256$-bit hash), but it is a reasonable assumption
given the design and structure of $\BlakeTwosGeneric$.
given the design, structure, and cryptanalysis to date of $\BlakeTwosGeneric$.
@ -4165,7 +4249,7 @@ $\PedersenEncode{\paramdot} \typecolon \bitseq{3 \mult \range{1}{c}} \rightarrow
\item Split $M_i$ into $3$-bit \quotedterm{chunks} $m_\barerange{1}{k_i}$
so that $M_i = \concatbits(m_\barerange{1}{k_i})$.
\item Write each $m_j$ as $[\sj{0}, \sj{1}, \sj{2}]$, and let
$\enc(m_j) = (1 - 2 \smult \sj{2}) \mult (1 + \sj{0} + 2 \smult \sj{1})$.
$\enc(m_j) = (1 - 2 \smult \sj{2}) \mult (1 + \sj{0} + 2 \smult \sj{1}) \typecolon \Int$.
\item Let $\PedersenEncode{M_i} = \vsum{j=1}{k_i} \enc(m_j) \mult 2^{4 \mult (j-1)}$.
@ -4470,7 +4554,7 @@ It is instantiated using the $\BlakeTwobGeneric$ \hashFunction defined in
\item $\PRFexpand{\SpendingKey}() :=
\item $\PRFexpand{\SpendingKey}(t) :=
\LEOStoIPOf{512}{\BlakeTwobOf{512}{\ascii{Zcash\_ExpandSeed}, \Justthebox{\expandbox}}} \pmod{\ParamJ{r}}$
@ -5414,7 +5498,7 @@ verifier \MUST check, for the encoding of each element, that:
\subsection{\NotePlaintexts{} and \Memos} \label{notept}
\subsection{Encodings of \NotePlaintexts{} and \Memos} \label{notept}
As explained in \crossref{noteptconcept}, transmitted \notes are stored on
the \blockchain in encrypted form.
@ -5509,11 +5593,6 @@ The encoding of a \Sapling \notePlaintext consists of:
\item $32$ bytes specifying $\NoteCommitRand$.
\item $512$ bytes specifying $\Memo$.
The encoding of $\Diversifier$ and $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ is identical
to the raw encoding of a \Sapling \paymentAddress in \crossref{saplingpaymentaddrencoding}.
} %sapling
@ -5676,6 +5755,9 @@ The raw encoding of a \Sapling \paymentAddress consists of:
(see \crossref{jubjub}).
When decoding the representation of $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, the address is
not valid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$.
For addresses on the production network, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zs}.
For addresses on the test network, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{ztestsapling}.
@ -5754,10 +5836,10 @@ The raw encoding of an \incomingViewingKey consists of:
\item $32$ bytes specifying $\InViewingKey$.
\item $32$ bytes (little-endian) specifying $\InViewingKey$.
$\InViewingKey$ \MUST be in the range $\range{0}{\JubjubScalarThreshold-1}$ as specified
$\InViewingKey$ \MUST be in the range $\range{0}{2^{\InViewingKeyLength}-1}$ as specified
in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}. That is, a decoded \incomingViewingKey{} \MUST be
considered invalid if $\InViewingKey$ is not in this range.
@ -6119,10 +6201,10 @@ a \transaction as an instance of a \type{JoinSplitDescription} type as follows:
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
\setchanged 8 &\setchanged $\vpubOldField$ &\setchanged \type{uint64\_t} &\mbox{}\setchanged
\setchanged 8 &\setchanged $\vpubOldField$ &\setchanged \type{uint64} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A value $\vpubOld$ that the \joinSplitTransfer removes from the \transparentValuePool. \\ \hline
$8$ & $\vpubNewField$ & \type{uint64\_t} & A value $\vpubNew$ that the \joinSplitTransfer inserts
$8$ & $\vpubNewField$ & \type{uint64} & A value $\vpubNew$ that the \joinSplitTransfer inserts
into the \transparentValuePool. \\ \hline
$32$ & $\anchorField$ & \type{char[32]} & A \merkleRoot $\rt$ of the \SproutOrNothing
@ -6251,7 +6333,7 @@ The \Zcash \blockHeader format is as follows:
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
$4$ & $\nVersion$ & \type{int32\_t} & The \blockVersionNumber indicates which set of
$4$ & $\nVersion$ & \type{int32} & The \blockVersionNumber indicates which set of
\block validation rules to follow. The current and only defined \blockVersionNumber
for \Zcash is $4$. \\ \hline
@ -6270,10 +6352,10 @@ $32$ & \sprout{$\hashReserved$}
\saplingonward{A \merkleRoot (\todo{specify bit sequence to byte sequence conversion}) of the \Sapling{}
\noteCommitmentTree corresponding to the final \Sapling{} \treestate of this \block.} \\ \hline
$4$ & $\nTimeField$ & \type{uint32\_t} & The \blockTime is a Unix epoch time (UTC) when the miner
$4$ & $\nTimeField$ & \type{uint32} & The \blockTime is a Unix epoch time (UTC) when the miner
started hashing the \header (according to the miner). \\ \hline
$4$ & $\nBitsField$ & \type{uint32\_t} & An encoded version of the \targetThreshold this \block's
$4$ & $\nBitsField$ & \type{uint32} & An encoded version of the \targetThreshold this \block's
\header hash must be less than or equal to, in the same nBits format used by \Bitcoin.
\cite{Bitc-nBits} \\ \hline
@ -6317,7 +6399,7 @@ rejected by this rule at a given point in time may later be accepted.
\item The semantics of blocks with \blockVersionNumber{} not equal to $4$
is not currently defined. Miners \MUSTNOT create such \blocks, and
\SHOULDNOT mine other blocks on top of them.
\SHOULDNOT mine other blocks that chain to them.
\item The exclusion of \blocks with \blockVersionNumber{} \emph{greater than} $4$
is not a consensus rule; such \blocks may exist in the \blockchain
and \MUST be treated identically to version $4$ \blocks by \fullValidators.
@ -6325,7 +6407,7 @@ rejected by this rule at a given point in time may later be accepted.
greater than or less than $4$. It is likely that such a hard fork will
change the \block header and/or \transaction format, and software that
parses \blocks{} \SHOULD take this into account.
\item The $\nVersion$ field is a signed integer. (It was incorrectly specified
\item The $\nVersion$ field is a signed integer. (It was specified
as unsigned in a previous version of this specification.) A future
hard fork might use negative values for this field, or otherwise change
its interpretation.
@ -6357,7 +6439,7 @@ The changes relative to \Bitcoin version $4$ blocks as described in \cite{Bitc-B
\item \Blockversions less than $4$ are not supported.
\item The $\hashReserved$\sapling{ (or $\hashFinalSaplingRoot$)}, $\solutionSize$, and
$\solution$ fields have been added.
\item The type of the $\nNonce$ field has changed from \type{uint32\_t} to \type{char[32]}.
\item The type of the $\nNonce$ field has changed from \type{uint32} to \type{char[32]}.
\item The maximum \block size has been doubled to $2000000$ bytes.
@ -7004,7 +7086,7 @@ Crucially, ``\nullifier integrity'' (\crossref{sproutnullifierintegrity})
is enforced whether or not the $\EnforceMerklePath{i}$ flag is set
for an input \note. If this were not the case then an adversary could
perform the attack by creating a zero-valued \note with a repeated
\nullifier, since the \nullifier does not depend on the value.
\nullifier, since the \nullifier would not depend on the value.
@ -7246,7 +7328,9 @@ The security proofs of \cite{ABR1999} can be adapted straightforwardly to the
resulting scheme. Although DHAES as defined in that paper does not pass the
recipient public key or a public seed to the \hashFunction $H$, this does not
impair the proof because we can consider $H$ to be the specialization of our
KDF to a given recipient key and seed. \sproutspecific{It is necessary to adapt the
KDF to a given recipient key and seed. (Passing the recipient public key to
the KDF could in principle compromise key privacy, but not confidentiality of
encryption.) \sproutspecific{It is necessary to adapt the
``HDH independence'' assumptions and the proof slightly to take into account
that the ephemeral key is reused for two encryptions.}
@ -7381,6 +7465,8 @@ Daira Hopwood, Sean Bowe, and Jack Grigg.
\item Drop $\type{\_t}$ from the names of representation types.
\item Remove functions from the \Sprout specification that it does not use.
\item Change the \texttt{Makefile} to avoid multiple reloads in PDF readers while
rebuilding the PDF.
\item Spacing and pagination improvements.
@ -7741,11 +7827,11 @@ Daira Hopwood, Sean Bowe, and Jack Grigg.
\item Specify that \ScriptOP{CODESEPARATOR} has been disabled, and
no longer affects signature hashes.
\item Change the representation type of $\vpubOldField$ and $\vpubNewField$
to \type{uint64\_t}. (This is not a consensus change because the type of
to \type{uint64}. (This is not a consensus change because the type of
$\vpubOld$ and $\vpubNew$ was already specified to be $\range{0}{\MAXMONEY}$;
it just better reflects the implementation.)
\item Correct the representation type of the \block $\nVersion$ field to
@ -7964,8 +8050,9 @@ and $\mult$ for multiplications by constants in the terms of a \linearCombinatio
The circuit makes use of a twisted Edwards curve, $\JubjubCurve$, and also a
Montgomery curve that is birationally equivalent to $\JubjubCurve$.
From here on we omit ``twisted'' when referring to the Edwards $\JubjubCurve$
curve or coordinates. By convention we use $(u, \varv)$ for affine coordinates
on the Edwards curve, and $(x, y)$ for affine coordinates on the Montgomery curve.
curve or coordinates. Following the notation in \cite{BL2017} we use
$(u, \varv)$ for affine coordinates on the Edwards curve, and $(x, y)$ for
affine coordinates on the Montgomery curve.
The Montgomery curve has parameters $\ParamM{A} = 40962$ and $\ParamM{B} = 1$.
@ -8119,17 +8206,18 @@ by checking the truth table of $(a, b)$.
\subsubsubsection{[Un]packing modulo \rS} \label{cctmodpack}
The operation of converting a field element, $a$, to a sequence of boolean
variables $b_\barerange{0}{n-1} \typecolon \bitseq{n}$ such that
$a = \vsum{i=0}{n-1} b_i \mult 2^i \pmod{\ParamS{r}}$, is called
Let $n \typecolon \PosInt$ be a constant.
The operation of converting a field element, $a \typecolon \GF{\ParamS{r}}$,
to a sequence of boolean variables $b_\barerange{0}{n-1} \typecolon \bitseq{n}$
such that $a = \ssum{i=0}{n-1} b_i \mult 2^i \pmod{\ParamS{r}}$, is called
\quotedterm{unpacking}. The inverse operation is called \quotedterm{packing}.
In the \quadraticArithmeticProgram these are the same operation (but
see the note about canonical representation below). We assume that
the variables $b_\barerange{0}{n-1}$ are boolean-constrained separately.
Let $a = \vsum{i=0}{n-1} b_i \mult 2^i$.
Then, $a \bmod \ParamS{r} = \left(\vsum{i=0}{n-1} b_i \mult (2^i \bmod \ParamS{r})\!\right) \bmod \ParamS{r}$.
We have $a \bmod \ParamS{r} = \left(\vsum{i=0}{n-1} b_i \mult 2^i\right) \bmod \ParamS{r}
= \left(\vsum{i=0}{n-1} b_i \mult (2^i \bmod \ParamS{r})\!\right) \bmod \ParamS{r}$.
This can be implemented in one constraint:
@ -8168,8 +8256,10 @@ This can be implemented in one constraint:
\subsubsubsection{Range check} \label{cctrange}
Let $a = \vsum{i=0}{n-1} a_i \mult 2^i$, and suppose we want to constrain
$a \leq c$ for some \emph{constant} $c = \vsum{i=0}{n-1} c_i \mult 2^i$.
Let $n \typecolon \PosInt$ be a constant, and let
$a = \ssum{i=0}{n-1} a_i \mult 2^i \typecolon \Nat$.
Suppose we want to constrain $a \leq c$ for some \emph{constant}
$c = \ssum{i=0}{n-1} c_i \mult 2^i \typecolon \Nat$.
Without loss of generality we can assume that $c_{n-1} = 1$, because if it
were not then we would decrease $n$ accordingly.
@ -8459,7 +8549,7 @@ $(u, \varv) = (u_1, \varv_1) = (u_2, \varv_2)$ and observing that $u \mult \varv
In order to avoid small-subgroup attacks, we check that certain points used in the
circuit are not of small order. In practice the \Sapling circuit uses this
in combination with a check that the point is on the curve (\crossref{cctedvalidate}),
in combination with a check that the coordinates are on the curve (\crossref{cctedvalidate}),
so we combine the two operations.
The \jubjubCurve has a large prime-order subgroup with a cofactor of $8$.
@ -8468,7 +8558,7 @@ To check for a point $P$ of order $8$ or less, we double twice (as in
is not $0$ (as in \crossref{cctnonzero}).
On a twisted Edwards curve, only the zero point $\ZeroJ$, and the unique point
of order $2$ at $(0, -1)$ have zero $u$-coordinate. So the check on $u$ rejects
of order $2$ at $(0, -1)$ have zero $u$-coordinate. So this $u$-coordinate check rejects
both $\ZeroJ$ and the point of order $2$, and no other points.
The first doubling can be merged with the curve point check to avoid recomputing $C$ or $T$.