Updates to transaction format and consensus rules for Overwinter and Sapling.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <daira@jacaranda.org>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-03-18 22:02:42 +00:00
parent a6245e3f68
commit bffc16b0ee
1 changed files with 80 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -491,6 +491,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
\newcommand{\transactionVersionNumber}{\term{transaction version number}}
\newcommand{\transactionVersionNumbers}{\term{transaction version numbers}}
\newcommand{\Transactionversion}{\term{Transaction version}}
\newcommand{\versionGroupID}{\term{version group ID}}
\newcommand{\coinbaseTransaction}{\term{coinbase transaction}}
\newcommand{\coinbaseTransactions}{\term{coinbase transactions}}
\newcommand{\CoinbaseTransactions}{\titleterm{Coinbase Transactions}}
@ -1088,13 +1089,20 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
% Transactions
@ -6110,60 +6118,87 @@ upgrade-supporting nodes \MUST allow for this.
\subsection{Encoding of \Transactions} \label{txnencoding}
\nuzero{\pnote{This section has not yet been updated for v3 transactions; see ZIP 202.}}
The \Zcash \transaction format is as follows:
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
\!\!Version\!\! & \heading{Bytes} & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
$4$ & $\versionField$ & \type{int32\_t} & Transaction version number; either $1$ or $2$. \\ \hline
$\geq 1$ & $4$ & $\headerField$ & \type{uint32} & Contains: \begin{compactitemize}
\item $\fOverwintered$ flag (bit $31$)
\item $\versionField$ (bits $\barerange{30}{0}$) --
\end{compactitemize} \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txInCount$ & \compactSize & Number of \transparent inputs in this transaction. \\ \hline
$\geq 3$ & $4$ & $\nVersionGroupId\!$ & \type{uint32} & Version group ID (nonzero). \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txIn$ & $\txIn$ & \xTransparent inputs, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
$\geq 1$ & \Varies & $\txInCount$ & \compactSize & Number of \transparent inputs in this \transaction. \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txOutCount$ & \compactSize & Number of \transparent outputs in this transaction. \\ \hline
$\geq 1$ & \Varies & $\txIn$ & $\txIn$ & \xTransparent inputs, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txOut$ & $\txOut$ & \xTransparent outputs, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
$\geq 1$ & \Varies & $\txOutCount$ & \compactSize & Number of \transparent outputs in this \transaction. \\ \hline
$4$ & $\lockTime$ & \type{uint32\_t} & A Unix epoch time (UTC) or block number, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
$\geq 1$ & \Varies & $\txOut$ & $\txOut$ & \xTransparent outputs, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
\Varies\;$\dagger$ & $\nJoinSplit$ & \compactSize & The number of \joinSplitDescriptions
$\geq 1$ & $4$ & $\lockTime$ & \type{uint32} & A Unix epoch time (UTC) or \blockHeight, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
$\geq 3$ & $4$ & $\nExpiryHeight$ & \type{uint32} & A \blockHeight in the range $\range{1}{499999999}$ after which
the \transaction will expire, or $0$ to disable expiry (\smash{\cite{ZIP-203}}). \\ \hline
$\geq 4$ & \Varies & $\nShieldedSpend$ & \compactSize & The number of \spendDescriptions
in $\vShieldedSpend$. \\ \hline
$\geq 4$ & \Longunderstack{$384 \mult$ \\$\!\nShieldedSpend\!$} & $\vShieldedSpend$ & \type{SpendDescription} \type{[$\nShieldedSpend$]} &
A sequence of \spendDescriptions{}, each encoded as in \crossref{spendencoding}. \\ \hline
$\geq 4$ & \Varies & $\nShieldedOutput\!$ & \compactSize & The number of \outputDescriptions
in $\vShieldedOutput$. \\ \hline
$\geq 4$ & \Longunderstack{$580 \mult$ \\$\!\nShieldedOutput\!$} & $\vShieldedOutput\!$ & \type{OutputDescription} \type{[$\nShieldedOutput$]} &
A sequence of \outputDescriptions{}, each encoded as in \crossref{outputencoding}. \\ \hline
} %notsprout
$\geq 2$ & \Varies & $\nJoinSplit$ & \compactSize & The number of \joinSplitDescriptions
in $\vJoinSplit$. \\ \hline
\Longunderstack{$1802 \mult$ \\ $\nJoinSplit\,\dagger$} & $\vJoinSplit$ & \type{JoinSplitDescription} \type{[$\nJoinSplit$]} &
A \sequenceOfJoinSplitDescriptions{}, each encoded as described in \crossref{joinsplitencoding}. \\ \hline
$\geq 2$ & \Longunderstack{$1802 \mult$ \\ $\nJoinSplit$} & $\vJoinSplit$ & \type{JoinSplitDescription}\!\! \type{[$\nJoinSplit$]} &
A \sequenceOfJoinSplitDescriptions{}, each encoded as in \crossref{joinsplitencoding}. \\ \hline
$32$ $\ddagger$ & $\joinSplitPubKey$ & \type{char[32]} & An encoding of a $\JoinSplitSig$
$\geq 2\;\dagger$ & $32$ & $\joinSplitPubKey\!$ & \type{char[32]} & An encoding of a $\JoinSplitSig$
public verification key. \\ \hline
$64$ $\ddagger$ & $\joinSplitSig$ & \type{char[64]} & A signature on a prefix of the \transaction encoding,
$\geq 2\;\dagger$ & $64$ & $\joinSplitSig$ & \type{char[64]} & A signature on a prefix of the \transaction encoding,
to be verified using $\joinSplitPubKey$. \\ \hline
} %scalebox
$\dagger$ The $\nJoinSplit$ and $\vJoinSplit$ fields are present if and only if
$\versionField > 1$.
$\ddagger$ The $\joinSplitPubKey$ and $\joinSplitSig$ fields are present if and only if
$\versionField > 1$ and $\nJoinSplit > 0$.
$\dagger$ The $\joinSplitPubKey$ and $\joinSplitSig$ fields are present if and only if
$\versionField \geq 2$ and $\nJoinSplit > 0$.
The encoding of $\joinSplitPubKey$ and the data to be signed are specified in
\sproutonlyitem{The \transactionVersionNumber{} \MUST be greater than or equal to $1$.}
\sproutonlyitem{The $\fOverwintered$ flag \MUSTNOT be set.}
\nuzeroonlyitem{The \transactionVersionNumber{} \MUST be $3$. \todo{is this a consensus rule?}}
\saplingonwarditem{The \transactionVersionNumber{} \MUST be $3$ or $4$. \todo{is this a consensus rule?}}
\item If $\versionField = 1$ or $\nJoinSplit = 0$, then \txInCount{} \MUSTNOT be $0$.
\item The \transactionVersionNumber{} \MUST be greater than or equal to $1$.
\sproutonlyitem{The \fOverwintered{} flag \MUSTNOT be set.}
\nuzeroonwarditem{The \fOverwintered{} flag \MUST be set.}
\nuzeroonwarditem{The \versionGroupID{} \MUST be recognized.}
\nuzeroonlyitem{The \transactionVersionNumber{} \MUST be $3$, and the \versionGroupID{} \MUST
be $\hexint{03C48270}$.}
\saplingonwarditem{The \transactionVersionNumber{} and \versionGroupID{} \MUST be
either $(3, \hexint{03C48270})$ or $(4, \todo{\Sapling\, \versionGroupID{}})$.}
\sproutonlyitem{If $\versionField = 1$ or $\nJoinSplit = 0$, then \txInCount{} \MUSTNOT be $0$.}
\saplingonwarditem{At least one of \txInCount, \nShieldedSpend, and \nJoinSplit{} \MUST be nonzero.}
\item A \transaction with one or more inputs from \coinbaseTransactions{} \MUST have no
\transparent outputs (i.e.\ \txOutCount{} \MUST be $0$).
\item If $\nJoinSplit > 0$, then \joinSplitSig{} \MUST represent a valid signature
@ -6177,10 +6212,23 @@ The encoding of $\joinSplitPubKey$ and the data to be signed are specified in
\item A \transaction{} \MUSTNOT spend an output of a \coinbaseTransaction
(necessarily a \transparent output) from a \block less than 100 \blocks prior
to the spend.
\nuzeroonwarditem{\nExpiryHeight{} \MUST be less than or equal to 499999999.}
\nuzeroonwarditem{If a \transaction is not a \coinbaseTransaction and its \nExpiryHeight{} field
is nonzero, then it \MUSTNOT be mined at a \blockHeight greater than its \nExpiryHeight.}
\item \todo{Other rules inherited from \Bitcoin.}
In addition, consensus rules associated with each \joinSplitDescription (\crossref{joinsplitencoding})\sapling{,
\spendDescription (\crossref{spendencoding}), and \outputDescription (\crossref{outputencoding})}
\MUST be followed.
\item Previous versions of this specification defined what is now the \headerField{} field
as a signed $\type{int32}$ field which was required to be positive. The consensus
rule that the \fOverwintered{} flag \MUSTNOT be set before \NUZero has activated,
has the same effect.
\sprout{(\NUZero is an upgrade of the \Zcash protocol, not specified in
this document.)}
\item The semantics of \transactions with \transactionVersionNumber not equal to\sprout{
either $1$ or $2$ is not currently defined. Miners \MUSTNOT create \blocks
containing such \transactions.
@ -6199,12 +6247,6 @@ The encoding of $\joinSplitPubKey$ and the data to be signed are specified in
It is likely that an upgrade that changes the \transactionVersionNumber
will also change the \transaction format, and software that parses
\transactions{} \SHOULD take this into account.
\item The $\versionField$ field is a signed integer. (It was incorrectly specified
as unsigned in a previous version of this specification.) A future hard fork
might \sprout{use negative values for this field, or otherwise} change its
\item \todo{Describe interpretation of $\fOverwintered$ and $\versionField$.}
@ -7517,6 +7559,9 @@ Daira Hopwood, Sean Bowe, and Jack Grigg.
\item Clarify the bit ordering of SHA-256.
\item Drop $\type{\_t}$ from the names of representation types.
\item Remove functions from the \Sprout specification that it does not use.
\item Updates to transaction format and consensus rules for Overwinter and Sapling.
} %nuzero
\item Change $\MerkleDepthSapling$ from $29$ to $32$.
\item Updates to \Sapling construction, changing how the \nullifier is
@ -7524,7 +7569,7 @@ Daira Hopwood, Sean Bowe, and Jack Grigg.
\item Clarify conversions between bit and byte sequences for
$\SpendingKey$, $\reprJOf{\AuthSignPublic}$, and $\reprJOf{\AuthProvePublic}$.
} %sapling
\item Change the \texttt{Makefile} to avoid multiple reloads in PDF readers while
rebuilding the PDF.
\item Spacing and pagination improvements.