Clean up diversification.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-03-11 21:31:18 +00:00
parent de01f6ed18
commit cd930a18be
1 changed files with 31 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -3348,7 +3348,7 @@ is computed from its \noteCommitment $\cm$ and \notePosition $\NotePosition$
as follows:
\item $\NoteAddressRand := \MixingPedersenHash(\ascii{Zcashrho}, \cm, \NotePosition)$.
\item $\NoteAddressRand := \MixingPedersenHash(\cm, \NotePosition)$.
$\MixingPedersenHash$ is defined in \crossref{concretemixinghash}.
@ -3923,6 +3923,12 @@ $\MerkleCRHSapling \typecolon \MerkleLayerSapling \times \MerkleHashSapling \tim
$\PedersenHash$ must be collision-resistant.
The prefix $l$ provides domain separation between inputs at different layers of the
\noteCommitmentTree. It is distinct from the prefix used in $\NoteCommitSaplingAlg$
as noted in \crossref{concretewindowedcommit}.
} %sapling
@ -4172,20 +4178,20 @@ A mixing \xPedersenHash is used to compute $\NoteAddressRand$ from
$\cm$ and $\NotePosition$ in \crossref{commitmentsandnullifiers}. It takes as
input a \xPedersenCommitment $P$, and hashes it with another input $x$.
We define $\MixingPedersenHash \typecolon \byteseq{8} \times \GroupJ \times \range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1}
We define $\MixingPedersenHash \typecolon \GroupJ \times \range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1}
\rightarrow \GroupJ$ by:
\item $\MixingPedersenHash(D, P, x) := P + \scalarmult{x}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{}}}$.
\item $\MixingPedersenHash(P, x) := P + \scalarmult{x}{\FindGroupJHashOf{\ascii{Zcashrho}, \ascii{x}}}$.
Fix $D_1, D_2 \typecolon \byteseq{8}$ with $D_1 \neq D_2$, and consider the function
The function
\item $\fun{(r, M, x) \typecolon \range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1} \times \bitseq{\PosInt} \times
\range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1}}{\MixingPedersenHash(D_2, x, \WindowedPedersenCommit{r}(D_1, M)) \typecolon \GroupJ}$.
\range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1}}{\MixingPedersenHash(\WindowedPedersenCommit{r}(M), x) \typecolon \GroupJ}$.
This function must be collision-resistant on $(r, M, x)$.
must be collision-resistant on $(r, M, x)$.
See \crossref{cctmixinghash} for efficient circuit implementation of this function.
@ -4695,8 +4701,8 @@ construction from \crossref{concretepedersenhash}, and adding a randomized point
on the \jubjubCurve (see \crossref{jubjub}):
\item $\WindowedPedersenCommit{r}(D, s) :=
\PedersenHashToPoint(D, s) + \scalarmult{r}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{}}}$.
\item $\WindowedPedersenCommit{r}(s) :=
\PedersenHashToPoint(\ascii{Zcash\_PH}, s) + \scalarmult{r}{\FindGroupJHashOf{\ascii{Zcash\_PH}, \ascii{r}}}$
See \crossref{cctwindowedcommit} for rationale and efficient circuit implementation
@ -4707,18 +4713,26 @@ instantiated using $\WindowedPedersenCommitAlg$ as follows:
\item $\NoteCommitSapling{\NoteCommitRand}(\Diversifier, \DiversifiedTransmitPublic, \Value) :=
\Diversifier \bconcat \DiversifiedTransmitPublic \bconcat \ItoLEBSP{64}(\Value))$.
\WindowedPedersenCommit{\NoteCommitRand}(\ones{6} \bconcat \Diversifier \bconcat
\DiversifiedTransmitPublic \bconcat \ItoLEBSP{64}(\Value))$.
\item $\WindowedPedersenCommitAlg$ must be a computationally binding and at least
computationally hiding \commitmentScheme, for a given personalization input $D$.
computationally hiding \commitmentScheme.
\item $\NoteCommitSaplingAlg$ must be a computationally binding and at least
computationally hiding \commitmentScheme.
(They are in fact unconditionally hiding \commitmentSchemes.)
The prefix $\ones{6}$ distinguishes the use of $\WindowedPedersenCommitAlg$ in
$\NoteCommitSaplingAlg$ from the layer prefix used in $\MerkleCRHSapling$ (see
\crossref{merklecrh}). The latter is a $6$-bit little-endian encoding of an integer
in $\range{0}{\MerkleDepthSapling-1}$, and so cannot collide with $\ones{6}$ because
$\MerkleDepthSapling < 64$.
@ -4735,7 +4749,7 @@ In order to support this property, we also define \quotedterm{homomorphic}
\item $\HomomorphicPedersenCommit{\ValueCommitRand}(D, \Value) :=
\scalarmult{\Value}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D}, \ascii{v}} + \scalarmult{\ValueCommitRand}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{}}}$
\scalarmult{\Value}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D}, \ascii{v}} + \scalarmult{\ValueCommitRand}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{r}}}$
@ -8607,11 +8621,11 @@ $\cm$ and $\NotePosition$ in \crossref{commitmentsandnullifiers}. It takes as
input a \xPedersenCommitment $P$, and hashes it with another input $x$.
We define $\MixingPedersenHash \typecolon \byteseq{8} \times \range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1}
We define $\MixingPedersenHash \typecolon \range{0}{\ParamJ{r}-1}
\times \GroupJ \rightarrow \GroupJ$ by:
\item $\MixingPedersenHash(D, P, x) := P + \scalarmult{x}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{}}}$.
\item $\MixingPedersenHash(P, x) := P + \scalarmult{x}{\FindGroupJHashOf{\ascii{Zcashrho}, \ascii{x}}}$.
This costs \todo{...} for the scalar multiplication, and $6$ constraints for the
@ -8662,8 +8676,8 @@ We construct \windowedPedersenCommitments by reusing the Pedersen hash
implementation, and adding a randomized point:
\item $\WindowedPedersenCommit{r}(D, s) =
\PedersenHashToPoint(D, s) + \scalarmult{r}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{}}}$
\item $\WindowedPedersenCommit{r}(s) =
\PedersenHashToPoint(\ascii{Zcash\_PH}, s) + \scalarmult{r}{\FindGroupJHashOf{\ascii{Zcash\_PH}, \ascii{r}}}$
@ -8690,7 +8704,7 @@ as follows:
\item $\HomomorphicPedersenCommit{\ValueCommitRand}(D, \Value) =
\scalarmult{\Value}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{v}}} + \scalarmult{\ValueCommitRand}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{}}}$
\scalarmult{\Value}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{v}}} + \scalarmult{\ValueCommitRand}{\FindGroupJHashOf{D, \ascii{r}}}$
In the case that we need for $\ValueCommit{}$, $\Value$ has $64$ bits