Cosmetics (pagination in Appendix A).

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-10-01 16:44:31 +01:00
parent bb52ce246c
commit c04c0542e8
1 changed files with 10 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -11784,6 +11784,7 @@ $\ValueCommit{}$ can be implemented in:
for a total cost of $?$ constraints.
\subsubsection{BLAKE2s hashes} \label{cctblake2s}
@ -11830,7 +11831,7 @@ The Initialization Vector is defined as:
&\hexint{510E527F} &\hexint{9B05688C} &\hexint{1F83D9AB} &\hexint{5BE0CD19}\,] \\
The full hash function applied to an $8$-byte personalization string and a single
$64$-byte block, in sequential mode with $32$-byte output, can be expressed as follows.
@ -11840,7 +11841,7 @@ Define $\BlakeTwos{256} \typecolon (p \typecolon \byteseq{8}) \times (x \typecol
\item let $\BlakeParamBlock \typecolon \byteseq{32} = [32, 0, 1, 1] \bconcat\, \zerobytes{20} \bconcat p$
\item let $[\,t_0, t_1, f_0, f_1\,] \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{4} = [\,0, 0, 0, \hexint{FFFFFFFF}, 0\,]$
\item \vspace{-2ex}
\item \vspace{-3ex}
\item let $h \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{8} =
\listcomp{\LEOStoIPOf{32}{\BlakeParamBlock_{\barerange{4 \mult i}{4 \mult i\,+\,3}}} \xor \BlakeIV_i \for i \from 0 \upto 7}$
\item let $v \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{16} =
@ -11848,23 +11849,24 @@ Define $\BlakeTwos{256} \typecolon (p \typecolon \byteseq{8}) \times (x \typecol
t_0 \xor \BlakeIV_4, t_1 \xor \BlakeIV_5, f_0 \xor \BlakeIV_6, f_1 \xor \BlakeIV_7\,]$
\item let $m \typecolon \typeexp{\binaryrange{32}}{16} =
\listcomp{\LEOStoIPOf{32}{x_{\barerange{4 \mult i}{4 \mult i\,+\,3}}} \for i \from 0 \upto 15}$
\item for $r$ from $0$ up to $9$:
\item \begin{tabular}{@{\tab set\;}T@{}T@{}T@{}U@{}T@{}T@{}T@{}T@{}T@{}U@{}U}
(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{12}&) := G(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{12}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 0}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 1}}&) \\
(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{13}&) := G(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{13}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 2}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 3}}&) \\
(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{10}, &v_{14}&) := G(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{10}, &v_{14}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 4}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 5}}&) \\
(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{11}, &v_{15}&) := G(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{11}, &v_{15}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 6}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 7}}&) \\[2ex]
(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{11}, &v_{15}&) := G(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{11}, &v_{15}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 6}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 7}}&) \\[1ex]
(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{10}, &v_{15}&) := G(v_{ 0}, &v_{ 5}, &v_{10}, &v_{15}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 8}}, &m_{\sigma_{r, 9}}&) \\
(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{11}, &v_{12}&) := G(v_{ 1}, &v_{ 6}, &v_{11}, &v_{12}, &m_{\sigma_{r,10}}, &m_{\sigma_{r,11}}&) \\
(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{13}&) := G(v_{ 2}, &v_{ 7}, &v_{ 8}, &v_{13}, &m_{\sigma_{r,12}}, &m_{\sigma_{r,13}}&) \\
(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{14}&) := G(v_{ 3}, &v_{ 4}, &v_{ 9}, &v_{14}, &m_{\sigma_{r,14}}, &m_{\sigma_{r,15}}&) \\
\item \vspace{-1ex}
\item return $\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\concatbits\Of{\listcomp{\ItoLEBSPOf{32}{h_i \xor v_i \xor v_{i+8}} \for i \from 0 \upto 7}}}$
In practice the message and output will be expressed as bit sequences. In the \Sapling
circuit, the personalization string will be constant for each use.
@ -11887,7 +11889,7 @@ The equality checks are batched; as many sets of $33$ or $34$ boolean variables
will fit in a $\GF{\ParamS{r}}$ field element are equated together using one constraint.
This allows $7$ such checks per constraint.
Each $G$ evaluation requires $262$ constraints:
@ -11899,6 +11901,7 @@ Each $G$ evaluation requires $262$ constraints:
The overall cost is $21262$ constraints:
\item $10 \mult 8 \mult 262 = 20960$ constraints for $80$ $G$ evaluations, excluding