Group Hash and DiversifyHash refactoring. Also fix an error in the definition of set difference.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-06-22 22:11:30 +01:00
parent f480f351b7
commit 8c80decd3b
1 changed files with 158 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -530,7 +530,6 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\HashExtractor}{\titleterm{Hash Extractor}}
\newcommand{\groupHash}{\term{group hash}}
\newcommand{\groupHashes}{\term{group hashes}}
\newcommand{\GroupHash}{\titleterm{Group Hash}}
\newcommand{\representedPairing}{\term{represented pairing}}
\newcommand{\RepresentedPairing}{\titleterm{Represented Pairing}}
\newcommand{\RepresentedGroupsAndPairings}{\titleterm{Represented Groups and Pairings}}
@ -545,7 +544,8 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\jubjubCurve}{\term{Jubjub curve}}
\newcommand{\commonRandomString}{\term{Common Random String}}
\newcommand{\uniformRandomString}{\term{Uniform Random String}}
\newcommand{\uniformRandomStrings}{\term{Uniform Random Strings}}
\newcommand{\ppzkSNARK}{\term{preprocessing zk-SNARK}}
@ -782,6 +782,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\bconcat}{\mathop{\kern 0.05em||}}
\newcommand{\fun}[2]{{#1} \mapsto {#2}}
\newcommand{\exclusivefun}[3]{{#1} \mapsto_{\neq\kern 0.05em{#3}\!} {#2}}
\newcommand{\for}{\text{ for }}
\newcommand{\from}{\text{ from }}
@ -1478,6 +1479,9 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -1497,7 +1501,6 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -1508,7 +1511,12 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\ParamS}[1]{{{#1}_\mathbb{\hskip 0.03em S}}}
\newcommand{\ParamSexp}[2]{{{#1}_\mathbb{\hskip 0.03em S}\!}^{#2}}
@ -1530,7 +1538,6 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\PrimeOrderJ}{\SubgroupJ \difference \ZeroJ}
@ -1540,11 +1547,16 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\ParamM}[1]{{{#1}_\mathbb{\hskip 0.03em M}}}
\newcommand{\ParamMexp}[2]{{{#1}_\mathbb{\hskip 0.03em M}\!}^{#2}}
@ -1562,9 +1574,6 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
% Conversions
@ -1942,11 +1951,27 @@ written as subscripts, e.g.\ if $x \typecolon X$, $y \typecolon Y$, and
$f \typecolon X \times Y \rightarrow Z$, then an invocation of
$f(x, y)$ can also be written $f_x(y)$.
$\setof{x \typecolon T \suchthat p_x}$ means the subset of $x$ from $T$
for which $p_x$ (a boolean expression depending on $x$) holds.
$T \subseteq U$ indicates that $T$ is an inclusive subset or subtype of $U$.
$S \union T$ means the set union of $S$ and $T$.
$S \intersection T$ means the set intersection of $S$ and $T$,
i.e.\ $\setof{x \typecolon S \suchthat x \in T}$.
$S \difference T$ means the set difference obtained by removing elements
in $T$ from $S$, i.e. $\setof{x \typecolon S \suchthat x \notin T}$.
$\fun{x \typecolon T}{e_x \typecolon U}$ means the function of type $T \rightarrow U$
mapping formal parameter $x$ to $e_x$ (an expression depending on~$x$).
The types $T$ and $U$ are always explicit.
$\exclusivefun{x \typecolon T}{e_x \typecolon U}{y}$ means
$\fun{x \typecolon T}{e_x \typecolon U \union \setof{y}}$ restricted to the domain
$\setof{x \typecolon T \suchthat e_x \neq y}$ and range $U$.
$\powerset{T}$ means the powerset of $T$.
@ -1963,23 +1988,6 @@ $\length(S)$ means the length of (number of elements in) $S$.
$\truncate{k}(S)$ means the sequence formed from the first $k$ elements of $S$.
$T \subseteq U$ indicates that $T$ is an inclusive subset or subtype of $U$.
$\setof{x \typecolon T \suchthat p(x)}$ means the subset of $x$ from $T$
for which $p(x)$ holds.
$S \union T$ means the set union of $S$ and $T$, or the type corresponding
to it.
$S \intersection T$ means the set intersection of $S$ and $T$.
$S \difference T$ means the set difference obtained by removing elements
in $T$ from $S$, i.e. $\setof{x \typecolon S \suchthat x \neq T}$.
$\hexint{}$ followed by a string of $\mathtt{monospace}$ hexadecimal
digits means the corresponding integer converted from hexadecimal.
@ -2693,9 +2701,8 @@ to derive the unique $\NoteAddressRand$ value for a \Sapling \note. It is also u
in the \spendStatement to confirm use of the correct $\NoteAddressRand$ value as an
input to \nullifier derivation. It is instantiated in \crossref{concretemixinghash}.
$\DiversifyHash \typecolon \DiversifierType \rightarrow \SubgroupJ$ is a \hashFunction
satisfying the Discrete Logarithm Independence property (which implies \collisionResistance\!\!)
described in \crossref{abstractgrouphash}.
$\DiversifyHash \typecolon \DiversifierType \rightarrow \PrimeOrderJ$ is a \hashFunction
satisfying the Unlinkability security property described in \crossref{concretediversifyhash}.
It is used to derive a \diversifiedBase from a \diversifier in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
It is instantiated in \crossref{concretediversifyhash}.
} %sapling
@ -3311,43 +3318,60 @@ efficiently computable left inverse.
\subsubsection{\GroupHash} \label{abstractgrouphash}
\subsubsection{Group Hash} \label{abstractgrouphash}
Given a represented group $\GroupG{}$ with prime-order subgroup $\SubgroupG$,
and a type $\CRSType$, we define a \term{family of group hashes into\, $\SubgroupG$}
as a function
a \term{family of group hashes into\, $\SubgroupG$}, $\GroupGHash{}$, consists of:
\item $\GroupGHash{} \typecolon \CRSType \times (\byteseq{8} \times \byteseqs) \rightarrow \SubgroupG$
\item a type $\GroupGHashURSType$ of \uniformRandomStrings;
\item a type $\GroupGHashInput$ of inputs;
\item a function $\GroupGHash{} \typecolon \GroupGHashURSType \times \GroupGHashInput \rightarrow \SubgroupG$.
In \crossref{concretegrouphashjubjub}, we instantiate a family of group hashes into
the \jubjubCurve defined by \crossref{jubjub}.
\securityrequirement{\textbf{Discrete Logarithm Independence}
For a randomly selected member $\GroupGHash{\CRS}$ of the family, it is infeasible to find
a sequence of \emph{distinct} inputs $m_{\alln} \typecolon \typeexp{(\byteseq{8} \times \byteseqs)}{n}$
and a sequence of nonzero $x_{\alln} \typecolon \typeexp{\GFstar{\ParamG{r}}}{n}$
such that $\ssum{i = 1}{n}\!\left(\scalarmult{x_i}{\GroupGHash{\CRS}(m_i)}\right) = \ZeroG{}$.
For a randomly selected $\URS \typecolon \GroupGHashURSType$,
it must be reasonble to model $\GroupGHash{\URS}$ (restricted to inputs for which it does
not return $\bot$) as a random oracle.
} %securityrequirement
\item This property implies (and is stronger than) collision-resistance,
since a collision $(m_1, m_2)$ for $\GroupGHash{\CRS}$ trivially gives a
discrete logarithm relation with $x_1 = 1$ and $x_2 = -1$.
\item An alternative approach is to model $\GroupGHash{\CRS}$ as a random
oracle, and assume that the Discrete Logarithm Problem is hard in
the group. We prefer to avoid the Random Oracle Model and instead make
a more specific standard-model assumption, which is effectively no
stronger than the assumptions made in the random oracle approach.
\item $\CRS$ is a \commonRandomString; we choose it verifiably at random
\item $\GroupJHash{}$ is used to obtain generators of the \jubjubCurve for various purposes:
the bases $\AuthSignBase$ and $\AuthProveBase$ used in \Sapling key generation,
the \xPedersenHash defined in \crossref{concretepedersenhash}, and
the commitment schemes defined in \crossref{concretewindowedcommit} and
in \crossref{concretehomomorphiccommit}.
The security property needed for these uses can alternatively be defined in the
standard model as follows:
\textbf{Discrete Logarithm Independence}:
For a randomly selected member $\GroupGHash{\URS}$ of the family, it is infeasible to find
a sequence of \emph{distinct} inputs $m_{\alln} \typecolon \typeexp{\GroupGHashInput}{n}$
and a sequence of nonzero $x_{\alln} \typecolon \typeexp{\GFstar{\ParamG{r}}}{n}$
such that $\ssum{i = 1}{n}\!\left(\scalarmult{x_i}{\GroupGHash{\URS}(m_i)}\right) = \ZeroG{}$.
\item Under the Discrete Logarithm assumption on $\GroupG{}$, a random oracle almost surely satisfies
Discrete Logarithm Independence.
\item Discrete Logarithm Independence implies \collisionResistance\!,
since a collision $(m_1, m_2)$ for $\GroupGHash{\URS}$ trivially gives a
discrete logarithm relation with $x_1 = 1$ and $x_2 = -1$. It is in fact
stronger than \collisionResistance\!.
\item $\GroupJHash{}$ is also used to instantiate $\DiversifyHash$ in \crossref{concretediversifyhash}.
We do not know how to prove the Unlinkability property defined in that section
in the standard model, but in a model where $\GroupJHash{}$ (restricted to
inputs for which it does not return $\bot$) is taken as a random oracle,
it is implied by the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption on $\SubgroupJ$.
\item $\URS$ is a \uniformRandomString; we choose it verifiably at random
(see \crossref{beacon}), \emph{after} fixing the concrete
group hash algorithm to be used.
This mitigates the possibility that the group hash algorithm could have
been backdoored.
\item The input element with type $\byteseq{8}$ is intended to act as a
``personalization'' parameter to distinguish uses of the \groupHash for
different purposes.
} %sapling
@ -3540,9 +3564,8 @@ Let $\DiversifyHash$ be a \hashFunction, instantiated in \crossref{concretediver
Let $\SpendAuthSig$, instantiated in \crossref{concretespendauthsig},
be a \rerandomizableSignatureScheme.
Let $\reprJ$, $\SubgroupJ$, and $\SubgroupReprJ$ be as defined in \crossref{jubjub}.
Let $\FindGroupJHash$ be as defined in \crossref{concretegrouphashjubjub}.
Let $\reprJ$, $\SubgroupJ$, and $\SubgroupReprJ$ be as defined in \crossref{jubjub}, and
let $\FindGroupJHash$ be as defined in \crossref{concretegrouphashjubjub}.
Let $\LEBStoOSP{} \typecolon (\ell \typecolon \Nat) \times \bitseq{\ell} \rightarrow \byteseq{\sceiling{\ell/8}}$
and $\LEOStoIP{} \typecolon (\ell \typecolon \Nat \suchthat \ell \bmod 8 = 0) \times \byteseq{\ell/8} \rightarrow \binaryrange{\ell}$
@ -3617,7 +3640,7 @@ be as defined in \crossref{concretegrouphashjubjub}. Define:
\item $\DefaultDiversifier(\sk \typecolon \SpendingKeyType) :=
\first\big(\fun{i \typecolon \byte}{\CheckDiversifier(\truncate{(\DiversifierLength/8)}(\PRFexpand{\sk}([3, i])))
\typecolon \maybe{\SubgroupJ}}\big)$.
\typecolon \maybe{(\PrimeOrderJ)}}\big)$.
For a random \spendingKey, $\DefaultDiversifier$ returns $\bot$ with probability approximately $2^{-256}$;
@ -5547,9 +5570,24 @@ Define
$\DiversifyHash$ must satisfy the Discrete Logarithm Independence property
described in \crossref{abstractgrouphash}.
\textbf{Unlinkability:} Given two randomly selected
\paymentAddresses from different spend authorities, and a third \paymentAddress
which could be derived from either of those authorities, it is not possible to
tell which authority the third address was derived from.}
\item Suppose that $\GroupJHash{}$ (restricted to inputs for which it does not
return $\bot$) is modelled as a random oracle from \diversifiers to points
of order $\ParamJ{r}$ on the \jubjubCurve. In this model, Unlinkability
of $\DiversifyHash$ holds under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption on the
\item Informally, the random self-reducibility property of DDH implies that an
adversary would gain no advantage from being able to query an oracle for
additional $(\DiversifiedTransmitBase, \DiversifiedTransmitPublic)$ pairs
with the same spend authority as an existing \paymentAddress, since they
could also create such pairs on their own. This justifies only considering
two \paymentAddresses in the security definition.
} %sapling
@ -6799,6 +6837,7 @@ be the left inverse of $\reprJ$ such that if $S$ is not in the range of
$\reprJ$, then $\abstJOf{S} = \bot$.
Define $\SubgroupJ$ as the order-$\ParamJ{r}$ subgroup of $\GroupJ$. Note that this includes $\ZeroJ$.
For the set of prime-order points we write $\PrimeOrderJ$.
Define $\SubgroupReprJ := \setof{\reprJ(P) \typecolon \ReprJ \suchthat P \in \SubgroupJ}$.
@ -6877,9 +6916,17 @@ $\Selectu$ is injective on points in $\SubgroupJ$.
\subsubsubsection{\GroupHash{} into \Jubjub} \label{concretegrouphashjubjub}
\subsubsubsection{Group Hash into \Jubjub} \label{concretegrouphashjubjub}
Let $\CRS$ be the MPC randomness beacon defined in \crossref{beacon}.
Let $\GroupGHashInput := \byteseq{8} \times \byteseqs$, and
let $\GroupGHashURSType := \byteseq{64}$.
(The input element with type $\byteseq{8}$ is intended to act as a
``personalization'' parameter to distinguish uses of the \groupHash for
different purposes.)
Let $\URS$ be the MPC randomness beacon defined in \crossref{beacon}.
Let $\BlakeTwos{256}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteblake2}.
@ -6892,15 +6939,38 @@ Let $D \typecolon \byteseq{8}$ be an $8$-byte domain separator, and
let $M \typecolon \byteseqs$ be the hash input.
The hash $\GroupJHash{\CRS}(D, M) \typecolon \PrimeOrderJ$ is calculated as follows:
The hash $\GroupJHash{\URS}(D, M) \typecolon \PrimeOrderJ$ is calculated as follows:
\item $P := \abstJOf{\LEOStoBSPOf{256}{\BlakeTwosOf{256}{D,\, \CRS \bconcat\, M}}}$
\item If $P = \bot$ then return $\bot$.
\item $Q := \scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{P}$
\item If $Q = \ZeroJ$ then return $\bot$, else return $Q$.
\item let $\HashOutput = \BlakeTwos{256}(D,\, \URS \bconcat\, M)$
\item let $P = \abstJOf{\LEOStoBSP{256}(\HashOutput)\kern-0.12em}$
\item if $P = \bot$ then return $\bot$
\item let $Q = \scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{P}$
\item if $Q = \ZeroJ$ then return $\bot$, else return $Q$.
\item The $\BlakeTwos{256}$ chaining variable after processing $\URS$ may be precomputed.
\item The use of $\GroupJHash{\URS}$ for $\DiversifyHash$ and to generate independent bases
needs a random oracle (for inputs on which $\GroupJHash{\URS}$ does not return $\bot$);
here we show that it is sufficient to employ a simpler random oracle instantiated by
$\vphantom{a^b}\BlakeTwos{256}$ in the security analysis.
$\exclusivefun{\HashOutput \typecolon \byteseq{32}}
{\abstJOf{\LEOStoBSP{256}(\HashOutput)\kern-0.12em} \typecolon \GroupJ}{\bot}$
is injective, and both it and its inverse are efficiently computable.
$\exclusivefun{P \typecolon \GroupJ}
{\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{P} \typecolon \PrimeOrderJ}{\ZeroJ}$
is exactly $\ParamJ{h}$-to-$1$, and both it and its inverse relation are efficiently computable.
It follows that when $\fun{(D \typecolon \byteseq{8}, M \typecolon \byteseqs)}
{\BlakeTwosOf{256}{D,\, \URS \bconcat\, M} \typecolon \byteseq{32}}$
is modelled as a random oracle, $\exclusivefun{(D \typecolon \byteseq{8}, M \typecolon \byteseqs)}
{\GroupJHash{\URS}(D, M) \typecolon \PrimeOrderJ}{\bot}$ also acts as a random oracle.
Define $\first \typecolon (\byte \rightarrow \maybe{T}) \rightarrow \maybe{T}$
@ -6908,15 +6978,14 @@ so that $\first(f) = f(i)$ where $i$ is the least integer in $\byte$
such that $f(i) \neq \bot$, or $\bot$ if no such $i$ exists.
Define $\FindGroupJHashOf{D, M} :=
\first(\fun{i \typecolon \byte}{\GroupJHash{\CRS}(D, M \bconcat\, [i]) \typecolon \maybe{(\PrimeOrderJ)}})$.
\first(\fun{i \typecolon \byte}{\GroupJHash{\URS}(D, M \bconcat\, [i]) \typecolon \maybe{(\PrimeOrderJ)}})$.
\item The $\BlakeTwos{256}$ chaining variable after processing $\CRS$ may be precomputed.
\item For random input, $\FindGroupJHash$ returns $\bot$ with probability approximately $2^{-256}$.
In the \Zcash protocol, most uses of $\FindGroupJHash$ are for constants and do not
return $\bot$; the only use that could potentially return $\bot$ is in the
computation of a \defaultDiversifiedPaymentAddress in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
\pnote{For random input, $\FindGroupJHash$ returns $\bot$ with probability approximately $2^{-256}$.
In the \Zcash protocol, most uses of $\FindGroupJHash$ are for constants and do not
return $\bot$; the only use that could potentially return $\bot$ is in the
computation of a \defaultDiversifiedPaymentAddress in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
} %pnote
} %sapling
@ -7560,7 +7629,7 @@ These parameters were obtained by a multi-party computation described in \todo{}
\subsection{Randomness Beacon} \label{beacon}
Let $\CRS := \ascii{096b36a5804bfacef1691e173c366a47ff5ba84a44f26ddd7e8d9f79d5b42df0}$.
Let $\URS := \ascii{096b36a5804bfacef1691e173c366a47ff5ba84a44f26ddd7e8d9f79d5b42df0}$.
This value is used in the definition of $\GroupJHash{}$ in \crossref{concretegrouphashjubjub},
and in the multi-party computation to obtain the \Sapling parameters given in
@ -7576,7 +7645,7 @@ It is derived as described in \cite{Bowe2018}:
\pnote{$\CRS$ is a $64$-byte US-ASCII string, i.e.\ the first byte is \hexint{30}, not \hexint{09}.}
\pnote{$\URS$ is a $64$-byte US-ASCII string, i.e.\ the first byte is \hexint{30}, not \hexint{09}.}
} %sapling
@ -9160,12 +9229,21 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\item Remove the consensus rule
``If $\nJoinSplit > 0$, the \transaction{} \MUSTNOT use \sighashTypes other than $\SIGHASHALL$.'',
which was never implemented.
\item Correct the definition of set difference ($S \setminus T$).
\item Use the more precise subgroup types $\SubgroupG$ and $\SubgroupJ$ in preference to
$\GroupG{}$ and $\GroupJ$ where applicable.
\item Correct or improve the types of $\GroupJHash{}$, $\FindGroupJHash$, $\ExtractJ$, $\PRFexpand{}$, and $\CRHivk$.
\item Ensure that \Sprout functions and values are given \Sprout-specific types where appropriate.
\item Improve cross-referencing.
\item Model the group hash as a random oracle. This appears to be unavoidable in order to allow
proving unlinkability of $\DiversifyHash$. Explain how this relates to the Discrete Logarithm
Independence assumption used previously, and justify this modelling by showing that it
follows from treating $\BlakeTwos{256}$ as a random oracle in the instantiation of
\item Rename $\mathsf{CRS}$ (Common Random String) to $\URS$ (\uniformRandomString), to
match the terminology adopted at the first zkproof workshop held in Boston, Massachusetts
on May~10--11, 2018.
\item Generalize $\PRFexpand{}$ to accept an arbitrary-length input. (This specification does not
use that generalization, but \cite{ZIP-32} does.)
\item Change the notation for a multiplication constraint in \crossref{circuitdesign} to avoid