cm in an Output description encodes only the u-coordinate of the note commitment, not the full curve point.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-05-22 23:28:08 +01:00
parent 48d9fcbc79
commit ae491d4a4b
1 changed files with 18 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1129,6 +1129,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\cmU}{\mathsf{cm}_{\kern -0.06em u}}
@ -2327,7 +2328,7 @@ knowledge of $\AuthSignPrivate$.}
\subsubsection{\NotePlaintexts{} and \Memos} \label{noteptconcept}
Transmitted \notes are stored on the \blockchain in encrypted form, together with
a \noteCommitment $\cm$.
a representation of the \noteCommitment $\cm$.
The \notePlaintexts in a \joinSplitDescription are encrypted to the
respective \transmissionKeys $\TransmitPublicNew{\allNew}$.
@ -3737,6 +3738,8 @@ where
\item Elements of a \spendDescription{} \MUST have the types given above.
\item $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$ \MUSTNOT be of small order, i.e.\ $\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}$
\MUSTNOT be $\ZeroJ$.
\item The proof $\Proof{\Spend}$ \MUST be valid given a \primaryInput formed
from the other fields except $\spendAuthSig$.
I.e.\ it must be the case that $\SpendVerify{}((\cv, \rt, \nf, \AuthSignRandomizedPublic), \Proof{\Spend}) = 1$.
@ -3757,12 +3760,13 @@ Each \transaction includes a sequence of zero or more \outputDescriptions.
There are no signatures associated with \outputDescriptions.
An \outputDescription consists of $(\cv, \cm, \EphemeralPublic, \TransmitCiphertext{}, \OutCiphertext, \ProofOutput)$
An \outputDescription consists of $(\cv, \cmU, \EphemeralPublic, \TransmitCiphertext{}, \OutCiphertext, \ProofOutput)$
\item $\cv \typecolon \ValueCommitOutput$ is the \valueCommitment to the value of the output \note;
\item $\cm \typecolon \NoteCommitSaplingOutput$ is the \noteCommitment for the output \note;
\item $\cmU \typecolon \MerkleHashSapling$ is the result of applying $\ExtractJ$ (defined
in \crossref{concreteextractorjubjub}) to the \noteCommitment for the output \note;
\item $\EphemeralPublic \typecolon \KASaplingPublic$ is
a key agreement public key, used to derive the key for encryption
of the \noteCiphertext (\crossref{saplinginband});
@ -4519,7 +4523,8 @@ $\cmOld{} = \NoteCommitSapling{\NoteCommitRandOld{}}(\reprJOf{\DiversifiedTransm
\snarkcondition{Merkle path validity} \label{saplingmerklepathvalidity}
Either $\vOld{} = 0$; or $(\TreePath{}, \NotePosition)$ is a valid \merklePath of depth $\MerkleDepthSapling$,
as defined in \crossref{merklepath}, from $\ExtractJ(\cmOld{})$ to the \anchor $\rt$.
as defined in \crossref{merklepath}, from $\cmU = \ItoLEBSP{\MerkleHashLengthSapling}\!\big(\ExtractJ(\cmOld{})\kern-0.1em\big)$
to the \anchor $\rt$.
\snarkcondition{Value commitment integrity} \label{spendvaluecommitmentintegrity}
@ -4527,9 +4532,8 @@ $\cvOld{} = \ValueCommit{\ValueCommitRandOld{}}(\vOld{})$.
\snarkcondition{Small order checks} \label{spendnonsmall}
$\AuthSignRandomizedPublic, \DiversifiedTransmitBase, \AuthSignPublic$
are not of small order, i.e.\ $\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic} \neq \ZeroJ$
and $\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{\DiversifiedTransmitBase} \neq \ZeroJ$
$\DiversifiedTransmitBase$ and $\AuthSignPublic$
are not of small order, i.e.\ $\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{\DiversifiedTransmitBase} \neq \ZeroJ$
and $\scalarmult{\ParamJ{h}}{\AuthSignPublic} \neq \ZeroJ$.
\snarkcondition{\Nullifier{} integrity} \label{spendnullifierintegrity}
@ -4570,6 +4574,9 @@ For details of the form and encoding of \spendStatement proofs, see \crossref{gr
\item In the Merkle path validity check, each \merkleLayer does \emph{not} check that its
input bit sequence is a canonical encoding (in $\range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1}$) of the integer
from the previous \merkleLayer.
\item It is \emph{not} checked in the \spendStatement that $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$ is not of
small order. However, this \emph{is} checked outside the \spendStatement, as specified in
\item $\SpendAuthSigRandomizePublic(\AuthSignRandomizer, \AuthSignPublic) = \AuthSignPublic + \scalarmult{\AuthSignRandomizer}{\AuthSignBase}$.
($\AuthSignBase$ is as defined in \crossref{concretespendauthsig}.)
@ -7802,7 +7809,7 @@ $32$ & $\cvField$ & \type{char[32]} & A \valueCommitment to the value of the out
$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\cv}$. \\ \hline
$32$ & $\cmField$ & \type{char[32]} & The \noteCommitment for the output \note,
$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\cm}$. \\ \hline
$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\cmU}$ where $\cmU = \ItoLEBSPOf{\MerkleHashLengthSapling}{\ExtractJ(\cm)}$. \\ \hline
$32$ & $\ephemeralKey$ & \type{char[32]} & An encoding of a $\JubjubCurve$ public key $\EphemeralPublic$
(see \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}). \\ \hline
@ -9010,6 +9017,9 @@ found by Brian Warner.
\item Fail \Sapling key generation if $\InViewingKey = 0$. (This has negligible probability.)
\item Change the notation $\RedDSAHash^{\star}$ to $\RedDSAHashToScalar$ in \crossref{concreteredjubjub},
to avoid confusion with the $^{\Repr}$ convention for representations of group elements.
\item $\cmField$ encodes only the $u$-coordinate of the \noteCommitment, not the full curve point.
\item $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$ is checked to be not of small order outside the \spendStatement,
not in the \spendStatement.
\item Change terminology describing constraint systems.
} %sapling