Add note about resistance of note encryption to partitioning oracle attacks \cite{LGR2021}.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-12-01 18:02:29 +00:00
parent 67a4b35dcd
commit d6a33fc056
2 changed files with 45 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -14323,6 +14323,35 @@ This degree of divergence from a uniform distribution on the scalar field is not
expected to cause any weakness in \note encryption.
} %sapling
For all shielded protocols, the checking of \noteCommitments makes ``partitioning
oracle attacks'' \cite{LGR2021} against the \noteCiphertext infeasible, at least
in the absence of side-channel attacks. \sapling{The following argument applies
to \Sapling\nufive{ and \Orchard} but can be easily adapted to \Sprout
(replacing $\InViewingKey$ with $\TransmitPrivate$, $\TransmitPublic$ with
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, and using a fixed base). Suppose that it were
feasible to find a $(\noteCiphertext, \noteCommitment)$ pair that decrypts
successfully for two different \incomingViewingKeys $\InViewingKey_1$ and
$\InViewingKey_2$. Assuming that the \noteCommitmentScheme is \binding and that
\noteCommitment opens to a \note containing $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, we must have
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic = \KAAgree{}(\InViewingKey_1, \DiversifiedTransmitBase_1) = \KAAgree{}(\InViewingKey_2, \DiversifiedTransmitBase_2)$.
When $\DiversifiedTransmitBase_1 = \DiversifiedTransmitBase_2$, this is impossible
given that $\DiversifiedTransmitBase_{\oneto{2}}$ are non-$\Zero$ points in the
prime-order subgroup of the elliptic curve used for $\KA{}$ (i.e.,
\Jubjub\nufive{ or \Pallas}), and that \incomingViewingKeys are checked to be
canonical in the scalar field corresponding to that prime order.
When $\DiversifiedTransmitBase_1 \neq \DiversifiedTransmitBase_2$, it contradicts
hardness of the \xDiscreteLogarithmProblem on the curve used for $\KA{}$.
There is also a decryption procedure that makes use of \outgoingCiphertexts in
\Sapling\nufive{ and \Orchard}, as specified in \crossref{decryptovk}. It checks
(via $\KADerivePublic{}$, and also via $\PRFexpand{\NoteSeedBytes}$ in the case
of post-\cite{ZIP-212} ciphertexts with $\notePlaintextLeadByte \neq \hexint{01}$)
that the decrypted $\EphemeralPrivate$ value is consistent with the \noteCiphertext,
which is protected from partitioning oracle attacks as described above. It also checks
that the $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ value is consistent with the \noteCommitment.
Since these are the only fields in an \outgoingCiphertext, partitioning oracle
attacks against \outgoingCiphertexts are also prevented.}
\lsubsection{Omission in \ZerocashText{} security proof}{crprf}
@ -14506,6 +14535,7 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\item Add notes in\sapling{ \crossref{reddsabatchvalidate}, \crossref{grothbatchverify}, and}
\crossref{ed25519batchvalidate} that $z_j$ may be sampled from $\range{0}{2^{128}-1}$
instead of $\range{1}{2^{128}-1}$.
\item Add note about resistance of \note encryption to partitioning oracle attacks \cite{LGR2021}.
\item Add acknowledgement to Mihir Bellare for contributions to the science of zero-knowledge
\item Add acknowledgement to Sasha Meyer.

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@ -1587,6 +1587,21 @@ generic composition paradigm},
author={Julia Len and Paul Grubbs and Thomas Ristenpart},
title={Partitioning Oracle Attacks},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 30th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 21, August~11--13, 2021)},
publisher={{USENIX} Association},
author={Eddie Lenihan and Carolyn Eve Green},