Add an appendix on Ed25519 batch validation.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
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Daira Hopwood 2020-06-15 15:57:01 +01:00
parent 6e781c5905
commit 8ccd4e656b
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -10388,6 +10388,7 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
since libsodium~v1.0.15 does not do so.
\item Incorporate \EdSpecific changes for \Canopy from \cite{ZIP-215}.
\item Add Appendix \crossref{ed25519batchvalidate}.
\item Consistently use ``validating'' for signatures and ``verifying'' for proofs.
@ -13373,6 +13374,62 @@ the cost of batched verification is therefore
} %notsprout
\lsubsection{\EdSpecificText{} batch validation}{ed25519batchvalidate}
The reference validation algorithm for \EdSpecific signatures is defined in \crossref{concreteed25519}.
\canopyonward{Implementations \MAY alternatively use the optimized procedure described in this section to perform
faster validation of a batch of signatures, i.e.\ to determine whether all signatures in a batch are valid.
The correctness of this procedure is dependent on the \EdSpecific validation changes made for the \Canopy
network upgrade in \cite{ZIP-215} (in particular the change to use the cofactor variant of the validation equation).
The input is a sequence of $N$ \defining{\sigBatchEntries}, each of which is a
(\validatingKey, message, signature) triple.}
All conversions between \EdSpecific points, byte sequences, and integers used in this section are as
specified in \cite{BDLSY2012}.
Let $\ell$ and $\EdDSABase$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteed25519}.
Define $\EdSpecificBatchEntry := \EdSpecificPublic \times \EdSpecificMessage \times \EdSpecificSignature$.
Define $\EdSpecificBatchValidate \typecolon (\Entry{\barerange{0}{N-1}} \typecolon \typeexp{\EdSpecificBatchEntry}{N})
\rightarrow \bit$ as:
\item For each $j \in \range{0}{N-1}$:
\item \tab Let $(\EdDSASigA{j}, M_j, \sigma_j) = \Entry{j}$.
\item \tab Let $\EdDSAReprR{j}$ be the first $32$ bytes of $\sigma_j$, and
let $\EdDSAReprS{j}$ be the remaining $32$ bytes.
\item \tab Let $\EdDSASigR{j}$ be the point corresponding to $\EdDSAReprR{j}$ (or $\bot$ if invalid), and
let $\EdDSASigS{j}$ be the integer corresponding to $\EdDSAReprS{j}$.
\item \tab Let $\EdDSAReprA{j}$ be the byte sequence representation of $\EdDSASigA{j}$.
\item \tab Let $\EdDSASigc{j}$ be the integer corresponding to $\EdSpecificHash(\EdDSAReprR{j} \bconcat \EdDSAReprA{j} \bconcat M_j)$.
\item \tab Choose random $z_j \typecolon \GFstar{\ell} \leftarrowR \range{1}{2^{128}-1}$.
\item \blank
\item Return $1$ if
\item for all $j \in \range{0}{N-1}$, $\EdDSASigR{j} \neq \bot$; and
\item $\scalarmult{8}{\Big(\Bigscalarmult{\ssum{j=0}{N-1}{(z_j \mult \EdDSASigS{j})
\pmod{\ell}}}{\EdDSABase} +
\ssum{j=0}{N-1}{\big(\scalarmult{z_j}{\EdDSASigR{j}} +
\scalarmult{z_j \mult \EdDSASigc{j}
= \Zero_{\EdSpecificAlg}$,
otherwise $0$.
The $z_j$ values \MUST be chosen independently of the \sigBatchEntries.
The performance benefits of this approach are the same as for \crossref{reddsabatchvalidate}.
} %canopy
\lpart{List of Theorems and Lemmata}{theorems}