Include ρ as an input to the derivation of ψ, esk, and rcm in Orchard.

This was originally intended and as described in Section 3.5 of the Orchard Book.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-04-29 00:47:48 +01:00
parent c9470820b7
commit adc28d2bb1
1 changed files with 42 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -1619,6 +1619,8 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -3763,8 +3765,8 @@ $\PRFexpand{}$ is used in the following places:
} %notnufive
\item in the processes of sending (\crossref{saplingsend}\nufive{ and \crossref{orchardsend}}) and of receiving
(\crossref{saplingandorchardinband}) \notes, with inputs $[4]$ and $[5]$\nufive{, and for \Orchard also
(\crossref{saplingandorchardinband}) \notes, with inputs $[4]$ and $[5]$\nufive{, and for \Orchard
$[t] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytes$ with $t \in \setof{4, 5, 9}$};
} %notbeforenufive
\item in \cite{ZIP-32}, with inputs $[0]$, $[1]$, $[2]$ (intentionally matching \shortcrossref{saplingkeycomponents}),
$[t \typecolon \range{16}{22}]$,\notnufive{ and} $[\hexint{80}]$\nufive{, and $[\hexint{81}]$}.
@ -5523,6 +5525,8 @@ Let $\reprP$, $\ParamP{r}$, and the \pallasCurve be as defined in \crossref{pall
Let $\ExtractPbot$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteextractorpallas}.
Let $\ItoLEOSP{}$ be as defined in \crossref{endian}.
Let $\OutViewingKey$ be an \Orchard \outgoingViewingKey that is intended to be able to decrypt
this payment. The considerations for choosing \outgoingViewingKeys are as described for \Sapling
@ -5544,10 +5548,10 @@ performs the following steps:
\item Choose a uniformly random \commitmentTrapdoor $\ValueCommitRand \leftarrowR \ValueCommitGenTrapdoor{Orchard}()$.
\item Choose uniformly random $\NoteSeedBytes \leftarrowR \NoteSeedBytesType$.
\item Derive $\EphemeralPrivate = \ToScalar{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([4])\kern-0.1em\big)$.
\item Derive $\NoteCommitRand = \ToScalar{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([5])\kern-0.11em\big)$.
\item Derive $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9])\kern-0.09em\big)$.
\item Let $\NoteUniqueRand$ be equal to $\nfOld{}$ from the same \actionDescription.
\item Let $\NoteUniqueRand = \nfOld{}$ from the same \actionDescription, and let $\NoteUniqueRandBytes = \ItoLEOSPOf{256}{\NoteUniqueRand}$.
\item Derive $\EphemeralPrivate = \ToScalar{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([4] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytes)\kern-0.1em\big)$.
\item Derive $\NoteCommitRand = \ToScalar{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([5] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytes)\kern-0.11em\big)$.
\item Derive $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytes)\kern-0.09em\big)$.
\item Let $\cvNet{}$ be the \valueCommitment to the value of the input \note minus the value $\Value$
of the output \note for this \actionTransfer, using $\ValueCommitRand$, as described in \crossref{orchardbalance}.
@ -5580,13 +5584,6 @@ In order to minimize information leakage, the sender \SHOULD randomize the order
\actionDescriptions in a \transaction. Other considerations relating to information
leakage from the structure of \transactions are beyond the scope of this specification.
The encoded \transaction is submitted to the peer-to-peer network.
The inputs $[4]$ and $[5]$ are used as inputs to $\PRFexpand{}$ in both \Sapling and
\Orchard shielded protocols. Since a fresh $\NoteSeedBytes$ is generated for each \note,
this should have no negative effect on security.
} %nnote
} %nufive
@ -5733,6 +5730,8 @@ Let $\DeriveNullifierAlg$ be as defined in \crossref{commitmentsandnullifiers}.
Let $\NoteCommitAlg{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{abstractcommit}.
Let $\ItoLEOSP{}$ be as defined in \crossref{endian}.
The spend-related fields of an \actionDescription for a \dummy \Orchard input \note are
@ -5745,10 +5744,10 @@ constructed as follows:
\item Let $\Value = 0$.
\item Choose uniformly random $\ValueCommitRand \leftarrowR \ValueCommitGenTrapdoor{Orchard}()$.
\item Choose uniformly random $\NoteSeedBytes \leftarrowR \NoteSeedBytesType$.
\item Derive $\NoteCommitRand = \ToScalar{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([5])\kern-0.11em\big)$.
\item Derive $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9])\kern-0.09em\big)$.
\item Choose uniformly random $\NoteUniqueRandPoint \leftarrowR \GroupP$.
\item Let $\NoteUniqueRand = \ExtractP(\NoteUniqueRandPoint)$.
\item Let $\NoteUniqueRand = \ExtractP(\NoteUniqueRandPoint)$ and $\NoteUniqueRandBytes = \ItoLEOSPOf{256}{\NoteUniqueRand}$.
\item Derive $\NoteCommitRand = \ToScalar{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([5] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytes)\kern-0.1em\big)$.
\item Derive $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytes)\kern-0.1em\big)$.
\item Let $\cv = \ValueCommit{Orchard}{\ValueCommitRand}(\Value)$.
\item Let $\cm = \NoteCommit{Orchard}{\NoteCommitRand}\big(\reprP\Of{\DiversifiedTransmitBase},
@ -7308,9 +7307,14 @@ from $\TransmitPlaintext{}$
\canopyonwarditem{if $\BlockHeight < \CanopyActivationHeight + \ZIPTwoOneTwoGracePeriod \text{ and } \NotePlaintextLeadByte \not\in \setof{\hexint{01}, \hexint{02}}$, return $\bot$}
\canopyonwarditem{if $\BlockHeight \geq \CanopyActivationHeight + \ZIPTwoOneTwoGracePeriod \text{ and } \NotePlaintextLeadByte \neq \hexint{02}$, return $\bot$}
\item for \Orchard, let $\NoteUniqueRand = \nfOld{}$ from the same \actionDescription and
let $\NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt = \ItoLEOSPOf{256}{\NoteUniqueRand}$;
otherwise let $\NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt = [\hairspace]$\!\!
} %nufive
\canopyonwarditem{let $\NoteCommitRandBytes = \begin{cases}
\NoteSeedBytes,&\caseif \NotePlaintextLeadByte = \hexint{01} \\
\ToScalar{}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([5]\nufive{\, \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt})\kern-0.11em\big),&\caseotherwise
\item let $\NoteCommitRand = \LEOStoIPOf{256}{\NoteCommitRandBytes}$
and $\DiversifiedTransmitBase = \DiversifyHash{}(\Diversifier)$
@ -7318,7 +7322,7 @@ from $\TransmitPlaintext{}$
\canopyonwarditem{if $\NotePlaintextLeadByte \neq \hexint{01}$:}
\item \tab $\EphemeralPrivate = \ToScalar{}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([4])\kern-0.11em\big)$
\item \tab $\EphemeralPrivate = \ToScalar{}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([4]\nufive{\, \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt})\kern-0.11em\big)$
\item \tab if $\reprG{}\big(\KADerivePublic{}(\EphemeralPrivate, \DiversifiedTransmitBase)\kern-0.12em\big) \neq \ephemeralKey$,
return $\bot$
@ -7330,9 +7334,7 @@ from $\TransmitPlaintext{}$
\item for \Orchard:
\item \tab let $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9])\kern-0.1em\big)$
\item \tab let $\NoteUniqueRand$ be equal to $\nfOld{}$ from the same \actionDescription.
\item \tab let $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt)\kern-0.1em\big)$
\item \tab let $\NoteTuple{} = (\Diversifier, \DiversifiedTransmitPublic, \Value, \NoteUniqueRand, \NoteNullifierRand, \NoteCommitRand)$
\item \blank
@ -7441,11 +7443,16 @@ from $\TransmitPlaintext{}$
\canopyonwarditem{if $\BlockHeight < \CanopyActivationHeight + \ZIPTwoOneTwoGracePeriod \text{ and } \NotePlaintextLeadByte \not\in \setof{\hexint{01}, \hexint{02}}$, return $\bot$}
\canopyonwarditem{if $\BlockHeight \geq \CanopyActivationHeight + \ZIPTwoOneTwoGracePeriod \text{ and } \NotePlaintextLeadByte \neq \hexint{02}$, return $\bot$}
\canopyonwarditem{if $\NotePlaintextLeadByte \neq \hexint{01}$ and $\ToScalar{}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([4])\kern-0.11em\big) \neq \EphemeralPrivate$, return $\bot$}
\item for \Orchard, let $\NoteUniqueRand = \nfOld{}$ from the same \actionDescription and
let $\NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt = \ItoLEOSPOf{256}{\NoteUniqueRand}$;
otherwise let $\NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt = [\hairspace]$\!\!
} %nufive
\canopyonwarditem{if $\NotePlaintextLeadByte \neq \hexint{01}$ and $\ToScalar{}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([4]\nufive{\, \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt})\kern-0.11em\big) \neq \EphemeralPrivate$, return $\bot$}
\canopyonwarditem{let $\NoteCommitRandBytes = \begin{cases}
\NoteSeedBytes,&\caseif \NotePlaintextLeadByte = \hexint{01} \\
\ToScalar{}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([5]\nufive{\, \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt})\kern-0.11em\big),&\caseotherwise
\item let $\NoteCommitRand = \LEOStoIPOf{256}{\NoteCommitRandBytes}$
and $\DiversifiedTransmitBase = \DiversifyHash{}(\Diversifier)$
@ -7455,9 +7462,7 @@ from $\TransmitPlaintext{}$
\item for \Orchard:
\item \tab let $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9])\kern-0.1em\big)$
\item \tab let $\NoteUniqueRand$ be equal to $\nfOld{}$ from the same \actionDescription.
\item \tab let $\NoteNullifierRand = \ToBase{Orchard}\big(\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}([9] \bconcat \NoteUniqueRandBytesOpt)\kern-0.1em\big)$
\item \tab let $\NoteTuple{} = (\Diversifier, \DiversifiedTransmitPublic, \Value, \NoteUniqueRand, \NoteNullifierRand, \NoteCommitRand)$
\item \vspace{-3.5ex}
@ -14230,6 +14235,17 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\lsection{Change History}{changehistory}
\item Include $\NoteUniqueRand$ as an input to the derivation of
$\NoteNullifierRand$, $\EphemeralPrivate$, and $\NoteCommitRand$ in \Orchard.
This was originally intended and as described in \cite[Section 3.5 Nullifiers]{Zcash-Orchard}.
} %nufive
\item No changes before \NUFive.