Modify funding stream tables and notes to reflect changes in ZIP 214.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2020-08-11 01:52:06 +01:00
parent fd2416d9ea
commit a651ad7fe7
1 changed files with 31 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1523,6 +1523,8 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\foundersReward}{\term{Founders' Reward}}
\newcommand{\slowStartPeriod}{\term{slow-start period}}
\newcommand{\halvingInterval}{\term{halving interval}}
\newcommand{\utxoSet}{\term{unspent transaction output set}}
\newcommand{\fundingStream}{\term{funding stream}}
\newcommand{\fundingStreams}{\terms{funding stream}}
@ -10078,7 +10080,7 @@ recipient address represented by $\fsAddressList_{\fsAddressIndex(\BlockHeight)}
Let $\CanopyActivationHeight$ be as defined in \crossref{constants}.
\cite{ZIP-214} defines three \fundingStreams:
\cite{ZIP-214} defines these \fundingStreams for \Mainnet:
@ -10086,19 +10088,35 @@ Let $\CanopyActivationHeight$ be as defined in \crossref{constants}.
\item \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|}
Stream & Numerator & Denominator & Start height & End height \\\hline
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_ECC} & $7$ & $100$ & $\CanopyActivationHeight$ & $2726400$ \\
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_ZF} & $5$ & $100$ & $\CanopyActivationHeight$ & $2726400$ \\
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_MG} & $8$ & $100$ & $\CanopyActivationHeight$ & $2726400$ \\\hline
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_ECC} & $7$ & $100$ & $1046400$ & $2726400$ \\
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_ZF} & $5$ & $100$ & $1046400$ & $2726400$ \\
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_MG} & $8$ & $100$ & $1046400$ & $2726400$ \\\hline
It also defines these \fundingStreams for \Testnet:
\item \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|}
Stream & Numerator & Denominator & Start height & End height \\\hline
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_ECC} & $7$ & $100$ & $1028500$ & $2796000$ \\
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_ZF} & $5$ & $100$ & $1028500$ & $2796000$ \\
\texttt{FS\_ZIP214\_MG} & $8$ & $100$ & $1028500$ & $2796000$ \\\hline
\item $\CanopyActivationHeight$ is different between \Mainnet and \Testnet.
\item On \Testnet, the \activationHeight of \Canopy will be before the first halving.
Therefore, the consequence of the above rules for \Testnet is that the amount sent to
each recipient \fundingStream address will initially (before \Testnet \blockHeight $1046400$)
be double the corresponding initial amount on \Mainnet. This reduces to the same amount
as on \Mainnet, from \Testnet \blockHeights $1046400$ (inclusive) to $2726400$ (exclusive).
\item The \blockHeights of \halvings are different between \Testnet and \Mainnet, as a
result of different \activationHeights for the \Blossom \networkUpgrade (which
changed the \blockTargetSpacing). The end height of these funding streams
corresponds to the second \halving on each network.
\item On \Testnet, the \activationHeight of \Canopy is before the first \halving.
Therefore, the consequence of the above rules for \Testnet is that the amount sent
to each \Zcash Development Fund recipient address will initially (before \Testnet
\blockHeight $1116000$) be double the number of currency units as the corresponding
initial amount on \Mainnet. This reduces to the same number of currency units as on
\Mainnet, from \Testnet \blockHeights $1116000$ (inclusive) to $2796000$ (exclusive).
} %canopy
@ -10789,6 +10807,8 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\item Set $\CanopyActivationHeight$ for \Testnet.
\item Modify the tables and notes in \crossref{zip214fundingstreams} to reflect changes in
} %canopy