ZIP 316: clarify how P2PKH addresses are derived.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-10-18 20:01:57 +01:00
parent 4d0477ce5f
commit b85a249a59
1 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -554,10 +554,11 @@ In the case of deriving a Transparent P2PKH Receiver from a Transparent
P2PKH UIVK, the diversifier index is used as a BIP 44 child key index
at the Index level to derive the address. As is usual for derivations
below the BIP 44 Account level, non-hardened (public) derivation
[#bip-0032-public-to-public]_ MUST be used, with the Change element
of the path being 0, and the Index element of the path being the
diversifier index [#bip-0044-path-index]_. That is, the BIP 44 path of
the Transparent P2PKH Receiver MUST be:
[#bip-0032-public-to-public]_ MUST be used. The UIVK is assumed to
be the extended public key for the non-change element of the path, and
then the Index element of the path MUST be the diversifier index
[#bip-0044-path-index]_. That is, if the UIVK was constructed correctly
then the BIP 44 path of the Transparent P2PKH Receiver will be:
* :math:`m / 44' / \mathit{coin\_type\kern0.05em'} / \mathit{account\kern0.1em'} / 0 / \mathit{diversifier\_index}.`